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"Dr. Bailey I have a consult do you want to join me?" Derek asked, looking at her while she was smiling at her phone.

"Are you talking to Rob from radiology?" He asked.

"Yep." She replied sarcastically, while typing back her "see you tonight" response to Ben.

"Oh that's fantastic Miranda. Glad to see you getting back out there. I knew you two would hit it off."

"What?" Miranda asked confused as he walked away.

7 rolled around and Ben drove to Miranda's apartment. He walked to her floor and knocked on the door.

"Dr. Warren." Miranda smiled kissing his cheek.

"Hey." Ben said cheerily looking her up and down. The dress she was wearing flattered every curve of her body but remained elegant and sophisticated. She was, in every sense of the word, beautiful. The man was lost for words. He actually couldn't speak, couldn't even tell her that she looked exquisite. He could only stand, his mouth hanging slightly open in shock and his words caught in his throat.

Miranda smiled shyly and caught his eyes. "You like the dress, then?"

Ben cleared his throat and blinked hurriedly, as if awakening from a trance. He reached down and caught her hands with his before twirling her around.

"I like you and you look amazing." he said quickly. Then he grinned. "You will be the envy of all women at Canlis."

Miranda's entire face lit up.

"We're going to Canlis?" she asked, as excited as a child.

"Yeah. I got us a reservation."

"I have been wanting to go there for a while."

"I'm glad I picked it then."

"What time are the reservations?"

"7:45, which we should get going."

The drive to the restaurant was as comfortable as ever, a peaceful silence was punctuated by whatever thoughts came to their mind as the jazz music played. They both occasionally took glances at the other before looking away quickly as to not get caught. Once they arrived Ben parked the car and they held hands all the way to the door.

"Buonasera, prenotazioni" the host greeted.

"Warren." Ben responded.

"Warren per due. la tua tavola è pronta."

"Are they going to be speaking in Italian the whole time." Miranda whispered as they were being led to their table.

"No. Just the greeting."

"Ok good because I don't know what he said."

"He said good evening, reservations. Then he said Warren for two. Your table is ready."

"Ok I kind of understood the first part, by your response, but the other two lines nope. Do you know Italian?"

"No just a few words."

"So you've been here before?"

"I have one time before and I was just as confused as you."

They were seated at a table near the far corner and somewhat secluded from the other people, and with the already dim lighting in the restaurant accompanied by the glow of each table’s trio of candles, it made the atmosphere quite intimate.

"Good evening my names Alessandro and I will be your waiter tonight." He started, but Miranda was zoned out. She could feel the steady rise of her nerves surfacing again, making her grateful when she heard Ben tell the man to bring a bottle of wine to the table. She knew a little bit of alcohol could go a long way in calming her down.

"I'm nervous." Miranda admitted.

"Nervous about what?"  Ben questioned Rubbing her hand.

"I don't know, this, us. You make me nervous."

"Is that a good or a bad thing?"

"Um I don't know yet. I think it's good."

"You make me nervous too." He admitted as well.

"I do?"

"Absolutely. I just want everything to go right."

Miranda smiled. "I can tell you that it's going right." She assured him.

The waiter came back with their bottle of wine and then took their orders.

"Where do we start? I told you about my day already."

"We will just ask each other questions to learn things about one another."

Miranda nodded and took a sip of wine that Ben poured for her. "What do you want to know?"

"How old were you when you got married and how did that come about?"

"I was 18, turning 19 freshman year of college."

"18 wow."

"I know, too young. I wouldn't recommend that to anyone now. Anyway I met my former husband at a party that I didn't want to go to. My roommate at the time begged me to go out with her, so I did."

Ben nodded listening closely, trying to remain focus on her words and not her beautiful lips.

"I wasn't initially nice to him and I didn't give him the time of day, because I stereotyped him. I seen all through high school what those jocks did to other girls and I didn't want to be the next. But eventually we kept running into each other and he begged me to go out with him one time. I had a good time and months later we were getting married."

