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"Ben." Tuck cheered excitedly when he came through the front door.

"Hey buddy." Ben smiled looking at him in his pajamas. He saw the gate up so he couldn't go anywhere. He was pretty sure that if he wanted to he could lift it up or jump over it.

Ben sat the food and medicine he bought on the kitchen counter before looking towards the couch. He saw Miranda stretched out with a blanket over her body. There were discarded tissues on the coffee table, with now cold tea.

"Hey baby." Ben spoke softly feeling her head. She was warm, but not burning up.

Miranda opened her tired eyes and looked up at him standing over her.  "Hey hon, I texted you and told you I was sick, so you didn't have to come." Miranda mumbled.

"Miranda why wouldn't I come?" Ben asked confused. She was always trying to do something on her own.

"So you don't get sick too." She responded in a duh tone.

"I don't care about getting sick. What I care about is you." Ben replied kissing her head. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed one of Tuck's divided plates.

He cut up an apple and banana slices before putting cheerios and goldfish in the other two compartments. Grabbing his cup he put some water in there and sat it all on the floor beside him.

Ben changed the channel finding Bob the builder. He laughed when Tuck started singing the theme song and sat down on the floor to eat his snack.

Now that he was occupied with snacks and tv. Ben lifted Miranda off the couch and walked to her room.

"You want to take a bath?" He questioned sitting her on the bed.

"Yes. Just a quick one."

"Have you eaten anything?" He asked before going into her bathroom and running some water in the tub, until it got to a good amount.

"No I couldn't stomach anything."

"Ok I bought you some soup, the Zuppa Toscana."

"My favorite." Miranda lightly smiled and Ben nodded.

He walked over and pulled her pajama pants off before pulling her shirt up. Ben eyes glanced over her cotton grey bra and panties. He wondered if he would always feel like this looking at her, he had to refrained from licking his lips and force himself to meet her brown eyes.

"Benjamin I could have undressed myself." She told him before she coughed and turned away from him.

"I know, but let me enjoy this moment."

"Go ahead." She snorted rolling her eyes as he unsnapped her bra. Ben pulled her panties down and lifted her into his arms once again, carrying her to the bathroom.

He sat her down in the water and then turned to grab a wash cloth. Wetting it and using soap, he began to wash her up, starting with her feet and legs. His touches were gentle, strategic, and soft.

Ben then washed her thighs, in between her legs, stomach, and up to her breast. Miranda admired him in this moment, despite her throbbing head, heavy eyes and stuffy nose she enjoyed this. Why was he the sweetest man in the universe, yes they did get on each others nerves like most relationships, but that was rare.

After rinsing off the suds, Ben grabbed her purple towel. He took Miranda by the hands to pull her up from the tub.

"I'm not getting carried again?" She pouted.

"I got you." He chuckled rubbing her dry with the towel. Wrapping it around her body he scooped her up into his arms.

Miranda closed her eyes when he placed her softly on the bed. She could hear his shuffling and drawers opening and closing. He handed her a shirt and she threw it over her body forgoing a bra, she put on the underwear and pajamas pants.

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