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Miranda woke up hearing knocks at the door. Bens arms were wrapped tightly around her and it took her a minute to register where she was.

"Oh my God." Miranda gasped tapping Ben to wake up.

"Mandy, you still sleeping?" Elena voiced loudly.

"Benjamin get up." She said into his ear loudly with clinched teeth.

"What?" He huffed.

"Huh Mama." Miranda questioned trying to sound groggily.

"Can I come in?"

"Oh just a second, I have to put a nightgown on."

"Ben get in the closet." Miranda pointed.

"I'm not getting in no closet." He said firmly.

"Ben I’m serious. Get in the closest. Unless you want to be under the bed."

"Miranda I've seen you before." Elena expressed.

"A little girl doesn't count. I have a lot more than in my youth." Miranda replied before turning to Ben.

Ben stood up and opened the closet door before disappearing inside, behind coats and clothes.

Miranda got off the Bed and went to open the door, not before looking around to make sure everything was straight.

"Good morning mama." Miranda beamed.

"Good morning. I was coming to ask if you could fix this blood pressure cuff for me."

"Oh of course." She smiled grabbing it.

They both sat down on the edge of the bed as Miranda began working. She tried it on herself before testing it on her mom.

"Ok all done." She chimed and Elena smiled.

"Thank you I thought it was broken."

"No problem. Sometimes those thing get way off. What time do you want to start cooking?"

"Uh in about 15 minutes. Does that give you enough time for your morning routine."

"Yes thank you."

"Ok. Good morning Ben." Elena voiced loudly on her way out and Miranda's mouth dropped open.

"Good morning Ma'am." He responded from the closet chuckling.

When the door closed Ben emerged from the closet and looked at Miranda's shocked face.

"What?" Ben questioned.

"I got caught with a boy in my room." She mumbled.

"Miranda you weren't exactly quiet." He laughed. " Go get in the closet Benjamin." He repeated imitating her voice and tone.

"Shut up." Miranda laughed hitting him. “Tell me what you want for breakfast that does not include any of my body parts."

"Damn." He chuckled. "Um anything is fine."

"So like our second date?"


"Alright let me get ready."

"Wait." Ben smirked.

"What?" Miranda asked looking around confused.

Ben leaned down and kissed her lips. His tongue traced the outline of her lips asking for entrance. Miranda opened her mouth  granting him entrance before pulling him down on top of her. Their kiss grew more intense as Ben moved his hand down her body, caressing her curves.

"Mmm." Miranda moaned and then pushed him back. She stared into his eyes trying to gather herself. What made them stay the night at her parents. Next time they were eating dinner with them and then leaving to a hotel.

"Go ahead. Your mom's waiting on you." He said before licking his lips.

"You love to torture me." Miranda huffed standing up.

"Miranda I was just kissing you good morning, like I always do."

"Mmm-hmm." She responded putting on pajamas pants under her nightgown. "You think this shows too much cleavage."

"No I think its fine. Are you going to be cold though?" Ben asked referring to the spaghetti straps.

"You're right hand me that robe."

Ben grabbed it and when she stood up he helped her slide it on.

"Alright let me go before my mom comes back. I'm going to put coffee on."

"Thank you." Ben smiled before grabbing her ass.

"Enough. Benjamin." Miranda giggled. "You know. I have the original Pac man, Donkey Kong, Mario, and Sonic."

"We are definitely playing after breakfast."

"Prepare to loose Ben Warren."

"Yeah ok." He laughed going back to the guest room to change his clothes and washed his face.

15 minutes later Ben walked out into the kitchen fully dressed and he looked at Miranda and her mom bypassing each other in the kitchen, getting breakfast ready. Her dad was sitting at the table with a newspaper in his hand and coffee in the other.

"Good morning." He greeted everyone before sitting down at the table as well.

"Good morning." William said turning to face him.

"How did you sleep?" Elena asked.

"I slept very well. Thank you for asking."