"Do you regret it?" He asked genuinely. He had never even thought about getting married, especially at that age.

"No. I loved him, I learned life lessons, and I have a beautiful son. He was the best gift out of the ordeal and I would do it again and go through all of it again, just to get him."

"You're a great mom."

"Thank you. Sometimes I don't feel like it."

"Miranda, you are doing an excellent job and the best you can. I know I haven't known you that long, but I see how hard you're trying. Tuck loves you and he's happy with you. A good mom has bad days, normal days, overwhelmingly frustrating days, and then there are the great days." Ben told her before they were interrupted by the waiter distributing their food to them.

"Thank you again." She smiled meeting his eyes. "So Ben Warren, I want to know about you and your twenties."

"Uh my twenties. I was wild." He answered honestly.

"Couldn't have been that wild, you became a doctor."

"Academically I was great, but personally I was a partier and I dated around."

"Dated around. What does that mean?"

"Like actual dating. You go out with multiple people."

"Is that what you are doing now?" Miranda asked moving her fork around in her pasta.

"No. There is no one else that I am interested in other than you."

"But would you tell me if there was?"

"I would tell you, but that's never going to be the case because I just want you."

"How do you know that. This is date 3 if we count the park."

"I knew when we first met and I spilled my coffee on you."

"What was your first impression of me? Most people shy away or don't like me initially, but you asked me out so what did you think?"

"I thought you were absolutely beautiful. The most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I was hoping that you were a new doctor, so I would get to see you everyday."

"Must everything you say... I don't know be so perfect." She waved.

"I'm just telling you the truth." He shrugged. "I also have to add a smart ass."

Miranda laughed loudly and put her hand over her mouth looking around at everyone in the restaurant.

"What was your first impression of me?" Ben questioned after drinking his wine.

"I thought you were an idiot and clumsy." She laughed. "Handsome though. I also thought that you were very prepared when you opened your locker. You made me nervous when you grabbed my hand."

"Oh to keep up with you in the busy hospital."

"That... and I'm not that damn short." She gritted kicking him under the table.

"No you're not that short, I like your height, it's sexy. It completes all this you have going on." He gestured with his hand.

"Mmm." Miranda sounded pursing her lips.

"Taste this." Ben instructed holding his spoon to her. "I think you will like it."

Miranda leaned forward and Ben held his hand under her chin as she tasted it.

"Mmm that's really good." She groaned. "What is it again?"

"tortellini soup." Ben told her and she reached her hand across grabbing onto the bowl.

"Unh-uh miss." He grabbed her hand and she pouted.

"I want some more." Miranda told him grabbing her own spoon and sticking it in the bowl.

"You're cute when you pout."

"I'm cute in general."

"Not one lie told."

Throughout dinner the two talked back and forth for a long while, learning new things about the other. After dessert Ben paid for their meal and they walked towards the door.

"I had a great time tonight." Miranda smiled.

"I did too. What category do you put this date in?" Ben asked.

"What are the categories." She countered.

"The best date ever." He smiled.

"Well that’s not fair because what if our next date is the best date ever."

"Then that's the best date ever ever."

"You're crazy." She giggled. "This was one of the best dates."

"When can we do it again?"

"Well the end of the week you're coming to shadow me, but that weekend I have Tuck again."

"We can do something with Tuck then. Or if you want to spend time with him alone, that's fine too."

"I will let you know."

"If you are seeing too much of me, let me know that too and I will give you space."

"You're an amazing man."

"I do my best." Ben smiled as they walked outside.

"Damn its raining." Miranda commented.

"I'm sorry I didn't know rain was on the forecast."

"You can't control the weather Benjamin besides it's Seattle." She said softly rubbing his arm. "And like a true Seattleite, I have an umbrella." She told him reaching into her purse.

