Part 6- She's alive, and lives here?

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Even though I am tired from being awake during the day, when I normally would be asleep, I try and drink everything in, notice all the details. The mortal world, although at times disgust me, it always interests me, and I am so curios about it, curios about Jude's world, or the world she was supposed to be apart of. Although, there is literal proof, I can't seem to convince myself that Jude is actually alive, she would have come back, I don't want any hope to grow, so in the case that she is dead I won't get hurt as much this time. Both Oak and I are quiet as we go up the stairs, each of us enveloped in our own thoughts, most likely to do with Jude, the effect she has on people. We finally stop at a door, and I am the one to first break the silence. "So, this is where she lives?" My voice comes out harsher than I wanted, earning me an annoyed look from Oak, although he really shouldn't be giving me that kind of looks, as I am the High King, and he is just an heir, and a spy. But I let him anyways, and Jude opens the door, a flood of emotions swells in my chest as my breath hitched as I see her. I am angry, sad, confused, all these emotions at once. I see her body visibly tense up, and she goes to close the door on us, but Oak having some sense catches his foot in the door, causing it to not be able to close properly. Jude sighs and lets us in. If I was to be honest with myself, I would tell myself, that I felt hurt by Jude, that I felt betrayed, and I do, it is just that I still can not make myself hate, there used to be a time when I could, but ever since the coronation, I can not bring myself to hate her, no matter what she has done to me. But I am not honest with myself, as that would require admitting if she had felt the same for me that she would have come back, any hope that the night we spent together of the kiss had meant something to her, has left, causing me to feel empty or hollow. After Jude makes us promise a bunch of things, she finally lets us talk, or more Oak talk. I sit and take in my surroundings, I can't believe Jude would prefer this over a room in the castle, what makes this apartment so special anyways. After however long, Jude's icy voice interrupts my thoughts. "So, you are telling me, that I have to come back to faerie, because Taryn has gotten kidnapped, and it isn't something the High King should take care about, he does, so he is going to get her back, but he needs numbers and for some reason, he chose me?" Her voice is harsh, and annoyed, the one which I used to hear all the time. "All right let's do it, why the fuck not." Her response surprises me, and I assume it does Oaks to, as he scrambles for words. And for the next couple of hours, we plan, and plan, and plan what we are going to do. And as I leave the apartment, leaving Jude to get ready for tonight, when we leave. I am repeating that I hate her, like a never-ending chant, that won't achieve anything. Because no matter how many times I tell myself that, I fear, if I was to get asked to say it out loud, I could not. 

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