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"Why are you up early?" Ben questioned walking out into his living room, seeing Miranda sitting on the couch with a blanket across her legs.

"Because I'm excited. It's our first day working together." She cheesed and then poked her lips out for him to kiss and Ben immediately pressed his lips against hers.

"I'm excited to work with you." He returned.

"Me too. That hospital is a huge infested dating pool everyone dates everyone. I think it will be interesting to work with someone I'm with though. We will be able to eat lunch or dinner with each other  on the days we are on call. I will be able to see you instead of having to wait till our schedules permit."

"I'm going to love seeing you in those scrubs." Ben added, biting his lips at the thought. She filled those out ridiculously.

"The coffees still warm. If you to join me in watching the sunrise."

"Miranda its 5:15."

"Exactly that's why I said sunrise."

"We don't have to be to work for 2 hours and 15 minutes."

"I know come lay with me." She instructed and Ben gave in laying his head on her lap.

Miranda stroked his head before rubbing his temples soothingly.

"You riding with me to work?" He asked looking up at her.

"I didn't bring any clothes."

"I told you to start bringing clothes so you can leave from here to go to work."

"I know, but don't you think it's a little too early to be leaving clothes at each others places."

"No I don't. It's not a big deal. It's just convenient. Its not an invitation to move in with me."

"I know that. I'm just saying.... look." Miranda pointed to the patio. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"It is." Ben agreed looking at it. He had this apartment for years and never thought to look at the sunrise.

The two laid on the couch for an hour talking before Miranda got up to leave.

"Ok honey I'll see you at work."

"Alright baby drive safe." He instructed before kissing her.

Miranda smiled into the kiss before her mind wandered to them working again. “Oh wait we need rules."

"Rules for what?"

"For us. You will not flirt with me at work. You will not kiss me at work. You will not look at me with the I've seen you naked eyes at work. What we do in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. I am professional woman with a stellar reputation."

"Miranda I don't need a lecture."

"Its not a lecture. I'm being serious."

"Ok I hear you no PDA at work, anything else."

"No that’s it." She laughed.

"I will abide by your rules as I see fit."

"As you see fit?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"Benjamin don't tempt me."

"Go home and get dress Miranda." He laughed, ushering her out.

Ben walked around Seattle Grace trying to find everything. He remembered a lot of things from the tour Miranda gave him when he came to shadow her, but it was so many people lost that it was hard to focus.

"Welcome Warren." Sloan greeted him and Derek nodded.

"Uh thanks."

"You finding everything ok." Derek questioned.

"Yeah yeah. It's going. Most of my patients for today are on the OB floor, so its not too bad."

"You coming to the bar tonight?"

"Yeah I'll be there. Its the one across the street right?"

"Yep. Emerald City bar, can't miss it."

"Ok. Which floor has the OR board again."

"4th floor Right across from the nurses station."

"Thank you." Ben nodded before taking off in that direction. He walked onto the surgical floor and walked to the OR board when he heard his name being called. He looked around and saw an old coworker.

"Benjamin Warren."  Faye smiled. "I'm sorry I mean Dr. Warren."

"Hey." He greeted smiling widely.

"Its so nice seeing a familiar face around here." She laughed lightly.

"Are you the only OB nurse that got a position here?"

"It seems like it. I'm having a hard time finding my way around here. I wish they gave out maps."

"Where do you need to go?"

"To the maternity floor and cafeteria."

"I can show you. I just literally left from there. I was trying to check and see what operating room I would be in." He spoke turning back to check. He smiled seeing his name in OR 3 and the Surgeon M. Bailey.

"Ok this way." He directed as they began talking about a funny patient they were assisting at Mercy West.

Miranda looked out the door of her patients room as Ben walked by with a woman in pink scrubs. She was smiling up at him listening to whatever he was saying. Staring at the now empty door way she didn't hear her patient call her name.

"Dr. Bailey."

"Huh. What?" Miranda said quickly.

"I was asking you when my sister gets here. How long before she can give me a piece of her liver."