Ben smiled as she opened it and then stepped out from under the roof of the restaurant.

"What's wrong?" Ben asked as she stopped and twisted her foot in discomfort.

"Oh nothing my feet just hurt." Miranda stated, indicating to the gold high-heeled shoes on her feet. Ben gave them a quick glance before looking back at her with mischief in his deep brown eyes. He bit his bottom lip and those damn eyes shined bright.

"Alright then," he said, fighting off the urge to laugh. He edged closer to Miranda. "I'll carry you!"

Before Miranda could even protest, she found herself being swept up into his arms as if she were light as a feather.

"Benjamin Warren." She shouted holding the umbrella over their heads.

She laughed as he shifted her in his arms so that he supported her fully behind her knees and lower back. On instinct, she reached her arms up around his neck.

"Don't drop me." Miranda instructed.

"Miranda you're not heavy at all. I bench more than your weight at the gym."

Miranda blushed and bit her lip.

Ben walked around to her side of the car and opened the door before delicately placing her inside. Getting to her house he walked her inside before telling her good night. When he called to let her know that he had gotten home they ended up talking on the phone all night.

Three days later, Ben walked into Grey Sloan and made his way to the front desk. He had coffees and two croissants in his hand and on his shoulder his work bag.

"Looking for Dr. Bailey?" Cindy smiled looking up at him

"In deed, I am." He smiled.

"I will page her for you."

"Thank you so much. I bought you a coffee." He told nurse Cindy and her eyes widened noticing the three he had.

"I figured I would be seeing you today." He said handing her the coffee with sugars and cream.

"Thank you so much Ben. If I can call you that."

"That's fine." He smiled.

"Dr. Bailey You’re being paged to the front desk."

Miranda nodded and stopped to check her appearance before walking down the staircase to the front of the lobby. She saw Ben talking to nurse Cindy and she also noticed him hand her a cup of coffee.

"Good morning Dr. Warren." Miranda interrupted their conversation.

"Good morning Dr. Bailey." He greeted before waving goodbye to Cindy and following Miranda.

"Do you know her?" Miranda questioned.

"No. She always at the front desk when I come here for you." He answered.

"Aww how nice. That's the first and the last time she'll get coffee."

Ben laughed loudly and Miranda raised her eyebrow to see what was funny because she was dead serious.

"I was just saying thank you for keeping your gift and food safe."

"I told her thank you, so you don't have to."

"You look exceptionally beautiful." He complimented looking at her in the navy blue scrubs that she filled out nicely. Her hair was rolled and in a claw clip, but she had a bang out.

"Thank you. You didn't text me this morning." Miranda lightly scolded. She had found herself looking forward to their early morning text and banter.

"Oh I'm sorry. I woke up early to work out this morning because I knew I was coming here for the day. After my work out, I showered, got us food and then came here.

"A lot of excuses Dr. Warren." She joked.

"Hold on." Ben stated pulling his phone out.

Miranda figured he received a message or something as he grabbed his phone and was typing. When he finished he slid his phone back in his pocket and hers vibrated.

Miranda pulled her phone out her pocket and looked at the message he sent.

Ben: Good morning beautiful. I have been thinking about you since our phone conversation last night. I can't wait to see your face today. It's been days since our schedules coincided. I'm stopping to get breakfast and will see you soon.

"You're a goof." She giggled.

Miranda looked around at nurses and other doctors glancing at them as they walked by. She knew rumors would spread fast in this place, like a virus.

"Before we go any further. If anyone ask, you're Dr. Warren and you are shadowing me for today, no more no less."

"I can't say that we're on a date?" He questioned jokingly.

"Absolutely not. I don't want anyone to know that we are courting." She said sternly.

"Wow." Ben dragged out pretending to be hurt.

"What?" Miranda asked looking over her shoulder.

"If you're ashamed of me then just say that."

"Why do you always do that? That's not what I was saying. Why would a surgeon be ashamed of an anesthesiologist? You're not drug dealer."

