PART 7- Back to Faerie

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My face felt weird as we landed in Faerie, and I completely forgot about that as I opened my eyes and looked around. My eyes started to tear up, so I pushed the tears, Faerie looks so different, but at the same time, exactly the same. It looked like home. No, no, I can't think like this, my home is in the mortal world now, not here, I need to let this go, but Taryn isn't making this any easier for me, but I never backed down from something because it wasn't easy. I turn to the guys, and I notice Cardan looking away from me as soon I look at him.


My eyes, and mind has been on Jude since the moment we started flying, she looked tormented by something, but somehow still so beautiful, but as we land, I can see a flicker of happiness pass through her eyes, and then they start to tear up. But before, I can see anything more, her eyes change, and with a determined voice, she demands we go to the castle. The ride there is short, and quick with Oak, and I knowing all the shortcuts, although I am sure Jude knows the shortcuts to, her face remains the same as it was when she asked to go to the castle, that face always makes me question how much I know about Jude, or what secrets she has from me. Although I am sure Jude knows how to get around the castle blindfolded, she lets Oak and I lead. Oak and I discuss what we are going to do in low voices, even though there is no reason not to tell Jude we don't, I guess, it is kind of payback for her never telling me what was happening in my own land. I mean, did I want that land, no, but would it of been nice to know, yes, I mean come on, who wouldn't. I look over to Jude, expecting her to look annoyed, but she doesn't she is looking around with curiosity, even though she has seen the castle a million times, and it hasn't changed that much since she had left. Another one of Oaks jokes pulls me out of my head, and back into the present, I let out a laugh, but what gives me a shock is that I hear Jude laugh to. From the first time I had seen Jude in Faerie, to the last apart from today, I had never heard her laugh. Her laugh is beautiful, graceful, so I am surprised when my voice come out cold and harsh announcing we are here. Her laugh immediately stops and when she passes me into the room, she glares at me. Why, why am I an idiot when it comes to things like this, but it doesn't matter, I hate her, I should hate her. So how come I don't feel like it. I see Jude's completely light up as she sees the bomb and the roach, but when it passes over the ghost, her expression is wary and confused and so is the ghosts, I guess another thing nobody has told me about. A range of emotions flicker over the bombs and the roaches face. But the Bomb is the first one to make a move, and she runs up to give Jude a hug, which Jude accepts. Another thing I have never seen Jude do. After the initial wave of confusion and shock, everyone gets to talking, at first it is slow and a bit awkward, but then everyone falls into the rthym, everyone is comfortable with each other, except when the ghost is mentioned or talks, Jude tenses up, although I have no idea why. Everyone catches up first but then we get to talking about Taryn and in what feels like a short amount of time (but probably isn't) we are saddled up with gear, and ready to go get Taryn.

(Authors Note) Sorry I haven't updated in a little bit, but I have absolutely no motivation to write, or any idea on what to write. So Hahahahahhahahh, fun.

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