Chapter 115- Spirit

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What the hell is going on? I think as I watch the moon in the sky fade into dust, leaving nothing behind but the darkness. This place is slowly disappearing, but for some reason, I'm still here. I had assumed that when I finally destroyed Gael's form, I would fade away along with it, but that didn't turn out to be true. I begin to become more and more afraid as the ground beneath my feet begins to blacken and turn to dust. I dodge the openings as they form, barely keeping my footing as it all crumbles away. As I begin to fall into the darkness, I scream, my voice echoing in the now-empty void. As I fall, I suddenly look at my hands and I see myself begin to break apart. I can't help but cry in terror as I brace myself for what's coming. Suddenly, I can hear voices as the light begins to shine beneath me. After a moment, I find myself just above the vault. I suddenly shriek in terror as I see my limp body on the ground below.

"He's dead." Amy says softly as she lets go of Justin's wrist "She did it." she sighs as she leans back into Brian's arms. I watch as Cameron begins stroking my hair, holding me tightly.

"But at what cost?" Victoria sighs as she leans on Cameron's shoulder.

"Guys, something's not right here." Cameron says as he squeezes my hand "She's not dead, but she doesn't feel like she's just unconscious either. What's happening to her?" he asks worriedly. Carmen and Chloe quickly surrounded me, Carmen taking my other hand and Chloe reaching to my forehead.

"What the fuck?" Chloe says in disbelief "She... she's not in there." she suddenly trips backward and falls to the ground.

"What the hell do you mean she's not in there?" Chris asks as he stares at my body.

"There's... no soul. She's still alive, but her mind is completely gone." Chloe says, suddenly beginning to hyperventilate.

"How is that even possible?" Alice asks, sounding frantic "He said that she would die along with him, but her physical body is somehow still fine?"

"I've never had this happen before so I wasn't sure how it would work but, this feels wrong." Chloe explains nervously.

"What are we supposed to do?" Lily asks as she looks around at everyone "If her soul is gone, she can't wake up. Are we just supposed to wait around for her body to die?"

"Chloe, please," Cameron pleads desperately "Do something. Anything," he asks. Chloe nods sorrowfully as she takes both of my hands. I feel as though I can't do anything but watch as my friends try to make sense of what's happening. I am still here somehow, but I am completely detached from my body. After all of these lifetimes, I have never experienced anything remotely similar to this. I look around at the rubble that surrounds everyone, realizing how hard of a fight Justin had put up. I had known there was a chance that he could kill us during that fight, but I never expected this. When I look up at the sky, I see that night had fallen. We must have been inside his mind for hours before Cameron and Brian made their way in to check on us.

"I'm sorry Cameron, but I can't do anything to help this." Chloe sighs "My connections reach out to the soul, not the body. Without one, she's... she's gone." she begins to cry.

"No." Amy says as she stands up and begins to anxiously pace around the room. "How the hell can her soul just be gone, that's just crazy."

"She knew the risk," Carmen sighs. "She chose to stay and end it, even though it meant she had to sacrifice herself to do it."

"No way," Chris says irritatedly "Chloe, you ensured our soul's survival. My brother may have been strong, but he couldn't just drag her to hell with him."

"What do you want me to do?" Chloe asks frustratedly "Her soul isn't there, how can I prove that to you?"

"Guys, stop," Lily says boldly as she stands up, looking at Cameron as he holds onto my body desperately. "Valerie did what she thought was right, there's no changing that now," she explains. Carmen sighs as she stands up, stopping Amy from pacing as she pulls her in for a hug.

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