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Ben tried Miranda for a week straight and she didn't answer. Every phone call he received he would pick his phone up hoping it was her and frowned when it wasn't. He didn't understand what happened they were good together, they had fun, laughed and talked. He didn’t pressure her into a relationship that he desperately wanted and she was the one who kissed him first.

Getting off his overnight shift Ben stopped at the cafe and ordered two coffees and breakfast sandwiches. He made up in his mind that he was going over to Miranda's house. He missed her and he just wanted to know what was going on.

"Hey." Ben spoke, looking her up and down. She had on jeans and a nice blouse. Her hair was pulled back with a claw clip and she had her work bag.

"Hey." Miranda smiled lightly.

"Sorry to come by unannounced, but you weren't answering my calls or responding to my messages. Are you upset with me? Did I do something wrong?"

"No you're amazing."


"It's just… I'm in the middle of a divorce Ben. It's not even final yet and I don't know if I should be hopping into something with you. I don't know If I'm ready."

"What happened to taking it slow and letting things progress."

"I was. We were, but I'm scared because I like you. I like you a lot.

"I like you a lot too."

"I know."

"So you thought ghosting me was the appropriate thing to do? You could have just told me how you felt... you can always tell me how you feel Miranda Bailey."

"Ben you're amazing, you're smart, sweet, passionate, thoughtful, and caring. You make me feel things I've never felt before."

"Ditto. Miranda I'm scared too, but I'm not going anywhere. Let's be scared together." He said softly pulling her into his arms, carefully holding onto the drink and food in his hand. He honestly wished his hands was free so he could grip her waist. Miranda dropped her work bag and wrapped a hand around his neck to bring his lips to down hers.

"I missed you." Ben told her seriously.

"I missed you too." Miranda smiled before Ben attacked her lips hungrily. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, causing Miranda to moan and gripped his neck. Ben kissed her lips, cheek, jaw, and neck. Turning her head slightly she gave him more access.

"Ok ok." Miranda whimpered pushing him back. Ben grinned and peck her lips one more time.

"I want to be with you Miranda and for you to be my girlfriend."

Miranda paused for a moment and stared at him. She searched his eyes before responding. “Ok Benjamin Warren. I'm your girlfriend."

"Good. I had something way more romantic planned, but."

"Why didn't you wait then?" She questioned pouting a little bit.

"Because I didn't know that you were going to disappear and I would have to track you down."

"I didn't disappear. I was at home and work. You pop up any other time.

"Was this a test?"

"No if it was, you didn't pass. It's been a week Benjamin."

Ben laughed at her craziness and held the breakfast up.

"You really know a way to a girls heart." She gushed taking the coffee and sandwich. "On that note. I'm going to be late for work.

"Ok I’m going to go home and lay down because I just got off of work. Do you get off at a reasonable time tonight or late?"

"I get off at 7."

"Do you want to do dinner."

"Dinner would be great."

"Alright baby I'll see you later."

"Baby?" Miranda smiled, she loved that coming off his lips.

"Too soon? " he asked.

Miranda shook her head. "No, I liked it."

"Okay good. See you later." Ben smiled before yawning.

"Ok baby." Miranda said pecking his lips. Ben picked up her work bag and slid it onto her shoulder.

"When I call you later, pick up." He instructed.

"You're funny." She laughed as she shut her door and locked it.

Ben walked her to her car and opened the door for her. "Drive safe."

"You too."

After 3 weeks of officially dating, Ben had a surprise for Miranda. He knew she would love it, but was concerned if she would want to take off work.

"I have a surprise for you." He told her as she sat up on the couch.

"A surprise?" Miranda gleamed and then eyed him suspiciously. "Well where is it?" She asked looking around.

Ben handed her the white envelope and Miranda opened it and read the tickets. He watched as she looked at the tickets and then back up at him 3 times before she squealed.

"Benjamin Warren you got tickets to tour NASA space center."

"Yep and there's more."


"Guess who's also hosting a seminar there with other astronauts?" Ben stated pulling out another envelope that she grabbed quickly.

"Marjorie Kersey." Miranda yelled. "The Barging Marge. Ben it says VIP meet and greet."

Ben nodded. "Yep, couldn't pass the opportunity up. I know you have questions for her."

"I do. She won the fundamental physics prize..."

"Twice." Ben finished.

"Exactly, logging over 1000 hours in space. This is amazing. You're amazing." She sang hugging and then kissing his lips.

"Can you get the time off from work?"

"You better believe it." Miranda cheesed throwing herself on him.

"Ok great I was thinking we leave on that Thursday, so we get there around 5. Check into our hotel room and then have dinner. Then Friday is the event and we have to be there at 9 am for the tour and then the seminar starts at 1.

Miranda paused hearing hotel room, her body suddenly flushed with heat. "I'm not having sex with you." She said sternly looking him in the eye.

"What?" Ben asked confused.

"We're not having sex." She repeated.

