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"Hey Shepherd you got a minute?"  Miranda asked catching up to him.
"Yeah, what's up Bailey." He smiled.

"Ok so I need help. I want to do something nice for Ben, but I don't know what to do. He takes me out and initiate all of our dates and I haven't done a single thing. What can I do? I need a male expertise."

"Wow, first let me say that I am honored that you chose me." Derek stated and Miranda rolled her eyes.

"What does he like?"

"Well me for starters." Miranda laughed. "Um camping and I’m not doing that."

"I could loan you my trailer."

"Absolutely not. Everyone we know has stayed and had sex in there. We won't be next. I'm sure that mattress is filthy."

"Ok then. What else does he like Miranda?"

"He likes outdoorsy stuff and sports specifically basketball. Running, woodworking, cooking on the grill, and reading."

"Sounds like you need to plan something outdoorsy."

"I know. Thanks for nothing." Miranda groaned rolling her eyes at her friend.

"You're welcome." He laughed.

Miranda thought about what to do for Ben all day and finally something popped in her head. She recently saw a flyer for a luxury treehouse rental on the hospital bulletin board and remembered thinking it was an odd, but a cool Idea. She walked back to the bulletin board and pulled the flyer off.

Ben read Miranda's text message asking if he could get next weekend off and he smiled. He requested the time off immediately and just in case asked Knox to switch with him.

When that weekend came, early Saturday morning Miranda stood outside with him as she loaded things in the car. She told him to bring stuff for a summer cabin vacation and that he did.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going this weekend?"

"Nope. Just relax Benjamin and drink your coffee." Miranda smiled buckling her seatbelt.

"I could drive if you told me."

"Then that would defeat the purpose of a surprise romantic getaway planned by yours truly. So just sit there and control the music or take a little nap. It's not a long drive."

Miranda drove a good ways and Ben looked at the sign for Dash Point State Park and watched as Miranda turned that way. They couldn't be going camping. He thought to himself.

When Miranda parked in the back parking lot of the state park, he look around confused.

"Are you sure this is it?"

"I'm positive. We just have to walk a little ways into the woods."

"Miranda Bailey is walking into the woods?"

"Its a stone path so we won't get lost." She told him seriously." Lets get our bags and things now so we don't have to walk all the way back."

"I wouldn't mind walking back."

"Ok, but I bought this." She stated pointing at the big crate with wheels and a handle.

"Never mind then lets get everything." He instructed. "I'll come back for the fishing rods and supplies." He added stacking stuff in the crate. Once he got the suitcases. Miranda locked the door and they started on their walk. It didn't take them long as they followed the stones through the trees.

"Damn a tree house?" Ben awed looking at the huge brown, wooden house in the tree.

"It's beautiful. The pictures doesn't do it justice." Miranda marveled. She loved the bridge to get across to what she assumed was a separate sitting room.

"That’s looks like the bridge to Terbithia." She added.

"You read that book?" Ben inquired turning to look at her.

"Of course I did. It's a classic."

"Did you watch the movie that came out like 3 years ago?"

"A movie?" Miranda asked excitedly.

"Yeah. Clearly you haven't seen it by your excitement. So I will rent it this week coming up."

"Thank you." She smiled before walking up the wooden stairs. "You need help carrying that?"

"No. Why wouldn't I need help carrying your two suitcases, my own, and all these groceries." Ben replied sarcastically walking up the stairs behind her.

"It seem like you are doing a great job to me."

Miranda put the combination in on the key lock box to get the keys out and opened the door.

"Wow. This is beautiful." Miranda stated before she looked around.

"This is amazing." Ben agreed. "I love that you can't see it from the main road."

"Right that was smart and the lake is secluded too." She pointed looking at it from the window.

The treehouse was huge with a full wrap around walk and deck. On the inside the bedroom was a few feet from the kitchenette and there was a full bathroom a little ways down. It reminded her of a studio loft apartment.

"There are 4 horses on the property and the woman told me that in the refrigerator there were carrots for us to feed them." Miranda told him before she opened it up and indeed she saw the carrots. "Hand me that bag of cleaning products so I can clean this kitchen and the bathroom."

