Chapter 38- Admiration

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The festival continued on till dawn, the entire city seemed to rejoice together at my return. As Zade and I walked around, people offered me all sorts of things, beautiful tapestries, jewelry, food, and whatever they had to give. Zade pointed out how happy they would be if I accepted these gifts, so I did so politely. One of our guards followed behind to carry everything, he looked like a decorated statue by the time we made it back home. Once we returned, I saw how the halls were filled with guests. Servants walked around with food and drinks, others explained the stories behind some of the statues and art that decorated the place. Zade sent the guard to deliver our things upstairs as we made our way to the throne room. Ruthus and Cassandra were laughing telling stories to a group of men.

"There she is, welcome back dear." He smiles as he waves us over "I trust that you two had a good time out there?" He asks happily.

"Yes sir." I agree, smiling with joy. The men around them couldn't stop staring as we stepped closer.

"Please, no need for formalities. We're family." Ruthus smiles as he motions to the throne beside him "Please, join us." He offers kindly. I stop and stare at the seat; it was more than that, it was a position of power, it was a place they all sat to judge people's fate. Mine had been decided in this very room as well. The day had been overwhelming, but stepping forward to take my place on the throne was something else, it meant something more powerful. I hesitantly sit and lean back. Flashes of memory suddenly blur my vision, I can remember this place, this feeling. I can remember freeing the innocent and convicting the guilty. I remember their faces, I could see the fear in their eyes.

"Umbree, are you alright?" Zade asks as he sits beside me. Dizzy, I shake my head and snap back to the present.

"Yea, just a lot to think about is all." I sigh, but quickly change the subject "Ruthus, what were you and these gentlemen talking about before we interrupted?" I ask kindly.

"Oh, yes. So we were going on about how you had challenged Serene when you first arrived here. That fighting spirit, that drive not to be looked down upon was something to be admired. I can see why she likes you so much." He chuckles.

"Serene talks highly of me?" I ask, utterly confused by his statement. Just a few days ago she was intimidating me to the point of a heart attack. She's seemed nicer since the awakening ceremony, but I figured that was when her opinion shifted.

"Oh, absolutely. Most people are too afraid to stand up to her. My daughter is definitely not a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure." He laughs, and the men join in. "Umbree, these are some of my old friends who used to work with the guard." He explains.

"It's nice to meet you all," I say politely, and they all bow their heads kindly.

"Before I forget," Cassandra began "has anyone seen Serene?" she asks worriedly.

"Last I saw of her, she had just finished up at Reg's and wandered off somewhere in town," Zade explains, resting his chin in his hand. In response, Cassandra stands up and sighs exhaustedly.

"Was she under control?" she asks irritatedly.

"She may have overdone it a little, it's hard to say." Zade sighs.

"I swear if she hurts someone over something stupid again." Cassandra quickly rushes out. It seemed like this was a normal thing for Serene. In a matter of two days, I feel like I have learned a lot about that girl. She's terrifying and mysterious, but when we were talking in the bar earlier, she seemed like she was just one of the girls. She sounded vulnerable for the first time.

"Well, I hate to cut this short father, but I think we need to turn in for the night." Zade stands up, taking my hand.

"Of course, son. Rest well, be sure to be here by noon tomorrow." He reminds us. I look at both of them confused, and Zade seems to notice.

"Sentencing cases, three people are downstairs that need to be dealt with before too much longer," Zade explains. My heart suddenly sinks just thinking about it. I wasn't ready to start making decisions like this, not to mention just being present for them. I feel exhausted and overwhelmed as we make our way upstairs. That was a long day, although, as much as I hate to admit it, I had a lot of fun. Feeling like a part of something bigger than myself was empowering, but I made sure not to let it go to my head. Once we make it to the bedroom, I take off my jewelry and my dress, slipping into something a little more comfortable. It takes me a moment to realize Zade was just sitting on the couch, watching me.

"What?" I ask, embarrassed as I straighten out my dress.

"You're glowing, you know that?" he smiles. I can't help but smirk as I roll my eyes.

"You looked handsome today." I smile as I go over to sit beside him. "I didn't think I would, but I had a lot of fun tonight," I explain, leaning in to cuddle him. As I lean back, he wraps his arms around me.

"I'm glad." he says softly "I know you're opposed to goddesshood, but there are worse things in life than having people adore you," he explains hopefully. I suppose he was right, I guess I'd prefer this over being called a street rat.

"I don't know how you do this all the time." I yawn "I'm exhausted." I state as he holds me tighter, running his fingers over my arm.

"Get some rest sweetheart, I'll probably be up for a while longer," he says softly, kissing my forehead. It didn't take much for me to doze off. The sun was already starting to come up by the time we had made it home, I knew I wasn't going to get much sleep. But it was worth it; my dreams seemed to answer more questions.

"Scara, I swear you're enjoying this too much." I laughed as she came up the stairs, I could hear the people screaming in celebration. We had thrown a festival celebrating her marriage to Mateo, and he was still shaking hands and telling stories with his friends below. Mateo was a kind soul, he and Scara were a perfect case of how opposites can attract.

"Oh please Nika, don't tell me you didn't when you and Dante tied the knot." She laughed. "Just look at them all, imagine being this happy for someone you barely know," she explained, smiling as she observed the crowd below.

"I suppose you have a point." I sigh and take her hand "I'm really happy for you, Scara. Mateo is a lucky man." I smiled. She squeezed my hand and leaned on me, making me start to lose my balance.

"My brother is the lucky one." she giggled "I don't think I would have ever been able to see what life was really about if it wasn't for you two," she explained happily.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You two love each other unconditionally. No matter how long it's been since you've seen each other, you get excited when you meet again. Most people never experience that." she explained softly, then pointed out at the city "Look at them. Do you think any of them know how epic it feels to love someone so much that you need to extend that over lifetimes?" she asked curiously. She wasn't wrong, it really is an amazing thing that Dante and I have. I can't imagine life without him, and hopefully, I'll never have to experience that.

"Singing my praises, now are we?" Dante snuck up behind us and reached his arms around my waist.

"Well hello to you too, brother." Scara laughed.

"I heard my name and figured I'd come to see what the fuss was about." he said, kissing my cheek "That, and the twins were driving me crazy so I needed a break. Be warned, Eliana and Elias are plotting some sort of wedding night prank on Mateo." he laughed. Scara and I cracked up.

"You know what, I can't think of a better way to welcome him into the family." Scara laughed.

"Oh, and Mahina was looking for you. I think she has a wedding gift you're going to like." He smiled. Scara suddenly seemed intrigued.

"Oh, does she now?" she said excitedly "I'll go track her down, you two go enjoy yourselves," she said as she swayed and headed inside.

"Now that is a perfect idea." Dante smiled, and I spun around, kissing him passionately.

"Shall we, my love?"

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