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"Get a room." Miranda huffed looking at Meredith and Derek kissing in the hallway. "This is a hospital."

"Didn't I just open the door on you a couple of months ago." Derek asked laughing.

"You what?" Meredith laughed

"HEY .. we don't speak of such things." Miranda said sternly holding her hand up and he laughed. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and she pulled it out to see who was calling. Looking at the number she realized this person called her twice last week as well.

Miranda picked up her phone and walked to an on-call room.

"Good Afternoon I'm Johnathan Wilson calling from pacific realtors about 6615 Woodlawn Avenue. 3.5 acres."

"Um I don't have any land." Miranda stated confused.

"It’s in a new development. We are trying to get in contact with you all to get the plans for the house being built."

"Sir that's what I'm trying to get you to understand I don't have any property there. In fact I don't have any property in Seattle at all."

"Are you Miranda Marie Bailey, birthday September 15th and works at Seattle Grace Mercy West."


"The land was bought September 28th 2010."

"Land bought by who?"

"By Benjamin Warren. He listed you as his fiancé and added your name on the deed."

Miranda gasped and played back what he said. It was bought last year in September. They were still together then. He bought it a month before she broke up with him.

"Um ok. I will call him and let him know to give you all a call." Miranda said quickly.

"Thank you."

"Wait before you go can you tell me the address again?" She asked pulling out her notepad and pen.

"It is 6615 Woodlawn Avenue Seattle Washington."

"Thank you so much."

After hanging up Miranda blew out a breath and she rubbed her temple. She hadn't seen Ben since that night with Eli. She had tried texting and calling him afterwards, but he never responded. He wasn't in any of her surgeries and she never saw him at the hospital anywhere. Its like he just disappeared. She wasn't entirely sure whether he quit working at SGMW or were they really on two opposite schedules.

Then she thought about whether he applied for a residency somewhere else and was doing that. He wanted to become a surgeon and in her heart she knew that he would be.

On her lunch break Miranda decided to drive out to the land. It wasn't that far from the hospital about 20 minutes away. She pulled into a huge neighborhood and saw that it was a new development. There were houses, but every so often there would be a big space of land or houses being built.

Pulling up to the address she parked across the street and got out to go see it. It was a huge piece of property and she like that the other houses were not close.

She couldn't believe he bought land and added her to the deed. He had plans for their future that she just willingly let go. Its been a year without him and God knows she missed him. She needed the break but now she was better and was able to have a period of fun she wanted him. Miranda picked up her phone and she called Ben's number. She was surprised when it came back and said this number is no longer in service

"Miranda can you come cake tasting with me?" Callie asked a few days later.

"Uh no. Aren't you supposed to be taking your fiancé for that?.

"She has to work today. Please you're off work."

"Exactly meaning I want to lay down and relax."

"But it's free cake. All kinds of cake." she whined.

"Well you do have a point. And I do like cake." Miranda smiled to herself weighing the pros and cons. "Ok Torres but you're picking me up and buying lunch."

"Deal." She grinned into the phone. "Be ready by 1:30."

"1:30 got it."

Miranda got up and took a shower. The weather was a little cool so she decide on a sweater, jeans, a scarf around her neck with booties. She curled her hair and then applied a little bit of makeup.

When Callie called to let her know she was outside she grabbed her purse and left out.

"Hey thank you for coming." Callie smiled as she got into the car.

"No problem, which bakery are we going to?"

"I have the address. It's called Kimberly's sinful treats."

"Is it downtown?" Miranda asked her friend as she started driving.

"Yeah about 25 minutes." Callie answered and she nodded.

They listened to music as she drove and when she parked Miranda looked at the building.

"This looks nice." She commented. "Hopefully everything taste good."

"I know right. I can't really decide on a flavor and Arizona said anything except carrot."

"Who wants a carrot wedding cake anyway."


"Come on lets go."

Callie walked in and they stood at the counter.

"Good evening I'm Calliope Torres."

"Its so nice to meet you... and you must be Arizona." She smiled turning to Miranda.

"No no no no." Miranda said quickly put her hand over her face.

"This is Miranda, my best friend and maid of honor. Arizona had to work."

"Oh I'm sorry." Kimberly apologized.

"Its ok." Miranda laughed.

"Ok if you ladies would follow me." She smiled and led them over to a table.

Once they sat down she asked Callie about designs. Whether she wanted tiers or cupcake towers. After deciding on 3 tiers and a hexagon and round wedding cake. The woman walked to the back to get cake samples.

"Ok here are our classic cakes done the traditional way. Vanilla, chocolate, and red velvet. Taste those first then I'll bring you the specialty cakes."