"I don't fit in with you and all of the cutters."

"Cutters. Ok gas man."

"Gas man really? Now I sound like a drug dealer." He laughed.

"I just don't want people to know about whatever it is that we are doing. I am a professional woman with a stellar reputation." Miranda whispered.

"Whatever it is that we are doing?" He questioned.

"Yes. We're not dating, so what do you call it."

"It's called a courtship. Like you said earlier. I know what my intentions are. Its to woo you until you have no choice but to date me."

Miranda nodded. "Well you're doing a great job so far."

"I would like to think so." He laughed.

“Ok. Shall we get started." She smiled pulling out a paper from her pocket and handing it to him.

"An itinerary, really Miranda." Ben said reading the top of the planned out list.

"Yes I wrote everything we would be doing today and you're late."

"I got us breakfast." He defended holding up the cups and the bag of food.

"Ok you're my new favorite resident" She smiled taking the coffee and croissant from him.

"Now I need to go find mine. I had a tour scheduled, but now we will just tour along the way." She explained. "Let's get you some scrubs."

After Ben changed and put his stuff in Miranda's locker he watched her put her white coat on and then he followed down behind her, the best spot to be other than looking directly at her face.

Miranda stopped at the nurses station and she looked around before blowing out a breath.

"If I have to page them, it's not going to be a good day." She mumbled.

She stood for a few more moments and Ben watched her face change. She was definitely irritated.

"You ok?" He asked and she gave him a light smile.

"I'm fine. I don't like tardiness and they know better."

Miranda walked to the OR board and saw that a craniotomy was listed, so she knew they were in the OR gallery.

She walked with Ben that way and opened the door. She stood with her arms crossed and gave a death glare without blinking.
"Sorry Dr. Bailey." Lexie, Meredith, and Alex all said simultaneously hopping up and grabbing their things.

"What part of my job description says hunting down residents and interns?"

"I expect better from you especially you two." She remarked pushing Meredith and Alex in the head.

"Lets go before I kick you all off my service... Dr. Warren this is Dr. Grey, Dr. Grey and Dr. Karev. Little Grey, Grey, and Karev this is Dr. Warren. He is an attending anesthesiologist who will be shadowing me for the day."

"Nice to meet you all." Ben smiled shaking their hands.

"Bailey." Richard called out catching up to her.

"Yes sir." Miranda acknowledged.

"You have time to scrub in on a surgery with me."

"No can do sir. You know I would love to, but remember I told you that---"

"Someone was shadowing you today. I remember now."

"Chief, this is Dr. Warren from Mercy West that I was telling you about."

"Dr. Warren nice to meet you." Richard said shaking his hand.

"Likewise sir." Ben smiled.

Richard looked between Miranda and Ben and smiled. He knew that something else was going on. She wasn't nice to people and didn't have time for things like this.

"Have a great day and I hope you enjoy it and our facility."

"Thank you." Ben nodded.

"Okay let's do rounds and then we will go check on our patient that we will be operating on today."

Ben watch Miranda with her interns and the people in the hospital interactions with her. He could tell that she commanded respect and everyone so willingly gave it to her. Every patient that she did rounds with smiled and shouted her name when she walked in. She was a great doctor.

Walking into Sarah's room, Miranda didn't interrupt her on the phone instead she started checking her vitals and Iv's

"I have to go the doctors are here." She said into the phone, looking up at them. "My sister and her daughters want you all to promise us that it's a good kidney."

"It's a good kidney." Everyone yelled and Sarah smiled.

"There alright bye." She cheesed hanging up.

"Alright lets present." Miranda said opening up her binder and handing it to Ben.

"Sarah Fremont." Lexie started and Miranda held up her hand stopping her.

"Uh no Dr. Warren is presenting."

"I highlighted everything for you to read."

