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Miranda cried all day long. Today was Ben's wedding day and she felt sick. She really lost him. He was probably on his way to his stupid honeymoon by now. She sat around the whole day in his big t-shirt that she kept. No matter how many scoops of ice-cream she consumed none of it made her forget about him.

She kept replaying their last conversation and each time tears would fall out of her eyes. She never meant to hurt him. That was the last thing on her mind.

Hearing loud knocks Miranda cut her projector off and rolled off the bed. She wiped her eyes before she opened the door.

"Ben!" Miranda said shocked. "What... what are you doing here?"

"Marry me."

"What?" Miranda asked confused.

"Marry me." Ben repeated. "You're right I love you more than anything in this world and I think I'm going to always be in love with you. I thought that I could do it and move on, but I can't and I can't live without you. So Miranda Marie Bailey will you marry me please?"

Miranda wiped her eyes and nodded her head widely.

"Yes I'll marry you Benjamin." She answered firmly through her tears and running nose.

Miranda looked down as he got down on one knee and pulled a black ring box out his pocket.

Ben opened the box and she stared at the ring. It was absolutely stunning. Miranda extended her hand and he took the huge ring out before sliding it on her finger.

"It's beautiful." She sniffled as she pulled him up. The two hugged for a while before they kissed passionately. "I love you."

"I love you too, so much. Please don't leave me again." He said seriously.

"I won't. I promise." She declared standing on her tiptoes. Ben stroked Miranda's cheek lightly then moved his face closer, he brushed his nose against hers, then closed the gap between them, with a soft kiss.

Miranda gripped his head deepening the kiss in an attempt to get even nearer. He grabbed her hips roughly and pulled her into him.

"Better?" he asked between kisses.

"Mhmm." Miranda responded as she moved to kiss his neck, using her tongue. "I missed this." She whispered before sucking on his earlobe. Making her way down she went from kissing to sucking on his neck, leaving marks along the way.

"Bedroom?" He questioned.

"Bedroom." She agreed and Ben took this opportunity to gripped her ass and palm it fully under her oversized shirt. He swiftly gripped her thighs and lifted her up into his arms with ease. With her legs wrapped around his body, Miranda resumed their kissing. After a flick of her tongue on his, Ben couldn't help but to stop walking, and press her back against the living room wall, using it as support.

He slipped his hand under her shirt and touched the front of her panties. Ben felt the heat radiating from her and the wetness on the tips of his fingers.

Miranda moaned loudly from the pressure of his finger on her clit. She placed her head against the wall when he started the slow rubbing back and forth.

"Benjamin." She moaned letting him know she didn't want to be teased. "My room now." She demanded. Chuckling he picked her up again and proceeded on his journey to her room. Walking in, he set Miranda down. Grabbing onto the bottom of her shirt he lifted it up and pulled it over her head.

"Damn I've missed you." Ben told her looking at her breast. He then kissed her lips again roughly and Miranda sighed opening her mouth to allow his tongue entrance. She kissed her back hungrily and relished in the feeling of his hand caressing her body.

Ben caressed her perfect breast and ran his thumb across her nipples.

"Uh." Miranda moaned at feeling of him taking her nipple into his mouth. She wrapped her arm around his neck and tried to steady herself. His tongue circled her nipple and then gently sucked it between his teeth while his fingers made sure not to neglect her other breast. She rubbed his head and he switched to the other side pleasuring her fully. Letting go with a wet pop Ben looked down at her and listened to her heavy breathing.

"Sit," He instructed gesturing to the edge of the bed. Locking her eyes with his she did as told, and moved her hands to unbuckle his belt. Ready to take him in her mouth.

Ben touched her hands, halting her movements. "No. Not now."
He knew what she wanted to do and there would be time for that later.

Miranda clicked her teeth in disappointment and then bit her lip in sultry manner. Especially beautiful in her current frustration Ben leaned down and captured her lips. He then kissed down her body leaving a wet trail till he reached her thick thighs.

Miranda shivered at the sight of Ben kneeled down between her legs. Mouth gaped, she put one hand on his shoulder and the other clung to the mattress, while Ben placed kisses on her inner thighs.

His pants grew increasingly tighter, but he ignored it, instead, he urged Miranda to lift her hips, so he could remove her underwear.

