Chapter 37- Insomnia

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That night felt like the longest night of my life. I tossed and turned, kicking my clothes off until I was laying there in just my underwear, but I still couldn't fall asleep. I knew I was trying so hard to relax that I was doing just the opposite at this point. I stare up at the ceiling and wish that I knew what time it was; not having a clock was starting to get on my nerves. I swear nothing is worse than insomnia. I stand up and sit in the window, overlooking the city. Questions, questions, and more questions. We had put together so many pieces that made sense but had also raised just as many as they answered. Why the hell were we here?

I look around the room quickly as I collect my clothes and decide to head out. I wasn't going to fall asleep anyway, I might as well go for a walk. I make my way outside and down the front steps, staring out at the sky. The sun hadn't yet risen, but I could see things slowly becoming clearer as the darkness began to fade. It must have been about five o'clock in the morning. I walk through the city, staring at the empty shells of buildings that people had once called home. Flashes of the past greeted my vision as I walk by, but nothing definitive enough to knock me out again. Once I make it past town, I hike down the hill into the deep jungle, careful not to trip. The closer I come to the ocean, the louder the sound of crashing waves becomes. I wander out onto the sand and stop at the shore, plopping my clothes down on the sand. The sun was finally coming up, the day was new, and I knew that I had so much to do. But right now, I was alone, and I needed to soak in this moment.

I quickly run into the water, and once it rose past my waist, I dive in head first. The water brought a much-needed chill to my entire body, I could feel the goosebumps forming on my arms and legs. I keep my eyes shut as I swim deeper, eventually surfacing for air. I lunge back to the beach and ride a wave back to shore, feeling it push my body gracefully onto the sand. I crawl forward as the water slips away, flipping over and lying on my back, taking a deep breath as I stare up at the grey morning sky.

Everything from yesterday was bombarding my mind. We were shipwrecked here for a reason. Chloe's parents and Marcus died for a reason. Why were we the survivors? Why were we seeing these things? I had to make sense of it all, I knew that I wouldn't be able to rest until I did. Nika and Umbree both felt as though they were a part of me. Reincarnation? Of all things, that seemed to make sense. But if that were the case, why was so much of the story missing? What would it take to remember everything? Not to mention, if Victoria, Chris, and Brian survived, did they have pasts too? How was everyone connected? Why did Chloe end up here on her own so much sooner than the rest of us? I feel like my brain is going to burst.

The water continues rolling past my legs and caressing my back over and over. I can't help but think of my first night here. I was unconscious, but I somehow made it safely to the shore. That doesn't just happen. I can't stop wracking my brain for answers that didn't want to show themselves. I feel so important yet insignificant at the same time as I listen to the waves. The bigger picture. What was the bigger picture?

The bed feels soft and warm, but a cool breeze blows over me, giving my bare shoulders goosebumps. I could hear the seagulls so close by. As I open my eyes, I see the fuzzy red blankets wrapped around me. At first, it's hard to see where I am, and everything is too bright. The room is practically surrounded by windows, making it feel like I'm outside. As I glance around, I try to sit up, realizing I'm naked beneath the blanket, so I hold it over my bare chest. There are so many beautiful things here, and the shelves are lined with pottery, shells, and precious stones. The walls have been painted colorfully, and intricate tapestries hang from the edges of the ceiling, billowing in the wind. It takes me a moment to realize that Zade is sitting on a couch across the room, staring out at the sky. When he finally glances back at me, he realizes that I am staring at him and begins to smile.

"Good evening," he says softly, brushing his hair back with his fingers. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, I suppose. How long was I asleep?" I ask, my voice sounding scratchy.

"Just a few hours; I could tell you needed the rest," he explains sympathetically.

"That's a bit of an understatement." I sigh, holding the blanket around me as I stood up from the bed. "Where are we?" I ask curiously as I look around.

"This is my room," he states as he stands up, looking at the large tapestry across the room. "I thought it was time for you to see it." He smiles as I pick up a small painted-clay statue of a lizard, admiring the detail.

"These are beautiful; I didn't know you collected art," I say as I gently set it down, making my way to one of the windows. We're high above the canopy of the jungle, and I can see the sun setting over the ocean in the distance.

"Actually, I made most of these myself," he explains warmly as he comes over to stand beside me.

"Seriously?" I state in awe, "That's amazing." I can't help but look at everything in greater admiration. Zade has seemed so cold and meticulous in my other visions, but now he was acting completely different. This shift was throwing me off.

"This may come as a surprise to you," he begins as he gently brushes my hair back behind my ear, "but I appreciate beautiful things."

Startled, I wake up hearing voices calling my name. I try to open my eyes, but the blinding sun is too hard to adjust to. I try to respond, but it feels like there's sand in my lungs. Considering how windy it is, I wouldn't doubt it. I roll over and rub my eyes, trying to see better. Suddenly, Carmen pops out of the foliage, looking excited when she sees me.

"Guy's, she's over here!" She calls out, running across the beach to me. I sit on my knees, grabbing my clothes off the ground.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, pulling my tank top over my head. Excited, Carmen lunges forward, knocking me over.

"Val, you've been gone since we all woke up. What happened?" she asks frantically.

"Nothing, I... I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk." I explain. Carmen seems dissatisfied.

"Damnit, you could have told someone before you went off by yourself." Carmen sighs. "Chloe has something she wants to show us, I came to wake you up but you were gone," she explains, pouting. As I stand up, I pull my shorts on before the others came running out of the bushes behind her.

"God, I just want to go back to sleep, what's this about?" I ask sheepishly, walking back to the jungle.

"Apparently, there's something really cool on the north side of the island past the caves that we haven't seen yet. She thought that after our talk last night that it might interest us. You in?" She asks anxiously. I glance at the sky for a moment before smiling at her excitedly.

"Is that even a question?"

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