Chapter 84- Things To Do

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"Zade, come to bed," I say as I watch him lie on the couch in the dark, staring up at the ceiling.

"I think I need to keep my distance tonight. I don't know if I trust myself enough not to hurt you again." he sighs. I look down at the shallow wound I had wrapped up on my side and sigh, understanding why he's afraid.

"Honey, Embrose was bested and willingly gave up control. I don't think he's going to try to attack me in my sleep." I explain "And being eight feet away isn't going to make much of a difference, now get your ass in bed." I order him. He sits up and sighs, looking at me nervously.

"Are you sure?" he asks as he stands up.

"Absolutely." I smile as I lie back and get comfortable. He climbs into bed and starts to wrap himself around me. I nuzzle into his chest and relax, starting to let myself drift off. Zade seems like he's restless, but stays by my side despite that fact. Soon enough, we both finally fall asleep.

The next morning, I wake up still wrapped in Zades arms. As I shift around, I hear him groan as he starts waking up. When I roll over and watch him open his eyes, he smiles at me. I smile back as I rest my head on his arm, then gently headbutt his nose.

"Hey, you," I say as I lightly bump him.

"Yea, you?" he grumbles, still half asleep.

"I was right." I giggle.

"Mhm," he mumbles as he dozes back off. I laugh as I climb out of bed and pick out some clothes to wear. I scan through my collection and decide on one of my older dresses made of brown dyed leather. As I slip it on, I clasp my necklace behind my neck and look out the windows at the sun. I move back to the bed and climb on top of Zade, waking him up again.

"Hey, snoozer, you've got shit to do," I state as he rubs his eyes.

"Three sentencing cases, Serene and Eloy said they'll take care of it." he mutters "You're handling the guard, so I have surprisingly little to do, thank you very much," he explains as he flops his arms above his head.

"What about the offering line?" I ask "Since the rumors have spread about Ruthus, more and more people are showing up with gifts." I explain as I poke at his face.

"Okay, fine, but that isn't until this afternoon," he murmurs as he starts to fall back asleep, but I start jabbing at his sides.

"Hun, it already is this afternoon." I laugh, "Get out of bed, lazy bones." I push myself up and hop off of him, then prance to the door.

"Fine," he groans as he sits up "Where are you off to?"

"Quil wants my opinion on the inner palace stealth crew, something about testing vulnerabilities near the catacombs," I explain. Just as I make it to the doorway, I suddenly dart back to the bed, then quickly kiss Zade.

"I love you," I state happily as I run out of the room.

"Love you too." Zade laughs as I leave. I make my way down and around to the temple's lower level. I wave as I pass by servants and guard members, taking a guava from one carrying a large basket of fruit. I munch on the fruit as I follow the hall to the catacomb entrance where Quil is waiting for me.

"Late start?" he asks, watching me finish eating.

"Someone had to get Zade up." I laugh. "So, what are we looking at today?" I ask curiously.

"Well, as you know, these tunnels extend everywhere throughout the island, they even go under Gael's bunker." he explains "Some of my guys have heard rumors that people have been trying to find their way through them, but people are going missing trying." he sounds frustrated,

"No wonder, it's a labyrinth. If they don't know where they're going, they'll die before they ever see the sun again." I sigh "So, what's the plan?" I ask inquisitively.

"We need more guys to watch each entrances, not to mention more here just in case someone makes it through." he explains "We don't need people trying to break in and we definitely don't need our people dying underground."

"That sounds doable, and it might be smart to have some of your team sweep the tunnels to see if anyone is still down there," I suggest as I glance at the dark cave.

"Already taken care of, it's clear from here to Lolani's cove. Now they're finishing up the southern caverns," he explains confidently. I nod in agreement with his good work, then suddenly come to a realization.

"Are you planning on keeping someone posted at the cove entrance?" I ask inquisitively.

"Since it's so far out, I didn't think it was necessary." he explains "Do you think we should?" He seems skeptical.

"I don't see the harm in it, better safe than sorry as they say." I laugh, "I don't think anyone is going to complain about an ocean view all day."

"I suppose you're right, I'll give the order. Thank you, your grace," he says politely as he bows his head.

"Cut that out already, we're both human." I sigh as I start to walk away.

"Yes ma'am," he responds respectfully. I start to head back to the main hall, thinking about joining the sentencing sessions with Serene and Eloy. As I come in, I'm passed by a man who looks full of relief. I guess Serene must be in a good mood today,

"Look who decided to join us." Eloy smiles as I walk into the room.

"I finished with Quil quicker than expected, so I figured I would give you guys a hand," I explain. "How many left?"

"Just one, but they're still retrieving him, so it's going to be a minute," Serene explains. I shrug and make my way to my seat, pulling my legs up and crossing them together.

"Have you seen your father yet today?" I ask nervously. Serene sighs and nods, but stays quiet.

"He didn't look so good." Eloy sighs "Ama says that there's nothing else she can do at this point." he explains solemnly.

"I'm so sorry to hear that." I sigh worriedly as I look at Serene. "Are you okay?"

"No, but it's not like I'm not used to this part." she states frustratedly "The one bad thing about our lives is watching our family die over and over, knowing we won't see them again until another life," she explains. I know what she means, I've gone through this five times now and it never gets any easier.

"At least this time, there are more of us here at once than there have been in three generations." I smile, trying to look on the bright side.

"I doubt we'll ever get this lucky again." Serene sighs "Plus, not all of us have come back since the first generation." She looks depressed.

"I wish we knew why it didn't work on your sister." I sigh. Eliana, Blaze's twin sister, had never been reincarnated. No one seems to know why and Mahina had never been able to figure it out.

"Maybe it'll happen someday when we least expect it," Eloy states hopefully.

"I'm not going to hold my breath," Serene says as she stares at the crest on the ceiling. "But what do I know?"

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