Chapter 22- The First and Last Sin

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I had mixed emotions as I watched Rain leave the palace for the first time in years. Despite meeting under circumstances like these, this sweet girl had become a sister to me, and I'm glad it was finally over for her. As she faded into the city, my mind began to turn to another pressing topic; Corrina. I was terrified of what she might do; her temperament was bad enough already, and something like this could quickly push her over the edge. Zade held my hand as we walked back to my room; he didn't want me anywhere near her when he broke the news. He has been acting so sweet since I told him I was pregnant, but I have to keep reminding myself that he is still the same person who put me through unspeakable things. He is the one responsible for Kaya's death, and I still haven't found out what really happened.

"I'll come to see you once it's done. Until then, please don't come out," he explains as he kisses my cheek, and I nod in agreement. As I shut the door behind him, the room suddenly felt emptier than before. Everything Zade had given me was still here, but it felt like something was missing. I hadn't felt this alone or uncertain since I was locked away here the first night, and now, the same chill of uncertainty had returned. As terrible as I had it, at least everything eventually became familiar, and I had slipped into a routine. I finally felt like I had a grasp on my new reality, but now, it has been twisted and thrown to the wind. I am trying my best to stay calm, but my conversation with Rain keeps repeating itself over and over inside my mind.

"Blaze tried to tell me that they've lived lives in the past before this one, but I didn't think it was even possible."

"You mean they've reincarnated?"

"That's what he said; I didn't have a reason to believe it until now."

"Please, just tell me; what does any of this have to do with me?"

"Zade was only meant to have children with his true soulmate, so if you really are carrying his child, then that would mean... Could you really be her?"

Blaze said so himself; they aren't gods. Regardless of that fact, there was clearly something bigger going on here. My connection to Veronika was undeniable; my conversation with her couldn't have been just a dream considering she told me something that I wouldn't have known otherwise. Communing with a spirit doesn't prove that she is a part of my past; she may have just wanted to help me after everything she had been through herself.

"Maybe not. Blaze said that he had hardly connected with his past before Isobel helped him awaken that side of himself; he just saw short glimpses up until that point,"

At this moment, I want nothing more than to find the priestess and ask questions, but Zade told me not to leave. The door isn't locked anymore, but I don't want to disobey him no matter how stir-crazy I have become. I have started pacing so vigorously that it feels like I'm wearing a path into the floor. As I take a deep breath and try to collect my thoughts, I am startled by someone knocking on the door. After rushing to answer, it turns out to be a young servant girl.

"Miss Umbree, Master Zade has told me it may be a while until he returns for you. Can I help you with anything in the meantime?" she asks politely.

"Oh, I'm fine-" I smiled nervously, then thought for a moment, "Actually, this may be an odd request, but do you know if a priestess named Isobel lives here?" I ask curiously, and she quickly nods her head.

"Yes, she does. I'm told she's up the mountain at the shrine today. Would you like me to send for her?" she asks kindly, and I debated it for a moment.

"Um, that's alright; I don't want to bother her if she's busy," I explain calmly. Deep down, I feel I will be meeting her soon.

"Are you sure I can't bring you anything?" she asks again, wanting to do whatever she can to help me. Just as I'm about to answer, I hear sharp screaming down the hall. Frightened, I quickly pull the girl into my room, and we carefully peer down the hall to see where the commotion is coming from.

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