Part 12- The Rescue Plan

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PART 12- The Rescue


I am so mad as we leave and go find a place to set up camp. I'm still processing what just happened, one second, I was a prisoner, and now the prisoner is the High King and the Crown Prince. I can't believe Jude would do this; I don't understand. We get to a good place, and set up for camp in silence, the kind of silence that is worse than the awkward silence, and the one that you never want to be in, especially when you the person you are in that kind of silence is with Jude. Trust me, I know, it is even worse than when she is yelling at you. Jude decides to break the silence.

"goodnight, Taryn I'll see you in the morning." And with that, I just snap.

"you're kidding me right, I mean that is all you have got to say. You just put the whole of faerie at risk, the crown prince and the high king is gone. Do you even understand what you just did. I mean I get it, you haven't been in Faerie for 8 years, oh yeah because you were 'dead'. But still you don't just do that, you are selfish and infuriating, and at the moment I kind of wish you were actually dead!"

I regret what I said as soon as it leaves my mouth but Jude just looks at me with a look that I've never seen on her before, a look as if she was hurt. And she Turns and walks away.



I wake up as the sun is setting, while I have adjusted quickly to the nocturnal life again, but still not completely, as I was a morning person in the mortal world. I go to look around where we set up camp. Being satisfied with our location and knowing Taryn she won't get up till the sun is fully set, I get to work making our food. As the sun fully sets and the moon becomes brighter, I sit down with my food, and as predicted Taryn comes out. She sits down to eat without a word, or even looking at me. We finish eating in silence, deciding to be the bigger person, which Taryn was never good at being, I speak up.

" So, you ready to talk like a reasonable adult now." Taryn just turns to look at me, still not speaking.

"Listen, I have a plan, which you would have known if you had asked me. But, if you aren't going to listen to me, you can rescue them yourself."

"fine, let me hear your plan." Taryn finally decides to speak, but I just nod my head and get to explaining the plan.


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