"Ok. What's for dinner tonight?" Ben asked handing her the sponges and different cleaning supplies.

"I have a romantic meal planned for us." She cheesed.

"You do?" He smiled coming up behind her and putting his face in her neck.

"I do, but you have to help me because I don't know nothing about using a grill."

"That won't be a problem."

"I also made us desserts and I bought things for s’mores since we are going to be out here."

"You made dessert?" he asked amused.

Yes and before you ask I tasted them first."

"I wasn't going to say anything." He chuckled grabbing some supplies also to help clean up the already cleaned place. He knew Miranda was going to wipe everything down. She was very particular about cleaning.

As they cleaned Miranda and Ben both looked over at the bed and smiled to themselves, thinking about this whole weekend alone. The bed was absolutely stunning and she loved the natural wooden bedframe as well as the partial glass ceiling above the bed.

"I'm going to go clean off the grill and the eating area outside."

"Ok honey. Be careful of bears and snakes. Ooh and--" She stared to list something else.

"I got it." Ben laughed before going outside. He washed off the grill and the racks before he set the pillows up in the chairs surrounding the fire pit.

"Alright now that everything is clean and I see that you put our clothes away. What do you want to do? We could go swimming."

"Ben I am not swimming in a lake. It could be leeches and God knows what else in there."

"Miranda it's the same as the beach."

Miranda shook her head still and he sighed.

"Canoeing and fishing?"

"Ugh deal." Miranda said softly thinking about it.

"Great. I'm going to teach you how to fish and you are going to have fun out on the water. It less than a 5 second walk from here. Let me go get the rods and supplies out the car."

"You need help?"

"Now you want to?"

"I offered in hopes you would say no." She winked and he laughed. "I will be right back."

Miranda put on green cargo shorts that went to her knees and a white shirt. She made sure to put on sunscreen and bug spray.

"Here." She told Ben handing him each of the items. "Don't forget to put the sunscreen on your face too."

"Thank you. You can help me carry the rods and stuff."

"Just let me grab a book and my shades.”

The lake itself wasn't all that large—the shoreline could be seen in all directions—and it wasn't terribly deep. But the surrounding trees hid all what they could assume were cabins on the opposite shores.

A few minutes later they were in the middle of the lake and Ben showed Miranda how to set her fishing rod up and what do. After the lesson he casted off, the red and white float bobbing in the water. Miranda re-adjusted her shades and started reading her book, a science fiction with comedy mixed in.

There was a peaceful silence for quite a while in the glorious sunshine, until Ben would recast his line making waves in the surface of the lake shimmer like a broken mirror. Then the other sound was the faint rustling of Miranda turning the page. Occasionally she would chuckle under her breath at a particularly funny sentence in her book.

Ben stared at her for a while. He liked this for her. She looked peaceful as the sun cascade over her skin. He often thought about their future together. He wanted everything with her, the huge house, the kids, and just years of never dying love.

After a while she sighed and Ben looked up, jerked out of his thoughts. "So is this all you do?"

"What?" He questioned confused.

"I mean this is awfully boring ,but I thought we do more than just sit."

Ben cleared his throat. "I am doing more than just sitting, Miranda. I'm fishing."

"But you haven't caught anything. All that's happened is something has taken the bait. Twice. You're just staring at the circle red and white ball attached to your fishing rod."

Ben feigned a sigh of impatience, noting with some shock that she was right. "So now you're a champion fisher-woman as well as a doctor, Miranda?"

She snorted with laughter and Ben wondered how she always made that seem so damn attractive. "I bet I can catch more fish than you Benjamin Warren."

"Sounds like a challenge baby?"

"It is one."

"You remember everything I taught you an hour ago."


"Ok lets begin then."

Miranda and Ben waited after they casted their lines on opposite sides of their canoe.

"Miranda, you got something?" Ben questioned wandering over to where Miranda was wrestling with a fishing rod, winding and pulling back.

