PART 2- Someone unexpected at my door

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My roommate had just left when the doorbell to our apartment rang, given the fact that no one is supposed to come at this time, all my friends are at work, I automatically assumed it was my roommate, why she was ringing the door I had no idea. She had her keys, I think. "Jessie, why are you...", my voice trailed off as I realized it wasn't my roommate Jessie. But my lovely twin sister who I haven't seen in 8 years, the one and only Taryn Duarte.

I'm not coming back to faerie if that is what you are here to ask, I say sitting Taryn down with a cup of tea. My voice sounds cold, it hasn't sounded like that since I left faerie. "What, I can't visit my dead sister?" Her voice sounds light and joking, but I know what she is implying, and I know her well enough. "Ok, first off, I never meant to seem dead, or be perceived that. That must count for something, and second, I know we're mortal and all, but lying isn't a really a great habit." I hate just the idea of faerie can turn me into this person, that I am. "Like you can talk Jude, but I suppose you are right, but I did miss you, you are my sister." Her voice softens up at the last part, and I already know mine will too. No matter what we have done to hurt each other, we will always be blood, and we will always care about each other. Or so I hope. "Fine, tell me whatever you won't I promise I will hear you out, unless it is something dumb." She takes a deep breath, she opens her mouth, but than thinks better of it and closes it again. She does this multiple times, while I just sit there and stare at her, until she finally makes up her mind and speaks. "Do you ever miss Faerie?" Whatever I thought she was going to say, it was not that. I stop to think even though I know what my answer is going to be and most likely will always be. "Yes, of course I do, I do everyday for these 8 years, and I will for the next 8 years, and the 8 years after that." At first, I don't think she hears me, until there is a flash of surprise passes through her face, for a second and then it is gone. "Alright, then, why won't you come back to faerie." Now that, that right there is a question I was expecting, but does it make it any easier to answer, no, does it make the question easier if I've thought about it a million and one times, still no. So, that is when I did exactly what Taryn was doing, not even a couple minutes ago. Opening and closing my mouth many times is a great way to sallow a fly, luckily, I don't so yay. One positive thing this morning. Finally making up my mind, I begin. "Well, it was so stressful I guess, I mean, I was always one mistake away from making a fool of myself, one mistake away from getting hurt, one mistake away from getting killed, one mistake away from being poisoned, or even one mistake away from being kidnapped. I had a million different things to think about, and if one of them was given the slightest bit less of attention, I would be on the brink of getting killed. If I messed up one little thing, I would be made fun of, disregarded, seen as useless. I had so much pressure and stress on me and I was 17, I wouldn't even have been seen as an adult in the mortal world, I was a quarter of some of the Faeries age that I had met. I shouldn't have had that pressure on me Taryn." I take in a deep breath, I had surprised myself with how deeply I had felt about that, and I guessed Taryn was surprised to. "So, I guess no going back to Faerie?" Her voice is soft, and joking making me smile, "nope, no going back to Faerie for me." We talk a some more about life, she learns about my life, and I learn about Faerie, I also make her promise to not tell people about me, even though I don't think many people will care, better to be safe than sorry. After a couple of hours, I show Taryn to the door making her promise to come see me again.


I'm smiling as I stepthrough the door, and into the hallways. I turn around and give Jude a tight hug, although this day hasn'tgone as I hoped, it was definitely one of the happiest I've had in a while, plusI haven't seen her in 8 years a little hug doesn't hurt nobody. "Taryn, alittle advice before you leave." Her voice is cold, it used to always be likethis, but today, it was warm and calm, I nod slowly, concerned about what shemight say. "Unless you are planning on living in the mortal world, or gettingkilled. Don't make that one mistake, don't fuck up." And with that, she closesthe door. With her advice ringing in my ears, I head back to Faerie. Although Iam a slight bit mad that it didn't go how I wanted it to, or that I didn't saynearly half of what I wanted to say, my mind is a bit more at peace, now that Iknow why Jude left, and that she is not dead. Her speech on why she left staysin my mind for the whole journey back.

(AuthorsNote) who expected that, probably everyone. But I tried to make this one longer to make up for the short last one, also, if any of the character don't sound like how they did in the book, I'm sorry, but I am just going to pretend it is because the characters are 8 years older. So yay.

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