"Um I'm sorry. We know you two are the same blood type so we just have to run test on her to make sure she is in good health and doesn't have anything going on. If everything checks out. You will have a new liver by Wednesday."

"Thank you Dr. Bailey."

"Oh it's my pleasure."

"Are you ok?" She asked concerned.

"Yes I'm fine. I just saw someone that's all." Miranda assured.

"Oh ok."

After Miranda checked on her patients she walked to the attending’s lounge and sat down at the table.  She began working on charts before Callie walked in and set beside her.

"What?" Miranda sighed.

"Arizona doesn't want kids." Torres huffed putting her face in her hands.

"So now what?"

"I don't know. I've always wanted to be a mother. I want a baby in the future."

"But you love her." Miranda stated.

"Exactly. I don’t want to just walk away. Maybe in a little while she'll change her mind."

"No. She most likely will not change her mind. This is not like getting a dog, this is a human life and if a woman does not want kids she doesn’t want them. Things like that are not likely to change ever. No man was able to change Christina's mind."

"You're right... ughh." Callie groaned.

"Don't settle you're going to regret it in the end."

"I'm not. Thanks Bailey."

"No problem."

"How is it working with Ben?"

"Its good I haven't see much of him today. We have a surgery together later though."

"Everyone's hanging out this weekend It's a couples outing. If you and Ben want to come."

"Who's Everyone?"

"Arizona and I, Shepherd and grey, Hunt and Yang, Sloan and little Grey. Teddy's dating her patient."

"She’s doing what? What is up with the doctors in this hospital." Miranda stressed palming her forehead. "And to your invitation no thank you."

"Bailey it will be fun. You guys should come." Callie pleaded.

"I'll think about it." She caved before continuing to chart.

"Hey Dr. Warren here's the chart for the patient in 301." Nurse Faye smiled handing him a grey binder.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"How was your day?"

"It was good. You?"

"It was great thanks to you."

"Thanks to me?" Ben asked confused before handing the nurse behind the counter the rest of his charts.

Miranda smiled seeing Ben at the nurses station, but frowned seeing him talking to the same woman from earlier. She used this opportunity to look her over. She thought she was pretty with straight black hair and Carmel skin.

Her nose flared when she touched his bicep. Walking closer she listened to the conversation they were having.

"Yeah thank you for showing me around today. I really appreciate it. If you're not too busy do you want to grab a drink and maybe some food tonight?"

"Oh um I have--" Ben started, but she interrupted.

" I know it's out of the blue, but I was thinking we could pick back up on us. We were good together."

"I think not." Miranda voiced coldly her eyes narrowing at the both of them.

Ben snapped his head around at the sound of Miranda's voice and he could see the anger written all over her face. If looks could kill they would be dead.

"Nurse Faye this is my girlfriend Dr. Miranda Bailey Chief of General surgery. Dr. Bailey this is nurse Faye. We worked together at mercy west."

"Oh it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry I didn't know."

Miranda pursed her lips to together and just stared at the woman. She wanted her out of her sight and Faye quickly got the hint.

"I'll see you around Ben." She smiled lightly before walking away.

"Miranda." Ben reached out to touch her hand but she pulled back.

"Don't." Miranda snapped.

"Miranda." He repeated before she turned on her heel and walked away.

Ben walked around trying to find Miranda for a good amount of time until he had to go in surgery. Setting up his tools he looked up and saw her scrubbing in at the sink with Dr. Sloan. They were having a conversation with each other before she walked in like a storm. She held her hands up as a nurse came to gown and glove her. She cut her eyes to Ben watching as he filled syringes before injecting them into the patients IV to put them under.

"Dr. Bailey." Ben acknowledged waiting for her to say something but she refrained rolling her eyes.

"You ready Dr. Sloan." She turned to face him.

"More than ready." He smiled. "So Warren. I know I saw you earlier, but how are you liking it here so far?"

"It's been great. Great facility with great people."