"Thank you." The two women praised.

Miranda looked across the room at a table in the far corner. At first she thought her eyes were deceiving her but as she squinted she knew that they weren't. Benjamin Warren was here with the nurse from a year ago she couldn't remember her name, but she knew that’s who it was.

She watched as the woman gave them different samples to try and the two started tasting them. Her heart felt like it was torn out of her chest watching this, but she couldn't turn away. They were wedding cake tasting.

"Wedding cake, wedding, marriage." Miranda thought, the words swirling in her head.

"What are you looking --" Callie started and turned her head in that direction.

"They're getting married." Miranda almost whispered.

"Yeah." Callie nodded.

"How long have you known?" She asked looking up at her.

"Two months." Callie admitted so quietly Miranda almost didn't hear.

Miranda just nodded. "You didn't tell me."

"I didn't think it was important, you two have been broken up for a while. Arizona was invited to the wedding and I'm the plus one."

"We've been broken up for a year and 4 months... it's been a year and 4 months. Do people marry that quick?"

"I mean in some cases they do."

"When's the wedding?"

"Next month." She answered and Miranda finally looked away from them and looked down at the cake in front of her.

"Miranda are you going to cry?" Callie whispered.

"No." Miranda mumbled her tears forming.

"Miranda what is it?"

"Its nothing." She sniffled.

"Clearly its something...it's them." Callie concluded.

"I still love him...I'm in love with him." Miranda cried.

"Miranda its gonna be okay. Cheer up don't cry." Callie encouraged rubbing her back.

"Okay okay." Miranda whimpered pulling her self together before crying more.

After a while, she pulled herself together and wiped her eyes. The two began to talk about cake they were tasting trying to narrow down which one was best for the wedding day. Miranda occasionally glanced over at Ben longingly.

Ben looked over and caught Miranda's eye. She quickly looked away, but that didn't stop him from staring. He hadn't seen her in forever.

Once Callie picked a flavor and the rest of the cake designs they got cupcakes to go. Standing up Miranda looked back in Ben's direction. She quickly looked away noticing that he was already looking at her.

"Thank you for coming with me."

"No problem." Miranda smiled.

"You still want lunch?"

"Yeah food makes everything better right."

"And liquor."

"Unh-uh I am not drinking with you today."

"Just a margarita"

"A margarita I can do."

"Ok come on besties we can go and talk about how much an ugly couple they are."

"You're crazy." She giggled.

Later that night Miranda laid in bed and she couldn't seem to fall asleep. Picking up her phone she dialed her moms number and waited for it to pick up.

"Mandy." Elena said happily into the phone despite it being 10 pm.

"Mom I don't know what to do?" Miranda whined.

"What's the matter?" She said quickly and she could hear her movements, so she knew she sat down.

"So I saw Ben today..."

"You broke it off with him though." Her mother interrupted confused slightly. She hadn't talked about Ben in a while.

"Yeah and then he saw me with someone else and now he's getting married." Miranda informed.

"Getting married."

"Yes. I broke up with him and around Christmas he came to my place to bring Tuck and I gifts. I happened to be at the time bringing someone home with me."

"Oh Miranda." She said sadly.

"I know. He looked so broken and sad. The gifts were beautiful and so thoughtful. I tried to talk to him after but he didn't answer and I haven't seen him since, until earlier today.

"Why were you bringing someone home?" Elena questioned.

"To have fun. I wanted to try the no strings attached thing."

"You're not even a no strings attached girl."

"I know mama that is not the point of this." Miranda groaned.

"Ok I'm sorry. Continue."

"Now he's getting married and I don't know what to feel or what to do."

"You love him?"

"I do." Miranda answered honestly. "I really do. I'm in love with him. It didn't diminish or ever go away. I needed space, but now it's too late."

"It's never too late he hasn't walked down the aisle yet. Tell him how you feel."

"What if he doesn't love me anymore? He looked happy with her."

"Miranda honestly I think he's just hurt. When you came down here after the hospital shooting. He called your dad and I repeatedly to check on you. He loves you and I don't think a year of time is going to change that. He may be getting married to force himself to move on from you. He loves you and the kind of love that he had for you I don't think its just magically gone."

"I hope that is the case."

"It is. So get up, get dressed, and go over there now." Elena stated clapping her hands.

"Mama I can't do that. Its late and what if his fiancé is home."

"Oh I forgot about that. Wait until you know he's alone then."

"What do I say. I've never done anything like this before."

"Just say how you feel and how you feel about him."

"Thank you mommy." Miranda Said softly.

"You're welcome call me tomorrow."

"I will."

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