Miranda eyed him heavily, taking in his outfit as she handed him a cup of coffee and Ben smiled saying thank you.

"Breakfast is almost ready. Just waiting for the biscuits in the oven."

"The book festival started yesterday."

"Really?” Miranda marveled. "I haven't been in years."

"Book festival, is it like Seattle's?" Ben questioned.

"Almost accept Seattle's festival is a day for writers to do book signings and sale their work. Baltimore's started over 40 years ago as an incentive to get people to read more. "Brilliant Baltimore. There’s music, street food, sweets,  plays or reenactments, entertainment, carnival type games, and other things. But there are tents throughout with thousands of books." She answered.

"So are we going?" He asked next, knowing she wanted to.

"I think we have enough time." Miranda smiled.

"What time is your flight?" William asked.

"Our flight isn't until 6 this evening."

"Ok, so we all can go and be back here by 3." He stated.


"I’m excited for the jewelry and craft sections." Elena squealed and William coughed. He knew he would be spending a lot of money today.

Once the biscuits came out of the oven Miranda made Ben's plate once again and one for herself. She sat down beside him and blessed the food for everyone. She quickly looked over at Ben as he placed his hand on her thigh and rubbed gently.

Miranda put her hand on top of his to keep it in place. She didn't want to be hot and bothered in front of her parents.

Ben gave her a smirk before they all continued eating, shortly finishing their food.

Everyone dispersed to their rooms to get dressed for the day. Ben was already dressed so he just laid across the bed.

He looked up at the door when he heard a knock.

"Come in." He said sitting up.

"Hey I was just coming to see if you were ready." Miranda stated, looking down and putting stuff in her purse.

"Gosh you look beautiful." Ben stuttered before standing up. He looked Miranda over in her summery knee length dress. It was yellow and had white and black flowers on it.

"Thank you baby." She grinned standing on her tip toes to wrap her arm around his neck.

"I'm ready. Who's driving."

"My dad is. We'll be in the back."

The ride downtown to the harbor was not that long. It wasn't a lot of traffic which was a first. William parked and got a ticket out of the machine. Walking a little bit of a distance they finally reached the festival where many tents with games and food were put up, beautiful art displayed, and the many people who walked around, enjoying themselves. They looked at the books everywhere and Miranda grew excited.

"Whoa! Look at that!" Ben pointed looking at the tall sculpture of a man made out of books.

"I like this artist. One year they made a tower and had a woman sitting in the window."

"What they do with the books when they are finish?"

"I don't know. Maybe they donate or keep them so they can make others."

"But what’s the point of making sculptures with books. No one can read them." William stated confused.

"That is so true daddy."

Miranda stopped at a tent with Jewelry under it along with Elena. She bought, well Ben bought Keychains for them, getting it put in gift bags.

After visiting two tents with her parents Miranda grabbed Ben's hand pulling back some causing him to stop and look at her confused.

"Let them walk ahead." She whispered and he nodded smiling.

They back up until they turned by a tent and hid behind it. Miranda giggled as they watched her parents look back for them.

As she turned, he cupped her chin in his hands and lowered his lips to hers. Miranda wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. He slid his hand around her waist, pulling her closer.

"So Miranda Bailey what do you want to do, now that we ditched them?"

"I don't know lets look around. I just wanted to be able to kiss and touch you freely."

"Your dad knows." Ben informed.

"He does?"

"Not in the full sense, but he said that we like each other. Its in the—"

"Eyes." Miranda filled in smiling.


"My mom knows that we are dating and are intimate."

"You told her."

"Nope. Yesterday while I was driving she asked and I quote so you have sex with your friends."

"Oh my. I would have choked." Ben laughed.

"I was shocked, but she said she could tell by the way that I looked at you and the apparent glow I had."

"You always glow."

"I must have been shinning then." She teased as they walked towards tents of books.

"You're funny...You're not going to get any books?"

"Oh of course. We will find something we can read together."

"What about this?”

