PART 10- Surrounded

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PART 10- Surrounded


"Drop everything and put your hands in the air." A deep voice startles me, sounding as if it is straight from a movie. I look up slowly, to see that we are surrounded, both Oak, and Cardan put there hands up, and drop everything. But I don't make a move. "Hey, I said hands up, wait how did you escape, you filthy mortal!" I don't answer and just continue to stare at him, not showing any fear, even though my heart is racing. "I'll give you 5 seconds to drop everything and put your hands up, missy." The guard growls. I still don't go to move. "Jude, although I wouldn't particularly mind you dead, I kind of don't want to be killed either sooo, please put your hands up." I turn my stare onto Cardan, but still don't move. "3" the guards voice startles me, almost, into putting my hands up, and that's when I realise, he is serious. But it kind of excites me, I wonder what will happen when he reaches 0. And I am just about to find out, when what I assume to be the leader calls him to a stop and demands to know what is happening. "Uh, yes, this mortal escaped from her cell, and is now attempting to escape." He says the world mortal as though he has dirt on his tongue, and he is spitting it out. I go back to glaring at the guard, and if looks could kill, he would be dead in seconds. "oh, that is not the mortal that we had imprisoned, oh no, she is her sister. And I believe that we have a deal?" His voice is light hearted, even as my sister walks out from behind him, but I am satisfied, as the guard and everyone else looks confused, including Oak and Cardan. " What can I say, I keep my end of the bargain, you keep yours." 

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