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Miranda got off work and took a shower. She dried off and put lotion on before she styled her hair in Ben's favorite hairstyle. Putting it up in a up do.

She walked to her closet and pulled out a black trench coat, black stilettos and a duffel bag. Grabbing the bag from the adult store. She threw black fluffy hand cuffs, the key, a blind fold, clothes, deodorant, and soap that she needed to restock over there.

Sliding on the trench coat and heels she grabbed her bag and locked the door to her apartment. The drive to Ben's apartment was short and she was definitely excited for what was to come.

She heard the tv on in his apartment and was glad that he was right in the living room. Using her key she opened the door and nothing could have prepared her for this.

Her mouth dropped open seeing his brother and dad sitting on the couch with the game on.

"Uh Hi." Miranda stammered holding the trench coat closed extra tightly. She turned her head to see Ben standing in the kitchen who looked shocked as well.

"I'm sorry. I should have called first." She told him apologetically. Ben walked over and pulled her into him. He knew that she either was naked under that coat or had lingerie on.

"Uh Dad and Curt. This is my girlfriend Dr. Miranda Bailey. Miranda this is my father James Warren and my brother Curtis better known as Curt."

"It is so nice to meet you both." She smiled politely.

"Nice to meet you too."

"We heard so much about you. Ben goes on and on about you." His dad explained.

"Wow really?” Miranda smiled.

"Yeah. He talked about you for hours. The first time yall met." Curt laughed.

"Don't tell her that." Ben scolded pulling her hand to his room. “We will be right out." He added.

"Baby I am so embarrassed." Miranda mumbled pushing her face into his chest.

"What's to be embarrassed about?"

"I'm sure they can assume what I wanted to take place."

"Its okay. Hell I want to send them on there way."

"Don't do that."

"I'm not. What's in the bag and under here?" He questioned grabbing her coat.

Miranda smiled softly and opened the duffel bag. She laid out all the items on the bed before undoing the trench coat.

Bens eyes widened and he licked his lips hungrily. "We’ll definitely put those to use." He stated reaching around to grab her ass and Miranda moaned.

"Stop." She whined.

Ben shook his head and pushed her back softly on the bed. He spread her legs open and laid between them.

"You look beautiful. You know that?" He stated before kissing her lips.

"Yes." Miranda whimpered.

"I love you. You know that?" He asked kissing down her body.

"Yes." She moaned quietly mindful of his guest.

"This my pussy?" Ben asked huskily before kissing and licking her tentatively between her folds.

"Oh yes." Miranda moaned agreeing.  Ben smirked as she gripped his head. Miranda knew that it was his. He was the best she ever had sexually. She thought the sex she had with Tucker was good, but with Ben it was on a pedestal by itself. She had never in all her days experience anything like it. She laughed thinking about the lecture she tried to give him about no PDA at work. They had sex at work more than once and she initiated majority of them.

Ben kissed her one more time and licked his lips. "I need to get back out there. I almost got carried away. We will finish this tonight."

"Tonight." She breathed heavily.

When Ben left out the room she groaned and slid off the bed to find something to wear. She put on a solid navy blue bra and panty set before a black tank top, black fitted sweatpants, and a grey cardigan.

Walking out the living room she saw Ben in the kitchen taking out food to cook.

"Baby you can go a head and sit down, I’ll cook tonight."

"No it's okay. I was just going to make nachos."

"I got it. Go watch the game with them and I’ll bring you a beer in a second."

Ben smiled and kissed her lips. She watched as he sat down on the couch and began watching the game. She noticed that all three men had the same mannerisms. When a foul happened they all would lean back and shout man.

Miranda washed her hands and then looked in the cabinet for two pans. Pulling them out she sat them on the counter and went to the fridge to grab peppers, onions, tomatoes, limes, ground beef and chicken breast.

Miranda sliced everything before putting them in bowls. She made Pico de Gallo squeezing fresh lime juice for the finishing touch. Then she move on to make fresh guacamole once that was complete, she cut up the chicken breast and seasoned it with garlic, onion and chili powder, paprika, salt, black pepper and oregano.

Placing one of the black nonstick pans on the burner she turned it on and held her hand over the pan to tell when it started to get hot. Feeling the heat Miranda put butter in the pan before adding the chicken.

Almost forgetting She washed her hands once again and got the beer out for Ben.

"Thanks." Ben smiled as she handed it to him.

"You're welcome. Can I take these?" Miranda gestured to the two empty bottles on the coffee table.

"Yes thank you." James smiled.

"No problem Sir."

"Sir... you can call me James."

"Ok Mr. James." Miranda replied still giving him a respectful title and he laughed.

Miranda made the ground beef using the taco seasoning mix then she placed everything in bowls across the counter with utensils.

"Dinners ready." Miranda announced and everyone got up washing their hands.

"This looks good babe." Ben stated looking at the display.

"Thanks. You want me to me to make yours or you got it?"

"He can do it himself." Curt told her.

"Hey speak for yourself." He chastised and his dad laughed.

"He sure can do it himself." Miranda agreed grabbing four plates from his cabinet.

Ben made his nachos with both chicken and beef. He added salsa, guacamole, sour cream, cheese, Pico de Gallo, and jalapeños.

He sat down beside Miranda and watched as she said a quick grace.