"Miranda I'm not reading that?"

"Baby come on." She whined. "It look like a good book."

"Look at the cover. I’m not reading that." Ben pointed looking at the muscular man on the cover.

"You're not supposed to judge a book by its cover."

"Well I'm judging that one." He grumbled.

"Ok this one." She held up.

"Falling for his best friend." He read off. "No I would choke life from him.”

"Its not your best friend." She laughed.

"I know. I don't like the idea nor scenario. I couldn’t imagine my girlfriend falling for my friend.
"Ok this one." She held up finally.

"Even odds. What does the description say?"

"Ummm. It says If she's not careful, she'll lose more than her heart on this mission...Someone wants the men of Delta Force out of the way. Permanently. Defense intelligence officer Raine Meyers will do whatever it takes to neutralize the threat. But the job would be a lot simpler if she didn't have to go undercover with her ex-fiancé-the only man she's ever loved. The man she pushed out of her life seven years ago... FBI special agent Damian Prescott lost Raine once. It's not a mistake he plans to repeat. So, he'll help her take down the terrorist threat against Delta Force, and keep her safe in the process. Then he'll do everything he can to turn their fake, undercover relationship into a real one. "

"Deal." Ben agreed.

"Yes." Miranda clapped. She got two more books for herself before they moved on.

"Lets play a game." He offered looking around.

"There's a dart game." She stated and then saw ring toss further down. Ben and her walked over to the game and waited for a turn.

"Hi welcome to the game of darts, hit all the darts on the moving targets and you win a prize. Three darts cost one dollar, five darts cost two dollars, and seven darts cost three dollars. Three darts get you a bookmark, five a stress ball, and seven a stuffed animal. How many darts would you-“

“Seven!” Ben responded.

The man handed over the seven darts and Ben picked up three darts in each of his hands, and with one toss all the darts met their target.

Miranda watched as he concentrated with his tongue out in the corner of his mouth as he held the last dart in his hand, eyes focusing intently on the last target. He tossed, and the dart sailed and plunged right beside the target, missing it by mere millimeters.

“Aww. Come on I think I saw ring toss up ahead!” Miranda suggested, pulling his arm.

“Wait a minute now!” Ben insisted, pulling more money out of his wallet. “Seven darts, please.”

Once the man laid them all down on the table Ben grabbed 3 again to throw at the target. Hitting that target he grabbed three more and hit the other target. Back in his same position he eyed the target and the way it moved before tossing the last dart. When it hit the target Miranda clapped loudly.

"Which one do you want?” The attendant waved his hands leisurely, gesturing to the shelf of stuffed animals.

Ben looked to Miranda who pointed to a green alien stuffed animal. The man grabbed a hook and got it down for her.

"Thank you Ben Warren." Miranda smiled pleased.

"You're welcome even though you doubted me."

"I didn't doubt you. I just know that most games like this are rigged."

Ben shook his head and grabbed her hand before asking "Where to next?"

She pointed to a snack stand and asked, "How about something sweet first?" They walked together and looked over at what was offered. Miranda cringed at the sound of some of them, including the deep fried candy bars. Eating stuff like that is how people end up on her operating table.

"Cotton candy." she said after viewing the options.

Miranda was given a large bag of pink sugary fluff. "I can't eat all this!' she exclaimed as she pulled a piece off. She popped the sweet into her mouth and sighed. It was so good. But she was still sure she could not eat all of it. Even as she nibbled, it felt like the candy did not go anywhere.

"You want some?" She offered pulling off a chunk. Instead of taking it in his hand, Ben ate it from her fingers and even licked the remaining pink sugar off them. She squealed as he did. 

A few minutes later the duo was walking past multiple tents, looking at the many trinkets being sold while enjoying the food they had just bought.

Miranda still had a large amount of soft pink cotton candy while Ben had a funnel cake that he added whip cream and Oreos too before noticing her eyeing his dessert.

"Please?" she stared up at him and he knew what she wanted.

