PART 9- Here we are, Taryn, here we come.

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PART 9- Here we are, Taryn, here we come. 


The trip was short, a day or two ride, although it was awkward, with Jude and Cardan being very distant with each other. I myself am not much a rider, so I spend the time in silence to, just trying to concentrate. Although I do admire Jude, and how she rides. She seems so confident and well put together. I remember even as a kid I looked up to her, she was this amazing person I could only ever hope to be like, even as I went away, or Jude was announced "dead", I still look up to her. Although I still hold a little resentment for her leaving us and not coming back, I love her, in the way that I love Oriana, or Taryn, or even Cardan, even though I would not dare to say that aloud. Taking our stuff off our horses, we creep through the castle till where I imagine is the throne room, Jude disappears out of the corner of my eye, but she reappears very quickly, so quickly I think I imagined it. "Drop everything and put your hands up."

(Authors Note) Sooo, I am back, or though maybe not. I don't know if I should continue with this series or not, but I may or may not. Once again a really short part so yeah.

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