Chapter 21- Safe Travels

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"The odds were against us when we found ourselves in this place. We have experienced tragedies that should have ended our lives, but it's almost as if something was looking out for us. This island is a gift, a paradise. As much as we should thank ourselves for this life we have been given, we should also honor death, for it is uncertain at any moment. Even in death, our good friend and partner, Marcus, made it back to us. He returned so that we could have the closure that we needed to say goodbye to him and to the lives we had all known. As hard as it is, we need to accept our reality and find a way to survive and thrive. Marcus would have wanted us all to be happy, and I want to make him proud wherever he is now. So look to your own personal savior, whoever that may be, ask them for guidance in this hard time, and do whatever you need to do to conquer the feelings of grief that ail you. Thank you." I say kindly, holding a torch high above my head.

We all gathered at the beach at sunset and built a bonfire, Marcus deserved a funeral, and we did the best we could. We had wrapped his body in cloth and covered it in flowers, lying him on top of the logs. Victoria couldn't stop crying, and Chris and Amy tried to comfort her as best they could. Chloe had made flower crowns for us to wear for the ceremony, and we all stood together to say goodbye to our friend.

"I would now like to open the floor to anyone else who would like to speak." I wave the torch around, and Brian steps forward to take it.

"I never expected to say goodbye to one of my best friends this young. Marcus was a great man in every way. He was so smart, and he always found solutions to any problem that he faced. Any time I needed to have a serious talk, he would drop everything and show up at my door as soon as possible. People don't just do that, but he did. I'm gonna miss you, buddy." He was holding back tears, and as Amy stepped up, she hugged him and took the torch. Solemnly, Brian sat down beside me, and I held his hand comfortingly.

"Marcus was an asshole." Amy began to laugh. "Sometimes, but other times, he was the kindest person I ever met. There were a few times I worried about things going on, and I was questioning my major, worrying about being a failure. He just stopped me from tearing myself down. I can still hear him say, 'Amy, you will always be a failure. But you know what? We all are in one way or another. It helps us figure out what we're good at.' That piece of wisdom has stuck with me for the past few years. I can't believe I'll never get to hear his voice again." She starts to cry but manages to hold off just long enough to finish. "Thank you for everything." Amy sighs as she steps around the circle to Victoria. Trying to keep her composure, she wipes her tears into her jacket and takes the torch.

"I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do this. Honestly, this all still feels so surreal, like a bad dream I've been waiting to wake up from. But now, I just want to tell you how much I love you. You were already in my driveway when my parents kicked me out, waiting with open arms. I didn't even need to tell you when I needed you; somehow, you always knew." she started to tear up again but managed to hold back. "I know I was hard to handle at times, but somehow, you always stayed. Please don't resent me for being so difficult with you; all I ever wanted was to repay you for how much you loved me. Now I feel like I'll never get the chance. Marcus, we all love you. Please watch over us all like you always have. I miss you so much." Victoria cried. As she finished her speech, Chloe came over and held the torch with Victoria, and together, they lifted it into the air as Chloe began to pray;

"In fire, we burn away the sorrows of the past. We all gather here to send Marcus into the next world, hoping he may find peace knowing that his friends wish him the best. On this night, we will not mourn what we have lost but celebrate what we have and appreciate the memories we share. Farewell, and safe travels." Chloe speaks calmly, and Victoria nods, lowering the torch and lighting the fire.

"Safe travels." We all say in unison. After the ceremony, we all sit around, telling stories as the embers fly into the sky. Once I get a moment to talk to Chloe alone, I make sure to thank her.

"That was beautiful, the prayer you said," I told her appreciatively.

"Thank you, I'm not really sure where it came from, but it felt fitting." She explains as she leans in and smiles. "I know how much you all needed closure, and I figured a proper ceremony would help you all say goodbye."

"You're right; she needed this." I sigh as I look over to see Victoria talking with Brian and Chris. They were just as close to him as she was.

"We're all going to have to help each other now, although I'm not sure what happens now." I sigh.

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"Since we got here, the main focus has been figuring out what happened to Marcus. Now that we know for sure, I'm not sure where to go from here." I explain, feeling lost.

"I guess that makes sense." Chloe sighs. "When I first washed up on the shore, I kept trying to find ways to go home. The longer I was here, the more I realized just how impossible that actually was," she explains. Crossing the sea seems like a death wish, and we wouldn't even know what direction to go in if we could.

"What did you do when you finally accepted that?" I ask curiously.

"Honestly, I just thought it would be best to make the most of my life as it was and not focus on what I couldn't change. I made my peace and have been happy ever since. Then one day, you idiots showed up, and my world was turned around yet again." she laughs. Suddenly we see Chris and Brian pull out things that look like homemade drums. "Oh shit, I forgot about this," Chloe said, worried.

"What the hell?" I ask, feeling confused as she stands up, pulling out what appears to be a pan flute. As they started making music together, I couldn't help but laugh. Amy grabbed Carmen, Victoria, and me, and we all started dancing around the fire like idiots. Chloe was fantastic at playing her flute. The guys hardly harmonized a beat, but it still sounded good to me. I swear, we danced until the sun started to come up, then all passed out on the beach. Chloe was right; we needed to make the most of things as they are and not focus on what we can't change. Marcus may be gone, but I know we can survive as long as we have each other. All things considered, if this is what island life has in store for me, I can't complain in the least.

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