Ben sighed and broke a piece off with his fork. Miranda opened her mouth with a wide smile, eyes closed as Ben carefully fed her.

"Hmmm!" she licked her lips.

"I told you it was good." Ben commented.

"You did, but I’m a classic girl. I eat mine with just powdered sugar."

"I'm introducing you to a lot of new thing."

"A lot of new things." She clarified.

"Where have you two been?" Elena asked with her hands on her hip.

"We went and got cotton candy." Miranda rushed, holding the bag up.

"You've been gone an hour."

"We lost you guys and then we played a game or two." Miranda clarified, but then they all turned their heads at the sound of someone yelling for help.

Ben pointed in the direction of a woman holding a seemingly unconscious teen up.

"I'm a doctor, I can help." Miranda announced. "What happened?"

"One minute we were walking, the next he was gasping for air then he fell into Me." The mom explained as a crowd formed around.

"Call 911 and give them the exact location." Miranda told her father, but he was already on it.

"Oh My God. Lord help him." Elena fretted.

"Lay him down flat." Miranda instructed getting down on her knees with the help of Ben.

"I need all of you to step back." Ben instructed the crowd motioning his hand.

Miranda situated his neck and put her two fingers under his lower jaw to check his pulse.

"He's not moving or breathing." A bystander stated.

"Did he have any blunt trauma." Miranda questioned looking up at the woman. She noticed the redness around his neck.

"He fell earlier, but he said he was fine."

"The ambulance is 10 minutes out." William informed.

"10 minutes. We got to get an airway into him now." Miranda sighed already planning to do an emergency cricothrotomy.

"I need a knife, a straw...and baby hand me the hand sanitizer from my purse."

William turned to look at her inquisitively for the baby comment before looking at Ben who looked away and grabbed her purse.

Getting the hand sanitizer Ben got a pocket knife from a man in the crowd as well as a unopened straw. He poured the hand sanitizer on her hands and then some on the knife. Miranda opened the straw and looked up at the mother. "I'm a surgeon, I  know what I'm doing, but I'm also a mother so you might want to look away for this."

The woman nodded and turned her head and then Miranda proceeded. She cut a 5 cm midline vertical incision below the cricoid to avoid injuries to blood vessels. Taking the straw she pushed it in and waited for his chest to rise and fall.

"Good chest rise. He's breathing."

"Oh thank you. Thank you." The woman cried hysterically as people clapped for Miranda.

"No problem." She assured taking paper towels to put around the bleeding incision. They looked up when paramedics were rushing towards them with a gurney.

"Teenage male. Construction of an air way due to a previous fall. I performed a emergency cricothrotomy. He's going to need an Ambu bag covering the straw for transport " she explained.

"Alright lets load him up. On my count 1...2...3..." the paramedics lifted the young male onto the gurney before doing as Miranda said.

Ben helped her up and she leaned into him "What a day."

"What a day is correct."

"What time is it?"

"Time to be heading back. Good work today." William told her seriously. Miranda smiled up at him. She was glad that this made him proud. When he came to Seattle last Christmas he hurt her feelings tremendously with his disappointment.

"I'm glad we were here today. Who knows what would have happened to him." Elena expressed.

"Yeah right place at the right time." Ben commented.

"It wasn't nothing, but God." Her mother added and everyone nodded.

On the walk back to the car Miranda and Ben hung back once again.

"You're amazing. I know I say it a lot, but you truly are." Ben said seriously rubbing her hand.

"Thank you Benjamin Warren. It means a lot."

"I think I really want to change my career." He admitted.

"Well I think you should go for it. Maybe one day we’ll operate together."

"I would like that. Lets order the suture kits and then you can teach me somethings." Ben told her with excitement.

"I don't have to order that. I'm going to take them from the hospital." She laughed.

"Speaking of hospitals we're merging soon."

"I feel bad for the people loosing their jobs."

"Me too. Hopefully they can get them at neighboring hospitals."