"Alright Sarah Fremont, age 27 end stage renal disease. On dialysis for three years waiting for a kidney. She's down to her last access site."

"That's the polite way of saying they've run out of places to stick the needles."

"Ms. Fremont has a subclavian catheter for access. Why is this not ideal?" Miranda asked.

"It's difficult to obtain sufficient blood flow."

"Her surgery is scheduled for 2 pm today. I want one of you to wait for the incoming kidney. Which should be arriving any minute." Miranda said checking her watch.

"I am on it." Lexie announced walking towards the door.

"Page me when you have it in hand."

"You two monitor her stats." She instructed.

"Dr. Bailey promise me that everything is going to go right."

"I can't promise you that, but what I can tell you is that me and these doctors will do our best."

"I want to live a normal life, I want out of this hospital, I want to date and to have fun."

"You will be able to date and you will be able to have fun."

"Speaking of dating." Sarah started turning to Ben. "What are you doing next weekend? You're beautiful. You can take me to dinner as a celebratory when I get out of here, unless you're not single."

"I am." Ben winked and Miranda looked over at him and then to her patient trying to keep a straight face.

"Well you can definitely call me sometime." She smiled and he nodded.

Miranda placed her hand on his lower stomach and ushered him towards the door.

"We will be back in a few hours, to prep you for surgery."

"Thank you Dr. Bailey."

Miranda shut the door and turned to Ben. "You trading me in for my patient?" Miranda questioned jokingly.

"No, but she wasn't bad looking."

"Oh so she's your type?"

"Nope. Nothing close."

"What's your type."

"Um someone this height, but attitude and feistiness here." He demonstrated with his hand.

"I think I got that covered." She laughed.

"I know you do."

"Let's get lunch. We can eat outside or inside which ever you prefer."

"What's on the itinerary?"

"Literally what I said." Miranda laughed. "Read it, so you're more prepared."

"I will."

"How is everything so far?"

"Oh it's great. I love your hospital and I always love patient interaction, that's my favorite part of my job. Just brightening someone’s day if I can. I can tell what kind of doctor you are just by being around you today."

"And what kind of doctor is that?"

"No nonsense. I have noticed that when you step into a room people start doing what they are supposed to do. Two nurses were just talking to each other leaning against the wall. When we walked by they automatically stopped and went to grab charts."

"I didn't notice that." Miranda said looking around.

"I'm observant because it's my first day being here with you and I don't know anyone. You've been here for years. You're use to it."

"Seems like I have been keeping this boat afloat for years too."

"Just from being with you today clearly you are the heart of the hospital." Ben smiled.

"I've been told that before and I'm starting to believe it." Miranda smiled back at him.

"You definitely should, You're also compassionate, diligent, attentive and earnest...in a few years I know you will be chief of this hospital."

Miranda's eyes sparkled at his words. "You really think so?"

"Oh I know so mark my words." Ben promised.

Miranda blushed and looked away, composing herself. "Come on let's go get lunch." Miranda voiced leading him to the cafeteria.

"Everyone this is Dr. Benjamin Warren, who works at Mercy west. Dr. Warren these are a few of my coworkers and acquaintances."

"Acquaintances, we're her friends." Callie laughed.

"Friends." Miranda changed tight lipped. "This is Dr. Derek Shepherd, Mark Sloan,  Callie Torres and Arizona Robbins."

"Its great to meet you all."

"Nice meet you too. What kind of doctor are you?" Arizona asked.

"Anesthesiologist." He answered

"What are you doing here today?"

"I'm Shadowing Dr. Bailey here."

"Why?" Mark asked. "Her specialty isn't cool. You look like you would fit in with the plastics posse."

"I was interested in surgery and she offered."

"Miranda offered." Callie smiled slyly.

"Yes why is that hard to believe?" Miranda asked offended.

"Because you're Miranda Bailey."

"I am a gifted surgeon who works at a teaching hospital and I'm damn good at it."