"That's great. You know the nurse's here are the best and extra nice." He winked trying to still get on the nurses good side and Ben sighed ready for Miranda's smart comment.

"I'm sure Dr. Warren knows that. He knows all about that." She sneered.

Ben rolled his eyes and continued checking the patients stats.

"Looks like that's about it. You want to have the anesthesiologist to start lightening her up." Miranda asked Mark.

"You could ask me directly." He stated annoyed.

"Dr. Sloan?" She insisted.

"You want to start lightening her up?" Mark ask him looking between the two.

Pleased Miranda stepped down from her step stool and walked towards the door throwing her gown and gloves in the trash.

After Ben finished his charts. He went to the attending’s lounge/ locker room to change his clothes.

He looked around for Miranda once again and saw her walking out of a patients room. Walking over her grabbed her hand pulling her into the nearest room.

"Move out of the way." Miranda commanded trying to leave.

"No. Miranda, you have no reason to be upset with me." He responded crossing his arms.

"You had sex with that girl." She hissed.

"That was years ago."

"Clearly it was unforgettable by her sitting there acting like it was yesterday."

"I can't help that I'm good at sex." Ben answered in a tone that caused her to get more irritated. "And Miranda how was she doing that? She asked me out for a drink and food."

"I was thinking we could pick back up on us. We were good together." Miranda imitated.

"Baby what can I do about that? I can't go back in time."

"I'm not mad that you had sex with her, partially. I don't want to work with her though. This is going to get on my nerves. I was excited for us to work together,  but now I’m going to have to deal with women hitting on you. It's too much. Why were you with her all day? I saw you two talking this morning."

"First we weren't together all day. She recognized me this morning and was excited to see a familiar face. She asked me to show her where a few places were and that was that. Later when you came up she had just given me a chart for a patient I gave an epidural to prior."

Miranda eyed him poking her lips out.

"You ready to loose the attitude with me." He questioned grabbing her by her hips.

"I don’t know just yet."

Ben chuckled and kissed her lips twice. Miranda sighed into his kisses.

"What time do you get off. I was thinking we could get some food. Then we take a bath together followed with a massage."

"Just a massage."

"Well sex is always on the menu. I figured that was going to take place during the bath." He answered nipping at her neck.

"That all sounds wonderful, but I’m on call tonight. So you go home and get some sleep."

"Really Miranda. You could have led with that."

"I'm sorry." She laughed looking at his disappointed face. "I'm disappointed too."

"Yeah yeah. It' ok. I was supposed to be going to the bar with the guys tonight. I was going to ditch them for you."

"The bar with what guys?" She questioned.

"Shepherd, Sloan, and Hunt."

"Mmm ok. Call me afterwards."

"Will do. What are you going to do?"

"I'm to go lay down until I get paged."

Ben nodded and kissed her lips again. Miranda smiled and opened the door to the conference room they were in.

"Goodnight baby."

"Good night Benjamin Warren."

Ben went to the Bar and sat down beside Hunt who arrived first. They ordered a beer and talked before everyone else showed up.

"Did you and Bailey solve the problem?" Mark questioned chuckling.

"What problem?" Derek questioned.

"I used to date a nurse and she heard the woman asking if I wanted to grab a drink tonight and rekindle things." Ben explained drinking his beer.

"Oh how did she react?"

"Miranda didn't even give me the opportunity turn her down. She cut her off and said I think not. Then she got pissed and wouldn't speak to me the rest of the day."

"Meredith got upset with me one time. We had just got back together, but some how she found out I kissed Rose. Rose is the nurse I was dating."

"But what does it matter if you two were back together and that was before her." Owen questioned.

"Exactly." Ben and Derek said simultaneously.

"Women." Hunt stated and they laughed.

"You know what the problem is?" Marked asked.

"What?" The rest of the guys inquired.

"The problem is they're women." He answered smoothly and everyone burst out laughing in agreement.

"What about us women?" Miranda questioned and all 4 four men turned their heads to see Miranda, Meredith, Christina, Lexie, Callie and Arizona.

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