Once they were back at the house Ben put their bags in the car while Miranda talked to her parents sitting on the porch swing.

"I like him for you." William told her seriously as they all looked up at him in the driveway.

"Me too." Elena added.

"Me three." Miranda laughed.

"No seriously. He's a good man. He obviously makes you happy. He looks at you like you’re the reason the sun decided to rise." Her dad stated shaking his head.

Miranda blushed heavily. "He is the sweetest man I've ever met, but I want to go at a slower pace. I'm surprised your not scolding me. My divorce is not even final. I'm still consistently going to meetings with lawyers. Trying to find a good custody arrangement. It's a lot."

"It is a lot, but I have a feeling that he is not going anywhere."

"Just follow your heart." Elena smiled as Ben walked over.

"Alright are you ready?"

"I am." Miranda responded standing and then hugging both her parents tightly.

"It was nice meeting you both." Ben smiled and hugged her mom before shaking hands with her dad.

"Nice meeting you too." They smiled simultaneously.

"Miranda don’t stay away for long." Her mother chastised.

"I wont. I promise. I'll bring Tuck the next time."

"Ok love you."

"Love you guys too."

The ride to the airport was short and they dropped the car off at the rental car company before they waited to board the plane. Finally getting to their seats, in first class once again Miranda leaned back and closed her eyes.

An hour into the flight she felt Ben rubbing her thigh.

"You want to join the mile high club?" Ben questioned wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'm not doing that." Miranda stuttered opening her eyes fully. "We can wait until we get home."

"Ok I'm just going to the bathroom then." He shrugged, standing to move passed her.

She laid back against the seat and thought about the damn offer. Why must he do this to her. Her body came alive with one damn phrase "mile high club."  Miranda looked around and bit her lip. Most people had their headphones in watching a movie and others had them in reading a book.

Sliding out of her seat she walked to the bathroom slowly. She didn't bother knocking on the door, opening it she found Ben washing his hands.

Ben looked at the door opening and smiled widely, he grabbed her tiny hand and pulled her inside, shutting and locking the door.

He grabbed her hips and pinned her to the wall. "You have to be quiet." Ben said seriously.

Miranda nodded. She knew this was going to be difficult.

"Ok I can--"

Ben didn't even let her finished before he kissed her, his lips moving against hers passionately. Miranda moaned against his mouth as his tongue navigated into her mouth and toyed with hers.

He paused the kissed and looked down at her, pursuing his lips. Miranda looked up at him confused as to why he stopped. "What? That wasn't loud was it?" She breathed gripping his abs.

Ben chuckled shaking his head. He knew this was going to have to be quick for three reasons. One this was illegal, two they were in a public bathroom on a very occupied plane and three Miranda wasn't capable of being quite.

He gripped her hips and hoisted her onto the sink. Miranda took this opportunity to wrap her legs around his waist and to grip his head. Pulling him down a little bit more she kissed and licked his neck. She knew he liked when she did that. Ben groaned and pushed against her soft body, firmly. She smiled when his hardness met her center.

Miranda reached for the button of his pants at the same time he reached and push her dress up.  He pulled her panties over to the side and rubbed the outer lips of her vagina. Miranda moaned softly this time, trying to regulate her sounds. She took her feet and pushed his pants down off his hip. Satisfied with her work she smiled inwardly.

Ben kissed her lips, neck, and the top swells of her breast. Getting frustrated he pulled her dress down in the front and moved her breast out of her bra. He took her breasts in his hands, and fingered her erect nipples.

Miranda arched into his hands and moaned as his mouth latched onto her nipple.

"My God," she hissed out as his teeth move over them. "Fuck." Miranda gasped and closed her eyes as his fingers rubbed her clit.

Her breath was coming harsher as he sucked hard, moaning against her skin. She loved that he gained pleasure from pleasuring her.

Miranda placed her hands under his shirt feeling his hot skin as his finger moved against her most sensitive area, rubbing and rubbing at a blinding speed, making her jerk and gyrate un-rhythmically. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," she mumbled.