"Maybe, God, this is so stupid." Miranda huffed pulling on the rod jerkily and the line snapped and it was only Ben's quick reflexes that saved his eye from the vicious whip of the severed wire.

"Slow down, expert. It's about gentleness and patience, though maybe that's why you're not any good at it."

Miranda laughed before rolling her eyes at him, reeling in the remaining line and re-hooking it, getting ready to cast again. The next sequence of events would have been funny if they hadn't almost gotten him killed.

Miranda swung the rod back, getting ready to cast. At the same time, Ben stepped forward to help her. Some how Miranda's elbow flew up, cracking him on the head and had him seeing stars. He probably would have been fine if he didn't stumble backwards and trip over the tackle box, sending him overboard.

Miranda was laughing even as she went to help him, apologies falling from her lips. But the sudden splash alerted her senses and stopped the laugh she was producing.

"Benjamin!" Miranda shouted the fishing rod long forgotten, and she waited only a second to see if he would resurface again.

Miranda knew she wasn't a good swimmer hints her life jacket. She told him to put one on, but he insisted he could swim.

"Ooh this is bad." She whined getting on her knees to look over into the semi clear water. She saw his shirt and thought that maybe he would come up now.

"Baby please." Miranda pleaded her eyes already watering.

Despite his pounding head Ben held his breath and stayed under the water a little while to mess with her. What he didn't expect was to feel her getting into the water beside him. Miranda said a prayer before getting into the water being kept up by her life jacket. She grabbed Ben's arm and pulled him up hard.

Ben came up out of the water and the two stared at each other. He could tell that she was really worried by her glossy eyes and didn't even have the heart to tell her that he was just joking.

Miranda grabbed his face with both hands to look him over. "Are you ok? I'm so sorry. It was accident, I didn't mean it."

"I know you didn't mean it. I'm ok. Just a killer headache now. I think we've had enough water for today." Ben replied softly looking at her wet curly brown hair.

"I think you're right. At least its warm." She noted trying to look on the bright side. "Are you really ok baby. You scared the hell out of me."

"I'm fine. I just want to lay down for a minute."

"Alright lets get back to the house. I need to check you out." She said seriously moving the canoe.

Miranda checked Ben's head out and used her flashlight to check his pupils. After checking his vision with her fingers as well, she gave him some ibuprofen. The two got out of their wet clothes and took a shower together. While Ben laid on the bed to rest Miranda seasoned their Sea Bass and made a cream cider sauce to put on top. She also lightly buttered bread and sat that aside.

Proud of her work, she sat it in a bowl and walked outside to figure out the grill. It couldn't be too hard.

She knew she wanted charcoal because she wanted the actual grill taste. Miranda opened the grill and was glad that Ben had already cleaned it. She took the racks out and poured some charcoal inside. Putting the racks back inside. She looked around to figure out how to light it.

"What are you doing?" Ben questioned causing her to jump.

"Jesus Ben Warren. You can't be quiet as a ninja in the woods."

"I told you I would grill."

" I know, but you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you, especially after the incident earlier."

"Miranda baby, I told you I was fine. I just needed to lay down. I feel good."

"Okay great because I don't know how to light this."

"Did you add lighter fluid?"

"Uh no." She giggled before going to grab the bottle.

Ben took the racks back off before pouring and even amount over the charcoals. Miranda watched as he got a lighter to light the grill. The two stood back because the flames were high and they waited for them to recede.

"Alright now you can put food on there."

Miranda nodded and walked back up the stairs to get everything.

She placed the fish on the grill and seared both sides before she let it continue to cook skin side down.

"It's getting dark, you want me to set up the eating area."

"Uh yeah. Can you run inside and bring out the plates, wineglasses, silverware and the bottle of wine."

"Of course."

When the bass was nearly done,  Miranda added the sourdough bread to the grill, cooking it over direct heat until grill marks formed and each one was crispy.

She walked over and grab the plates he bought out. She then served everything together with seasonal greens and then poured the cream sauce over top of the fish. She smiled at the plate. It looked like something that would be served at a 5 star restaurant.