"So what was Ben like as a child?" Miranda questioned dying to know.

"Ben was very curious and creative. I think he has always been eager he talked and walked earlier than most children. He had so much energy that his mom and I put him in sports starting at 4." James answered.

"To me he was the cool brother and my best friend growing up."

"So what am I now?" Ben asked offended.

"He's still my best friend." Curt clarified. "But he was my older brother, the person I looked up too. He was the guy that did good in all his classes so when I came behind him the teachers would read my last name off the roll and have high expectations. They loved Ben Warren."

"Come over to the house for Sunday dinner and I'll show you the albums." James winked and Miranda knew he meant embarrassing photos.

"We got to show her the picture of Ben with no eyebrows." Curt laughed.

"Oh God." Ben groaned.

"No eyebrows?" Miranda giggled.

"Yeah he was in our parents bathroom messing with stuff and cut both his eyebrows off."

"Oh my God." Miranda laughed looking towards him.

"Also a patch of hair out his head."

"Luckily it was the 80's so he had hair. We just gave him a low cut, but it was nothing we could do about the eyebrows.

"Its okay I started rocking waves first before anyone." Ben laughed.

"I'm surprised your eyebrows are this thick." Curt stated and Miranda took the opportunity to look at his. She noticed that his was waxed and very cleaned.

When she met his eyes she quickly looked away.

"So Miranda Ben said you were a surgeon, but what kind?"

"I'm a general surgeon focusing specifically on the abdominal contents and the esophagus."

"How did you know you wanted to be a surgeon."

"Wow um... I knew since I was a teenager. Then I was for sure taking anatomy in high school. I just wanted to make a difference in the world. Healing and saving lives."

"You don't seem like most surgeons though." Curt noted.

"How do most surgeons behave?"


"A lot of surgeons are arrogant and play God a lot, but I just like to do my job. I do what I was trained to do and leave the rest to him."

"What do you do Curt?"

"Software engineer."

"Aww this family has the big bucks." Miranda joked. "What did you get a degree in for that?"

"Bachelors in computer science and a master's in software engineering."

"Wow so your good at math and how did you figure out that’s what you wanted to do."

"A funny story actually." Curt started.

"He broke my brand new computer --"

"That I got a whopping for. They couldn't believe they're precious baby boy did it." Ben complained.

"That was a whopping for something you did that we didn't find out about."

Ben rolled his eyes and let his dad finish.

"Anyway Curt broke my computer and I asked him to fix it. I didn't expect to get a working computer the next day."

"Wow I'm impressed." She smiled.

After dinner was over they sat down and played cards together. Miranda wasn't really that good seeing as though her family wouldn't never let her play because she was too young and the game was meant for adults.

Ben helped her with somethings and she was surprised they got a few books.

"Miranda you should come camping with us." James told her as he was grabbing his jacket to leave.

"Absolutely not." Ben responded quickly.

"Uh Benjamin I can do what I wanna." Miranda huffed looking up at him. She was going to say no anyway, but who was he to answer for her.

"For years you've been saying just us guys." Ben stated confused.

"So. Maybe its time for a change."

"Thank you for the invitation Mr. James but I don't do the outdoors specifically bugs."

"She's terrified of spiders." Ben answered. "I had to rescue her two days ago."

Miranda rolled her eyes. The other night they were on the phone when she saw a spider.

"She screamed so loud. I thought something was happening to her. By the time I got her to calm down. It was just a spider."

"It wasn't just a spider. It was just in my bathroom."

"Needless to say I got out of my bed and drove 12 minutes to kill a eight legged creature."

"And I'm forever grateful." She giggled. "So Mr. James I don't think the camping is a good idea, but a cook out I'm there and bringing the sides." She winked.

"A cook out I can do." James agreed.

"Alright. It was nice meeting you both. I really enjoyed tonight." Miranda said seriously.

Both James and Curt pulled her into a hug. "It was nice meeting you too. See you on Sunday for dinner."

"Yes. Hopefully my schedule still permits."

"Baby I'm going walk with them out."

"Ok honey that's fine. I'm going to clean this up."

Ben walked down stairs with them and they stood by their cars.

"You should have skipped the game you were about to get a good show." Curt joked.

Ben laughed. "I didn't want to be rude and put you all out. She was so embarrassed."

"I like her for you. She's beautiful inside and out. Very genuine." James informed.

"Thanks she's everything that I've been looking for."

"Sounds like wedding bells to me."

"That would totally freak her out and truthfully I would be just as shook."

"I don't know I think she's going to be the woman you marry." His dad stated.

"How do you know?"

"Because you two have an honest love. Its pure and selfless. You understand what she's been through and why she is the way that she is and you love her anyway."

"Who would have seen they day where Ben is in love with someone." Curt laughed amazed.

"Your day will come too." Their dad laughed.

"Goodnight." Ben chuckled to them.

Ben walked back into his apartment and she turned to look at him slightly with a smile before she turned to finish washing the dishes.

Ben stalked over to her and lifted her over his shoulder causing her to squeal loudly.  Her wet hands got water all over the back of his shirt. He grabbed her ass palming it roughly.

"Now lets go grab these hand cuffs." He spoke seductively walking to his room.

"Mmmm lead the way Ben Warren." She smiled.

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