Chapter 56- Family

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I steal the cloak from the man I had knocked out and disguise myself as I leave, hoping that I won't get caught. I shut the door behind me and quickly dart around the halls, avoiding the people that I can hear walking around nearby. I had forgotten just how big this place was, it would have taken a normal person years to dig this entire place out, but Gael was no ordinary human; none of us truly were. I follow a large staircase deeper into the earth and start quietly tip-toeing, knowing that I should be close. I can see a faint light coming from a doorway at the end of the hall, so I rush over quietly and press my back against the wall, holding my breath. I can suddenly hear Iker and Eloy talking, but Eloy sounds different than he had just earlier today.

"They aren't going to just turn the city over to you, especially if you're planning on just threatening to kill everyone if you don't get your way again. It's asinine to even consider trying." Eloy states angrily. Iker lets out an exaggerated sigh and I hear him clap his hands together.

"Well then, if you hate my plan so much brother, why don't you work with me on creating a better one?" Iker suggests curiously, but he should already know the answer.

"Do you suddenly forget what happened last time you tried this? Why the fuck would I want to work with you again after what you did to our people?" Eloy asks. He remembers.

"I could never forget that, and once again, I am so very sorry for how things ended between us." Iker sounded sympathetic "This time, we have so much more to strive for. Can't you see it? No more of this family tree hierarchy, just us. I can teach you how to truly become a god like me." he explains, sounding blindly optimistic.

"You don't get it, do you?" Eloy sighs "All you care about is power and you're talking down about our family despite you having cast yourself out of it. If you hadn't turned into this monster of a person who just hungers for more and more, you could have been a real part of something better." he explains solemnly. Iker pauses for a moment, suddenly at a loss for words.

"They were never our family. Our real family left us to die so you decided to go out and find another one." Iker explains, sounding pissed. "There was never a place for me there, and you know it."

"Yes, brother, there was. Just because Lolani turned you down, didn't mean that you were being completely thrown out. You did that to yourself." Eloy states "So then, you went after Hexa for some reason the next time around when she was very clearly opposed to your power schemes."

"Of course I did. Once I had designed what my Empire would become, all I needed was someone to rule by my side, I don't see how this is so hard to grasp." Iker explains."Every King needs a Queen." My head starts to hurt just thinking about it. What he had done to me was despicable, and it still gives me nightmares to this day.

"And when she turned you down, just like you knew she would, what did you do?" I can hear Eloy grit his teeth.

"I would have preferred not to, but she was who I had chosen to become mine. So I may have tried to... influence her to comply." Iker explains, his voice sounding more and more twisted and delusional.

"You scarred her like one of your pawns, but even your ancient hexes were no match for her mind," Eloy states angrily. "That stupid act and everything that followed nearly ruined us all." I hear Iker walk across the room, presumably closer to Eloy.

"Brother, have you learned nothing from that girl you play around with?" Iker asks, "Order is always born from chaos, I'm surprised Scara hasn't taught you that." I suddenly hear someone get slapped across the face.

"Serene doesn't just murder innocent people for the sake of doing so. She may be strange in her methods, but you're just downright insane." Eloy states angrily. Iker huffs frustratedly and I can hear him step back.

"Believe whatever you have to to make yourself feel better, little brother." Iker laughs "But you do realize what drew you to her, don't you?" I hear a pause, Eloy doesn't answer "She reminds you of your own family. Your TRUE family." Iker explains.

"You... are not my family anymore," Eloy shouts.

"Mateo, enough." I hear Iker scream, his voice cracking "Don't you remember what happened last time we had this conversation?" he asks angrily.

"And even still, you have learned nothing!" Eloy screams, and I hear him charge at Iker but quickly gets thrown aside. I quickly muster the courage to charge in, attempting to go at Iker with the knife. Before I can make contact, he holds his hand out and grabs me by my forehead.

"Oh, not now. Won't you learn to behave yourself, dearie?" Iker throws me back and I crash to the floor.

"Don't hurt her." Eloy shakily stands up, his head is bleeding. Iker rolls his eyes and flicks his wrist, suddenly both of us fall to the floor. My forehead aches more and more, I can see the same scar from the past start to reappear on Eloy's face. Nico had learned from the ancient one's powers described in the catacombs, and through twisted experimentation, he had discovered how to wield power beyond what any human being should be capable of. He could affect the world around him at will and could control people if they had been marked. His followers allowed this willingly, but not me. I never expected these scars to stay past the afterlife.

"You son of a bitch." I grit my teeth as I grip my forehead in pain.

"Well, that's a lovely surprise. I guess we all learned something new today." Iker laughs sadistically. Eloy and I exchanged terrified glances, there was no use in fighting.

"I suppose we have." I suddenly hear Zade. He's casually leaning in the doorway. "How have you been, Gael?" he asks politely.

"As well as always, I suppose." Iker shrugs "I can assume your reason for being here, Dante?" he glances down at me. Zade looks at me, stone-faced, then turns his attention back to the lunatic standing before him.

"Yes, you're undoubtedly right about that." Zade sighs "But I'm not an idiot. I know you could easily take me out with your hands tied." he explains. Iker laughs and cocks his head to the side.

"That much is true. But even so, I'm impressed that you've made it this far. My people aren't weaklings after all." Iker explains in admiration, clapping sarcastically.

"Centuries of practice," Zade laughs quietly "you may have missed a few things in your absence."

"And yet you all seem to have learned nothing." Iker begins to step closer, but Zade remains perfectly composed.

"Apparently, neither have you," Zade states. Suddenly he ducks as Serene burt into the room, dual swords in hand, tackling him, stabbing through the palms of his hands. He screams as Zade makes his way around and pulls out a dagger, slicing across the tattoo on Iker's forehead. Suddenly I can move again, and I sit up carefully, watching Eloy do the same as the scar once again disappeared from his face. We both sigh in relief as we feel his grasp on us loosen.

"Good timing." I gasp, trying to catch my breath. When I look down at Iker, I can see the blood streaming into his eyes from his forehead.

"Scara!" Eloy shouts excitedly.

"Well look who's awake?" Serene smiles as Eloy gets up and helps her pin Iker down.

"Are you okay?" Zade rushes over to me and looks worriedly at my forehead.

"I'm fine, but we need to get out of here before his followers find us," I state nervously.

"Don't worry, the rest of the guard is coming to raid this place. We told them to give us twenty minutes before charging in so we could find you." Serene explains as she hands Eloy the swords. As she stands up, she steps on Iker's throat. He starts to choke and gasps for air, but that just makes her press her foot harder.

"Be careful," Zade waves for her to stop "Isobel is going to need him alive this time." Serene looks back at her brother, rolling her eyes as she moves her foot to his chest.

"Fine, but it better fucking work this time."

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