Miranda sat Ben's plate down in front of him before she sat hers on the table.

"Wow baby this looks amazing."

"Thanks." She smiled.

"Where did you find Chilean Sea bass, its expensive and rare?"

"The one thing Derek was useful for, he told me where an excellent fish mark was."

"We definitely have to visit that again."

"Yeah it was on the outskirts of Seattle."

"You went all out?" Ben smirked.

"I tried too. You're always the one who plans everything and buys me everything. So I wanted to do something for you. I'm not really good at romancey things." She explained. "And I'm bad at outdoor activities."

"Its ok. This has been a great trip thus far and you don't have to be good at out door activities or romancey things. I love you simply because your trying to be. And I vowed to never take you fishing again." He laughed.

"That was bad, but I might be ok on an actual pier. Don't count me out yet."

"We'll give it one more try."

"One more."

They talked through dinner and Ben continuously complimented her on the food.

"Do I want more children?" Miranda questioned making sure she heard him correctly.

"Yeah do you want more or is Tuck your one and done?"

Miranda swallowed hard If she said no where would that leave their relationship she was most certainly sure that he wanted a baby of his own one day.

"I've always wanted a girl, but it was hard to conceive Tuck. It took 7 years for me to get pregnant. So I’m not necessarily sure if I could have more. It would um... probably take some work. Do you want children?"

"I think I do."

"You're not sure?"

"I mean I didn't know I wanted anything until I met you but I could see myself being a dad."

"I think you would be a great dad... and husband. Not that we are getting married or anything.

"I know." He laughed putting his hand over hers. "Lets just be comfortable with us for right now. Though I would marry you tomorrow no questions ask." He winked.

Miranda gasped and blushed. "Let me take these plates and get the dessert." She said quickly.

Miranda came back outside and saw Ben sitting in a chair by the fire pit. She sat the bag of Marshmallows on his lap and the chocolate and gram crackers in hers.

"I made raspberry and champagne cupcakes." She smiled showing him the container. "Then we can make S'mores."

She laughed when she opened the cupcake and fed him. Miranda gasped as he licked her fingers and hand.

"Benjamin." She squealed.

"That taste so good."

"Better than me?" She questioned.

"Nothing and I repeat nothing taste better than you, but that cupcake is real close." He answered licking his lips.

"Let me taste then." Miranda giggled biting into one. "Mmm pretty good." She noted.

Ben began tearing into a bag of marshmallows and Miranda watched in horror as Ben stabbed a marshmallow with a stick.

"Oh no, Ben. No. I will not eat anything after you've- Benjamin, do you know what that stick could have come into contact with?"

Ben chuckled and sat up some in front of the fire.

"I brought some skewers for that." She pouted.

"This is supposed to be fun." Ben sandwiched the marshmallow between some graham crackers and a piece of chocolate and took a huge bite.

Miranda did the same leaving a trail of chocolate and marshmallow on her chin. Ben smirked and leaned over licking her face. Miranda gasped as he started licking and sucking on her face and lips. She whimpered when his hand went between her thighs rubbing her through her pants.

"Ben." Miranda moaned lightly moving his hand.

"Miranda." He said back kissing her neck to the top of her breast.

"Benjamin we are not having sex out here when there is a perfectly good queen-sized bed in there, but...." she trailed off as he suck on her pulse point.

"But..." he inquired.

"I'll help you out with something." She smiled standing suddenly. Ben watched as she came to stand in front of him before she descended onto her knees.

Without taking her eyes off his Miranda reached down and undid the button of his jeans, pulling them down along with his boxer Ben eagerly lifted up and she smiled when his penis greeted her, hard and ready.  She licked her lips at the sight. It was a beautiful thing all chocolate and veiny.

Miranda reach down and grasped it, running her fingers across the tip. Slicking it with his pre cum. She stroked him firmly

"God, that feels so good," he said quickly and she felt him pulse and throb in her small hand. She kiss his chest and then look back up at him. "Sit up for me baby."

Ben did as told and Miranda got up and kissed his lips before kneeling between his knees. Very softly, she kissed the head of his penis and listened as he took a deep breath before leaning his head back.