"Miranda did I mention sex?" He asked sitting up and pushing her off him.

"No, but a trip and a hotel room. I just--

"Do you think that’s all I want from you?" Ben questioned concerned. "Do you think I just want sex?"

"No." She answered truthfully. "I just got nervous when you said a hotel room."

"Miranda I can get a hotel room with two beds. I never thought sex would be on the table just because we are going out of town and sharing a room together. I know that you don't get into sex lightly and neither do I. We will know when we want to have sex with each other."

"So you don't want to have sex with me?"

"Miranda of course I want to have sex with you. There are so so many things that I want to do to you, but I'm also a grown man with self control. And You are not ready for me yet." Ben expressed.

"What does that even mean?" She asked eyeing him

"Miranda you're my crush. My fantasy. The way I want to make love to you and fuck you. You are not ready for and have never experienced. I will literally devour you from head to toe, mentally and physically. "

Miranda gasped and blushed heavily. She had never heard him speak that way before. She felt moisture between her thighs and ultimately clinched her legs together to help with the throbbing of her center.

"Mmm." Miranda coughed looking at him. This man was something else. "Back to um... damn Ben." She huffed thinking about sex.

"What?" Ben chuckled kissing her neck and rubbing her thick thighs.

"Stop, so I can concentrate on my thoughts."

"Ok ok." He relented sitting up.

"Ok back to what we were saying. Thursday check in, eat dinner then what?"

"Friday at 9 we tour the center, get lunch around 12, and then 1 we go to the seminar. We will probably be tired afterwards so we will go back to the hotel take a nap, then we go out somewhere nice."

"Can we stay an extra day. I don't want to come that close to my parents and not see them."

"Ok we will go see your parents on Saturday."

"I meant I- me. Singular." She explained.

"Damn ok I get it."  He chuckled.

"No it's just Last time my dad saw me. He came here and embarrassed me in front of my coworkers and made a big deal about my divorce. We've been a little distant since, but its gotten better. Being in a relationship right now will probably send him off the deep end."

"I understand. If you want to go visit them by yourself. I can find something to do." Ben told her seriously rubbing her thigh. She watched as he got up and started grabbing their dishes off the table.

"No this is our trip. You can meet them, but I'm going to say your a friend. So don't get all rowdy and unnerved."

Ben looked at her and nodded, before smirking.

"What's that look for?"

"Oh baby you got what I need, but you say I'm just a friend. Say I’m just a friend." He sung loudly and Miranda laughed hitting him.

"Why are you like this." She snorted as he continued his song. She couldn't help, but to join in with his antics as he pulled her up off the couch to dance with him.

"So Miranda Bailey do you think you can out dance me?"

"Whatttt, Is that a challenge?" Miranda laughed doing the Roger Rabbit.

Ben laughed at her before repeating her dance and then doing the heel toe.

Miranda did the heel toe and then changed to the sprinkler.

"The sprinkler. I haven't seen that in years."

"I know I’m taking it back to the 80's." She chimed laughing.

"Ok but what do you know about this." Ben asked before doing the running man.

"The running man, Ben." Miranda snickered. "We are way too old for this." She huffed out of breath.

Ben pulled her back on the couch laughing and she joined him.

"You know I know the whole Janet Jackson routine to Rhythm Nation ."

"Noooo, really. I've got to see this." He clapped.

"You got the song?"

"No, but I'll find it."

"Next time you come over, I'll put it on and perform for you."

"We can go to your house now." He insisted grabbing her hand.

"You're crazy." She giggled.

"Just crazy about you." Ben spoke swiftly.

Miranda peered at him over her eyelashes and smiled when he kissed her lips. She pulled him closer to her. His tongue swept inside her mouth and she moaned at the contact. She slid her tongue along side his and angled her head, giving him deeper access. Ben explored her mouth, the texture, taste, and heat that he loved so much.

A lot of days they found themselves like this in a heated make out.  When they parted, Miranda peppered his face with more kisses turning him on.

Ben groaned hearing the beeps of his pager. He wasn't on call so they must be short on anesthesiologist because someone called out. Miranda clicked her teeth and looked over at him.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want you to go. We didn't even get to watch the movies yet, nor my foot rub?"

"Not Ms. surgeon pouting about me getting called in."

"Uh when's the last time I got called in."

"Two days ago. Guy with the stomach perforation."

"That one was interesting though, the idiot was dared to swallow batteries."

"Batteries for how much money?"

"A hundred dollars."

"A hundred dollars" Ben scuffed. "Now look how he has to live his life."

"Kids don’t think. If these kids are the future we need to brace ourselves now."

"You're definitely right about that."

"When am I not right. Right should have been my middle name."

"You're cocky Miranda Bailey."

"And you're not?"

"What are you going to do, you want to stay here." Ben asked standing up and stretching.

"No I'm going to go troll for surgeries." She laughed. "Then I'm going to go put in for the days of our trip. Baby I'm so excited." She added standing to get her things.

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