Chapter 81- The Return of Dante

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"It's crazy, you really haven't changed a bit." Cameron laughs. Chloe comes around and looks into his eyes, making sure that he's okay. Lily and Justin seem to be frozen in disbelief as Alice stares at him in shock from watching me throw myself at him.

"I think you're alright, just take it easy for a while," Chloe explains, making her way over to Carmen.

"Cam, what's going on?" Alice asks nervously, staring at the two of us.

"It was all true, everything they told us was the truth," Cameron explains as I help him sit up in a more comfortable position. "And as for Valerie, I remember now who she was to me." he smiles as he gazes at me.

"I gathered that." Alice forces a laugh as she cocks her head to the side.

"How do you feel?" Justin asks worriedly as he stares at him.

"Honestly, better than I have in a long time." He smiles as he takes a deep breath. "Thank you, Hina," he says politely as he looks at Chloe, who has gotten cozy next to Carmen.

"Anytime, Dante." she smiles as she leans into Carmen's arms. "That was easier than expected, if anyone wants to give it a go, I'd be happy to do it while we're out here." she offers excitedly. Alice and Lily glance at each other nervously, it was obvious that neither of them was ready.

"Not tonight." Justin sighs, looking away.

"It's really cool, but also creepy as hell," Lily says nervously as she backs into the wall, startling herself.

"Up to you, but I've gotta tell ya, the world will seem so much more fascinating once you do," Brian says warmly as he squeezes Amy's hand. Alice sighs, seeming nervous, yet jealous.

"Not tonight guys, but soon." She explains as she starts to go "It's getting cold out here, I'm gonna head back." She sighs as she walks out, and Lily quickly follows her.

"We should probably all head back too, Cam, are you alright to walk?" Victoria asks as she takes Chris' hand and starts leading him out.

"Yea, I'll be fine." He says as he climbs off of the altar, helping me down as well.

"You guys go, we're gonna help clean up," Brian says as he and Amy start gathering up some of the things Chloe had brought. "Goodnight you two." He winks at us. Cameron giggles as he takes my hand.

"I doubt I'm sleeping tonight." he chuckles as he smiles at me.

"Nighty-night." Carmen giggles as she helps clean up. We start carefully making our way down the mountain path quietly, feeling unsure of what to say. It had been so long this time, we had met under strange circumstances before, but this was definitely different. It's been centuries since we have seen each other, and now it was like we came from different worlds.

"Anything on your mind?" I ask as we walk. He laughs as he looks at me, unsure of how to answer.

"Right now, what wouldn't be?" he laughs.

"I get that." I giggle quietly "Last time we did this, I was the clueless one." I explain as we make our way around the bend.

"Yea, that was a fun day." he laughs sarcastically. I remember it all like it was yesterday, Rain going home, Corrina attacking me and getting speared, then being clueless and frightened when Zade addressed his family about our situation. Then, of course, my awakening.

"Fun might not be the best word for it, but it sure was a long day." I explain, "That was one of the biggest emotional roller coasters I've ever been on."

"I still remember the way you looked at me after you got your memories back, that was the greatest moment of my life," he says excitedly.

"I guess now I know the feeling." I smile as we walk inside "I've been hoping, praying, ever since you got here that you were the one. I am so glad that I was right." I explain. Suddenly he stops and pulls me back, twirling me into his arms.

"God, I've missed you." he smiles as he leans in, arching my back as he passionately kisses me. Suddenly he sweeps me off of my feet and carries me upstairs. As we make it to our room, he kicks the door shut and he lays me down on the bed. That entire night was nothing but passion and love, time stood still as if it was both our beginning and our future. In this life, I had never believed in soulmates until I remembered mine had existed at one point in my past. Now, he had returned, and our epic story could finally continue. We stayed up talking most of the night, catching up about our lives before we found each other, and remembering our shared past. Looking back, the things that always stuck out were the good memories. There were plenty of bad things I wanted to forget, scars of the past that would never heal, but they were a part of who we were; I wouldn't change a thing.

The next morning, I woke up covered only by a blanket I had pulled over my head to block the sun from my eyes. As I yawn and open my eyes, I unburrow myself to see Cameron staring at me thoughtfully.

"Old habits die hard, don't they?" I giggle as I gaze into his eyes.

"You know, you've had so many faces over the years, and each time you're even more beautiful." he smiles as he caresses my cheek.

"You're not so bad yourself, sweetie." I laugh as I poke his nose, then roll onto my back, pulling my arms out from under the covers.

"So, what should we do today?" he asks, pushing his arm under my shoulders.

"Hm, we could go for a walk." I state "Look over your old things maybe, I'm guessing your friends have some questions for you, you should probably talk to them at some point to ease their minds." I explain. He just smiles at me as he shakes his head.

"Or," he said as he began to slide the blanket down off of my chest "We could stay in all day." He grins as he winks at me.

"Oh, I see how it is." I laugh as I climbed on top of him "All day though? Are you really up for that?" I sneer at him as I lean down to kiss him, biting his lip.

"Is that a challenge?" he asks boldly.

"More like an invitation," I say as I start to kiss his shoulders, lightly biting his skin. He suddenly pushes me off and spins me around, pinning me down.

"Well then, I believe I have no choice but to accept." he snickers as he digs his face into my neck. I start to giggle, the stubble on his face tickles as he kisses me.

"Sounds like a good day." I smile brightly.

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