"How is everything going with Dr. Stanton?" Derek asked.

"Who?" She asked confused.

"Don’t play coy with me."

"I'm not playing coy what are you talking about?"

"Rob from radiology. The guy that you are seeing.  The one that I set up for you."

Miranda looked over at Ben's facial expression to read him. He look perplexed and was relatively keeping a straight face. She didn't want him to think that she was entertaining any one else especially after her speech in the park that day about how she was adjusting and haven't dated before.

"Really Miranda that's great." Arizona smiled.

"I am shocked Miranda, you're seeing Rob. How are you going to just skip pass me and date him , when I asked for a chance."

"What?! You didn't ask me for a chance? You asked to have sex with me." Miranda hissed and Ben's eyes widened along with everyone else at the table.

"You asked Bailey to have sex?" Callie and Derek asked simultaneously.

"Yeah I mean it was worth a shot, look at her."

"True Mark fashion." Arizona stated rolling her eyes.

"Miranda's very private. She doesn't share her personal life with us. I've known her for years and I didn't even know she was married." Derek told Ben.

"Just tell us." Callie insisted.

"I am not talking to him." Miranda said quickly scowling at them.

"Miranda you were on your phone and you were smiling." Derek revealed.

"Oh my God. I was talking to him." She pointed at Ben.

"Oh." Everyone said looking between the two.

"Wait Bailey is he the guy?" Callie questioned excitedly and Miranda kicked her under the table. Ben smiled at that and he cleared his throat.

"Yeah um she told me all day not to say anything." Ben laughed.

"I wasn't going to say anything either, but I didn't want you to think I was seeing anyone else. After he continuously insisted that I was."

"Sorry." Derek chuckled. "So how long has this been going on?"

"Our business." Miranda said quickly and Ben chuckled.

They continued eating and talking back and forth. "I think you would be an excellent peds or obgyn." Arizona said to Ben.

Miranda looked up wondering how the hell could she tell from their little conversation of surgery.

"How so?" Miranda asked.

"I don't know I just feel it."

"Hey Arizona is normally right about these things."

"Like I was with Karev."

"No I discovered Karev's talent for peds and told you about it." Miranda countered.

"Ben you should come hang with the guys one night." Derek extended the invitation.

"Sure." Ben smiled.

"Yeah he's getting ready to build a deck." Mark informed and Ben nodded.

"Sounds like free labor to me." Miranda shrugged and everyone laughed.

After lunch was over Miranda made sure that her resident prepped Sarah for surgery. She walked into the scrub room and she showed Ben how to scrub in and hold his hands up as they walked into the OR. To be gowned.

Miranda stepped onto her stool so she could properly get to her patient and Ben chuckled.

"A step stool." He questioned in her ear and it sent shivers down her spine.

"Yes a step stool Dr. Warren how else do you suppose I reach my patients?"

"A step stool is good. I think its hot."

"Benjamin. I need to concentrate." Miranda whined.

"Sorry proceed."

"Scalpel." Miranda instructed and smiled when she was handed one.

Ben watched as she held it in the air before she closed her eyes and silently said a prayer.

"Okay first I make a oblique incision in the lower abdomen."

"Does it matter how long the incision is?" Ben questioned.

"Does it matter?" Miranda asked the three residents present.

"It depends on the habitus of the patient and it ends two centimeters above the pubic bone, which allows access to the retroperitoneal space the iliac vessels and the bladder." Lexie answered.

"Great now Grey secure the ligament with a vessel loop." Miranda told her and she could see the twinkle in her eye.

"Karev the retractor."

"What are those?" Ben pointed after Alex pushed the peritoneum back with the retractor."

"That is the common external and internal iliac artery and veins." She answers clamping them.

"Alright Grey go get the kidney and be careful. I don’t want any mishaps butter fingers."

Karev laughed and Lexie looked confused missing the joke.

"Mer dropped a kidney last year."