"You know, Benjamin, this is one of my favorite activities." She said casually, and circled her tongue around the head of his member. Then Miranda gently pushed the tip of her tongue into his leaking slit.

"Really?"  He questioned struggling to keep his voice steady.

"Definitely." Miranda responded flattening her tongue and placing it at the base of his shaft, she then slowly dragged it up along the underside. Ben groaned at her teasingly full licks, but was definitely ready for her to take the whole thing.

Peppering his shaft with small kisses all the way to the top she wrapped her lips around the head and swirled her tongue for a bit before plunging all the way down his dick. He emitted a deep and low groan.

Miranda slowly bobbed her head along his penis over and over, with her hands grabbing his thighs for support. He moaned in pleasure with each and every stroke of her soft and warm mouth.

Every so often she would move her face to the underside of his dick and lightly flick her tongue across the vein just under the head.

"Ooooohhhhh my God, Miranda." He whimpered.

"I like when you call my name out like that." She winked and then wet her lips, getting back to the task at hand. Miranda's expert mouth slowly bobbed up and down. She then paused at the bottom and held his huge penis completely inside her mouth, pleasuring him to the fullest. Taking a breath she came back up and then did it again, taking him all the way to the back of her throat and pushing her mouth down onto his dick, as far as she could take him.

"Damn baby, fuck!" Ben shouted before grabbing a fistful of her hair. Miranda would normally scold him for this because she liked to be the one in control especially during this, but she relented this time wanting him to be throughly pleased.

Miranda breathed through her noses and held it there for a second, enjoying it, and then slowly pulled back up and off, teasing the head with her tongue.

She slowly slid her mouth back over his dick and removed him from her mouth. She wore the naughtiest smile, and Ben could tell she was thoroughly enjoying this as much as he was. Miranda took his penis into her mouth once more and slid her tongue back and forth along the underside. He responded with another moan, louder and more urgent than before. She removed him once again from her mouth and looked toward him with a smile, the flickering light of the fire cascaded across his brown skin and she loved the sight.

"Shit." He huffed at her sweet torture. "Miranda please." He grunted wanting to be in her mouth again. He couldn't take too much more of this.

Miranda smirked and took him back into her awaiting mouth. Adding her hand Miranda stroked him firmly. She needed to take a little break, but wanted to still fully engulf him. Now she could slide up and down every inch of him, taking him as far as she could into her throat, and letting her hand do the rest. At the top of the stroke she swirled her tongue around his head and twisted with her hand.

Miranda flicked her eyes up to his face and found him watching with his mouth open and his eyes glassy. With each exhale he moaned, and then he braced his body putting pressure on the arms of the chair.

"How does this feel?" Miranda questioned. Ben was so overwhelmed, he couldn't speak. He simply nodded his head and grunted.

"Great I persume" she giggled. With that, she slid his wet cock back into her mouth. She pulled him toward her, and she began to furiously fuck him with her mouth. He placed his hands on the back of her head and thrust himself into her mouth, over and over, filling the vestry with the wet sound of a proper blow job.

"Oh fuck," he moaned. "Fuck, Miranda, you've gotta stop or I'm going to cum."

"Mmmmmmm. Promise? Because I need your cum in my mouth," she teased, and shrugged his hands giving him the speed he wanted.

His head dropped backwards and he moaned loudly. Miranda could feel him pulsing and throbbing in her mouth and then suddenly she felt him swell to the max.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" he grunted. Miranda began moaning, and her muffled moans seemed to push Ben over the edge. With her mouth still filled with his dick, he stopped his thrusting and gave a loud groan. His body tensed and shook, and Miranda did everything she could to swallow it all, but it was too much. Some of his cum leaked from the corner of her mouth and spilled onto her shirt.

"That.." he began, searching for words. "That was... damn.

Miranda helped him pull his pants and boxer up before she straddled his waist and waited for him to gather himself.

Ben picked her up and Miranda laughed loudly. He carried her up the stairs and into the house. Miranda didn't waist any time taking off her clothes.