"Baby you got to be quiet. Someone's seat is right by this wall." Ben informed, scooting her to the edge of the sink.

"I'm trying." Miranda groaned as he slipped a finger inside her wet heat. "Fuck yess," she hissed quietly, grinding into his hand .

Miranda ran her small hands down his muscled chest before she reach for his penis. wrapping her hand around him she began pumping him at the same speed his fingers moved. "Ungh," he grunted out, his hips thrusting into her hand.

"You got to be quiet" Miranda teased and Ben responded by sliding his fingers deeper and speeding up his pace. "Oh my God..."

A bit of turbulence made them pause before continuing. His breath tickled her ear as he whispered, withdrawing his fingers with a pop. "This is going to need to be quick."

Miranda whimpered in agreement, removing her hand from around his penis and sitting back. She opened her legs widely and waited for her boyfriend to put a condom on.

Ben grabbed his member and lined himself up with her entrance, before slamming into her and they both groaned at the feeling.

"Shit." Ben grunted out. He pulled out and thrust back in repeatedly causing Miranda to moan loudly and grip him tightly.

"Unh Benjamin." Miranda muttered before she reached back and gripped the edge of the sink with her hands. "Ungh! Fuck me." she insisted.

Ben thrust into her quickly and his deep grunts filled the air along with her moans and the slapping sound of their adjoining skin.

"So good. So fucking good," Miranda moaned in a breathy voice.

"So tight," Ben complimented, biting her ear and wrapping his arms around her body to enter her at a new angle.

"Benjamin I need... I need." Miranda stumbled gripping the counter harder.

Sensing what she needed Ben lifted her up into the air, putting her back against the wall, he slammed into her roughly and abandoned all restraint

"Fuck yess." She yelled. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me."

"Feels so good. You gonna cum for me." he grunted. Ben knew that talking to her would be the quickest way for her to come and it didn't take him long to learn that as well as her body and everything else.

Miranda nodded her head in response and made some unintelligible sounds in the back of her throat. She dug her finger nails into his arms that were holding her in place.

"Cum," he commanded, rubbing her clit quickly.  His thrusting became quicker and harsher, making her back arch and toes curl.

Miranda gripped his back as she felt the first quiver of her orgasm take over. She looked down at his hips moving rapidly. She felt her orgasm peaking.

"Ooh oh my-- Miranda choked out and Ben put his hand over her mouth as she squeezed her eyes tight and came around him.

"Holy shit" he garbled out as he came, panting against her neck.

They stayed in that position for a while before he pulled out and set her on her feet again.

"You think people heard us?" Miranda asked, still trying to catch her breath. "I don't want to go to jail."

"We're not going to go to jail."

"There's going to be a police officer waiting for us when we get off." she whined.

"No it's not. Just walk back to your seat calmly."

"Ok Let me take my panties off. I can't sit the rest of this flight like that."

Miranda took off her panties and threw them in the trash and Ben helped her fix herself. She opened the door to the bathroom and looked around before walking to her seat and sitting down. When the flight attendant walked by Miranda caught her attention.

"Hi, how may I assist you?"

"Yes, my name is Dr. Miranda Bailey and my husband is currently sick and vomiting in your bathroom." She lied, coming up with a cover story. She watched as the woman looked shocked and concerned. "Can I get him a club soda or tonic water and Odansetron for nausea?"

"I can bring both and the medication."

"Thank you so much." Miranda smiled lightly before she walked away.

When Ben walked out of the bathroom he looked around before sitting down beside Miranda.

"Here you are sir. I hope you feel better, the rest of the flight." The flight attendant smiled, genuinely concerned about him.

"He should be fine. He's a nervous flyer." Miranda assured and the woman nodded.

"Thank you." Ben told the attendant, opening the water.

"No problem. Let us know if you need anything else. "

"I will." Ben replied before looking at Miranda who was holding in a laugh.

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