"Let's let that go." Meredith huffed handing Miranda the organ, who then applied corner stitches to the renal vein edges. She placed the kidney into the iliac fossa.

Ben watched in fascination as Miranda worked to attached the kidney and explain each step that she was doing. When she was finished he watched as everyone was staring at the kidney and Miranda rubbed her finger across it.

"What are you waiting for?" He questioned confused.

"We are waiting for it to turn pink."

"Hand me the warm saline." Miranda asked the nurse.

"Here you go doctor Bailey."

"Sometimes it doesn't heat up as fast so we use heated saline." She told him before pouring the saline over the kidney.

"And now... it's pinking up. She has a working kidney." Miranda announced and the various people in the OR clapped. "We are not done yet." She smiled before completing the anastomosis between the ureter and bladder.

"Little Grey close." 

"Thank you Dr. Bailey." Lexie responded smiling under her mask.

"Okay let's get her back to her room and monitor her stats and check for urine." Miranda told the three before she stepped down from her stool and went to go scrub out with Ben beside her.

"You're amazing. The work you do is amazing. This has literally been one of the best days that I have ever had. I thought becoming a doctor and helping patients would be fulfilling, but you just save that woman’s life. She gets to live because of you and the work you did. You held her kidney in your hand." Ben told her as they walked down the hall way.

"Thank you. It feels surreal sometimes. Like me. I'm a doctor and I save lives...I mean I could picture it but to live it. It's a blessing that I do not take for granted."

After they checked up on Sarah it was the end of the day, time for Miranda and Ben to both go home. Miranda changed her clothes and walked out of the locker to find Ben waiting.

They walked out of the lobby close together, their arms brushing pass one another as they walked.

Miranda leaned against her car and looked up at Ben as he stood in front of her. "So I take it you enjoyed your day in the life of a surgeon?"

"I absolutely did. You could have a TV. You're a star."

Miranda gave Ben a really huge smile. "So are you saying I'm celebrity status?" Miranda teased.

"A list." He grinned.

"Well I can't be a celebrity without the fans."

"Oh I'm a fan. A huge fan." Ben remarked and Miranda laughed loudly. Ben then cupped her cheek and rubbed his thumb across her face. "You're so beautiful...you know what makes you better than any celebrity?"

"What?" She questioned.

"You're naturally beautiful. You have what money can't ever buy." Ben told her staring into her intense eyes. Suddenly, Miranda stood up on her toes and pecked his lips.

Surprised, but ecstatic Ben responded to her peck immediately. He deepen the kiss feeling her soft plump lips against his. Adrenaline pumped through his veins and he ran his fingers through her silky hair, needing to feel every part of her. Miranda stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around him as she opened her mouth to him.

When her tongue touched his, he felt stirring in his lower region. He could have taken her right then and there, but he needed to restrain himself. Ben reluctantly let go of her thick lips, nipping and sucking on the bottom one for good measure.

Miranda opened her eyes and stared at him in a daze lustfully. Sparks flew as soon as their lips touched. She tried to think of something to compare it too, but all she could think of was the tickling feeling you get in your stomach when you're on a plane and it takes off.

She touched her lips and smiled lightly.

"Do I have to worry about Rob and Mark?" Ben asked.

"No. Not at all. I promise you." She stated breathlessly. Ben smiled and then leaned down to kiss her again. Miranda clawed at his shirt and he held her tightly. His tongue traced her lips and she eagerly opened her mouth to give his tongue access and she did the same. Their tongues were a swirling mess and her body heated up at his touch and the soft caresses of her back. She moaned softly and Ben groaned at her noise. He briefly wondered what else he could make her produce, her fingers gripped the back of his head and he gripped her hips tighter, pulling her into him.

Pulling away, they looked at each other and Ben smiled.

"Good night Miranda and call me when you get home."

Miranda nodded and smiled before saying. "Good night."

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