He sat her on the bed and pulled her pants off. He looked down at the red lace thong before looking back up at her. Miranda smiled widely and the ordered him out of his clothes. She watched as he undressed fully and she licked her lips before undoing her bra. Ben kissed her lips hungrily, and started to push forward, crawling onto the bed and making Miranda crawl back towards the head of the bed, the two of them keeping their desperate mouths glued to each other's, prolonging that kiss for as long as possible.

It wasn't long before Miranda was laying back onto the mattress, her dark brown hair fanning out around her on the pillow as Ben's body laid on top of hers, his knee nudging her thighs apart so that his hips met the cradle of hers.

They both gasped as his hard erection came into contact with the little thong she wore. It was a sexy annoying barrier, but even with it there, Ben could feel the wet heat of her slit beneath it, just begging for attention. He was too impatient to go through the motions of peeling the panties off of her. His lips left hers, their gazes locked as he reached down between them, his fingers curled into a fist around the pretty lace waistband. With one solid yank, the lace gave away with a rip. Miranda gasped, her hips leaving the mattress as Ben ripped the red material from her body.

Ben tossed the remnants of the lace off to the side to be utterly forgotten about, Miranda's wetness was pressing against his dick, all hot, wet and slippery causing him to groan in satisfaction. He put his hands on both sides of her head and then lifted his upper body up off of hers in a sort of push up movement.

He let his gaze travel down between them so that he could watch as he started to rock his hips back and forth, hypnotized by the sight of his dick glistening with her juices

The full, heavy length of his penis slid back and forth across Miranda's swollen and sensitive vagina as he rocked his hips back and forth, grinding himself down against her.

She was so wet that it made things easy, the thick lips of her pussy cradled his dick as he glided it back and forth with the little rolls of his hips.

Miranda moaned loudly when the thick head of his member hit her clit. She gripped his waist to pull him into her signaling what she wanted.

Ben grinned at her and grabbed his dick to oblige what she wanted. He slid down between her lips until the tip of it kissed the entrance to her. He felt her walls clench at the feeling of his broad head being held right there, hard and ready to push inside.

Miranda gave her hips a little wiggle, eagerly pressing herself forward towards him and it was just enough to get the tip of him to start pushing inside of her. She smiled to herself a silent victory. She didn't know what kind of game he was playing, but wasn't in the mood for it.

"Fuck." Ben cursed under his breath at the sensation of her walls wrapping, hot and wet, around the head of him. This was the first time that they weren't using condoms while being intimate and he could tell that this was going to be one hell of an experience for the both of them.

Miranda moaned out explicits, but her sound of pleasure was lost against the sound of Ben's growling groan of satisfaction. One of his strong hands slid down to her thigh, his fingers digging into her supple skin as he lifted her leg up onto his hip, pulling her body closer and angling her hips towards him. Miranda compiled without hesitation, wrapping her leg around his waist.

The shift in positioned forced him to slide all the way in, filling her to the max. Her walls squeezed down around him, convulsing like it was trying to pull him deeper inside.

She dug her nails into his shoulders and pressed her hips up off the bed just as Ben slammed his hips down to meet hers. His balls slapped against her perfect round ass as he buried himself in her. Miranda moaned so loud she thought everyone nearby could hear her including the damn forest animals.

"God you're so perfect," Ben spoke in a graveled tone, his hips staying pressed to hers but doing little swiveling motions that caused his dick to rub around, and hit all the spots that made Miranda gasp, curse, moan and grip him tighter.

Ben slowly pulled out and pushed back in several times creating a good satisfying rhythm.

"Oh, fuck... Ben, yes, I love you... Fuck, fuck me, please!" Miranda moaned her hips pinned beneath the pressure of Ben's, keeping her impaled on his penis.

Ben didn't hold out long at all before he was slamming back inside. He started fucking her with hard, pounding thrusts. Over and over again he drove himself inside of her. It felt so good, that Miranda couldn't help but to move in time with him, raising her hips up off the bed to meet his. She periodically would scratch his back or grabbed the sheets.

The bed, which was sturdy, but surprisingly it started to squeak a little under every shuddering thrust, mixing with the sound of Miranda's moans and the clap of their sweaty bodies meeting over and over and over again.

Ben suddenly took Miranda's nipple into his mouth, sucking at her flesh as it bounced with the impact from everyone of his hard thrust.

Miranda gripped his head at the feeling and held it against her breast. "Damn Benjamin." She panted as he sucked and nipped at her perfect breast, adding more and more sensation until everything Miranda knew was pleasure. Every slide of his skin, every flick of his tongue, every time he sank inside and the base of his cock brushed against her swollen clit she would moan. She felt herself reaching her climax and was doing her best to hold on to it.

Ben groaned out above her and gripped her waist tighter as he pounded into her relentlessly. Miranda knew he was about to cum by the way he got off rhythm. She raked her perfectly manicured nails down his back, her fingers digging in to encourage his orgasm.

"Fuck." Ben grunted and slammed into her one more time before he stilled. He gave one, full-body shudder before he came and she moaned encouragingly. She released her grip on him, making an approving sound while she nuzzled her face into his neck.

"Mmh, fuck, Benjamin... I'm not done yet." She murmured, making him hesitate for a second, taken a bit by surprise.

Before he could even question it, Ben found himself being rolled. Miranda planted her foot on the mattress, keeping that leg hooked, she used leverage and momentum to roll them both over. Ben groaned as he suddenly found the woman sitting impaled on his dick, her face a few inches from his with all that brown, curly hair curtained around them, a slighty smirk on her beautiful face.

"Damn, baby..." he muttered, his hands finding those thick fucking hips and digging his fingers into her soft skin as she started to move.

Miranda lifted herself up off his penis only to let her weight and gravity drop her body back down. He hit deeper in this position, and she wasn't shy about moaning out her delight as she started riding him, the constant stimulation didn't even give him a chance to get soft.  She sat up a little bit and put her hands on his chest as she bounced wildly ontop of him. Miranda loved to hear his little grunts every time she would make contact with the base of him.

"Mmmm." She moaned softly bitting her lips. She slid her hand down her body, her fingers finding her pussy. She was soaking wet, his cum was leaking out all over the both of them and she used all that moisture to her advantage rubbing his sticky warm cum into her clit with quick, demanding little circles.

Ben couldn't help but to watch in awe as Miranda flipped the fucking script, and for the first time, someone was using him as their own personal toy. It felt so fucking good inside of her, the weight of her body behind every drop was magnificent.

Miranda fingered her clit as she watched Ben watch her, their eyes making contact and holding it was making the whole thing that much more intense. It was over way too quickly for Miranda's liking as her orgasm came hitting her out of nowhere.

"Yes, yes, damn Benjamin Warren!" Miranda cried, her legs a shaking mess on top of him.

All Ben could do was hold onto her. The way her orgasm made her walls tighten up around his dick and then rapidly start to squeeze and release and squeeze and release around every inch of his member made his whole body tense up underneath her, the pure pleasure of it took his breath and made his muslces tighten. After several seconds of Miranda riding out her orgasm, she dropped her head on his shoulder as her bouncing turned into subtle little grinds down against him.

"God.. Damn, woman," Ben muttered as he rubbed his hands up and down her back, a happy little laugh leaving his throat as he held her against his chest. She was seriously something else and she was all his.

Miranda grinned, sucking in a slow, shuddering breath. "I know."

Miranda woke up the next day and looked up at the glass ceiling the sky was dark and rain was pattering on the roof. She snuggled closer to Ben under the blanket and listened for a minute to the staccato sound of the droplets hitting the wood and the soft plop when they hit the leaves outside of the window.

She turned to Ben and smiled when she felt his hand rubbing her clit.

"You're to go again already?" She yawned. They had been at it all night and this morning. She could have sworn she had only been a sleep for 30 minutes.

"Miranda." He whined. "I need you."

"Ok, but you have to eat first." She smiled.

"I was starting there anyway." He stated and she laughed as he made his way under the covers between her legs.

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