Damn she missed this. She whimpered as he kissed the lips of her vagina.

"Ben." Miranda moaned loudly and a single tear formed in her eyes as his tongue started licking through her folds and slowly circling her clit. Not once rushing his movements, Ben spread Miranda's legs wide apart. Licking her like ice cream on a hot summer day. He loved the way Miranda tasted, he could spend the rest of his life between her legs and he would die a happy man.

Fuck, Ben I'm-"

And with some extra pressure of his tongue, Miranda came in his mouth with a long moan.

Ben smirked before continuing to lick her. With glassy eyes, he took in the sight of Miranda's arched body, one hand was gripping his shoulder and the other her purple sheets.

He licked his lips and grabbed her hands. Before she had the chance to fully come down from her high he resumed his feasting.

"Oh God." Miranda grunted, letting go of his hands she gripped his head hard. His movements were even slower this time, likely afraid that she would cum too fast again.

Miranda grinned, mostly to herself. She knew he had always enjoyed having her in his mouth. she use to relish in the look of plain hunger in his eyes when he was on his knees like this.

"Yes Benjamin." Miranda muttered out as her moaning intensified.

Ben moved to caress her thighs instead, forcing her to come down again, and then repeated the torturous cycle.

"Dammit to hell." Miranda cursed at his stopping and starting. Ben did it one more time until Miranda pulled him harder, crying out.


He didn't want to give in, but she always sounded so good when she begged. Without any warning, Ben pushed her thighs apart and inserted two fingers in her. At the same time he focused on sucking on her clit, making sure to move at the same rhythm as his hand. Miranda breath hitched as she inhaled harshly, his name leaving her lips. She moved her body up and down to meet the rough fucking of his fingers and tongue.

Hearing a gushing sound, Miranda gripped his fingers tightly as her orgasm ripped through her heated body. Pleasure surged through her and it caused her legs to shake and her toes to curl. She rode his face and fingers hard drawing out her own orgasm.

"Mmm you taste so good Miranda Bailey."

Miranda winked at him as he stood up. She took his hand and he groaned as she put his fingers in her mouth, tasting herself on him. After she let him go in one swift motion she unbuckled his belt. Ben look down as she began stroking him slowly.

The urge to throw his head back, and simply enjoy this went ignored by the thought of just being inside her again after all of this time.

"Move back." He insisted and Miranda huffed once again. She stroked him one more time spreading his precum over the tip, down to the base of him before she placed a quick kiss to the head.

Ben groaned at the feeling and watched as she scooted back some more. He removed his clothes quick, climbing on the bed.

"Come here." He motioned to his lap. Miranda lifted herself up, and wrapped her legs around Ben's torso, using her hands on his shoulders as leverage. She was excited about this position. The lotus had been a favorite of theirs, especially after a long night

With his hands on her hips, Ben aligned himself up with her entrance and pushed in slowly. For the first time in a long while he felt a relief he did not know he need. The feeling of her soft body all around him was driving him insane.

He thought about this very thing often. The way her embrace used to tighten when they were like this, the sounds she made when she started to lose control, and how on rare occasions they had time, they could do this for hours on end, grateful for the privilege.

Miranda contracted her muscles in a plea for him to move. She couldn't take it anymore. She tried to be patient and wait it out, but her body need him to move.

Pressing his forehead to hers, he paused for another moment.

Miranda softened the hold she had on him, leaning back, so she could look at him.

"Are you still with me?" She teased looking at his euphoric stated.

Ben grinned at her and with that a soft sigh escaped her when he leaned down and captured her bottom lip, sucking it between his teeth. He started a slow rhythm of hitting up into her. The pace was tortuously slow, more about connecting and being together than anything else.

Miranda wrapped one hand around his neck and began to move with him. She threw her head back and gripped the firm skin of his back as she moved on him.

"Faster," Miranda whispered, in between whimpers and sharp exhales.

Within the limitations of their position, Ben gripped her hips and she felt herself being lift up. Ben suddenly pulled her back down and she grunted.

"Uh Benjamin." Miranda cried wrapping her other arm around his neck. Ben lifted her up again and then pulled her back down even harder, making his penis hit her spot. Ben repeated the motion continuously and Miranda felt her orgasm building.

"Fuck." Miranda shouted gripping him tightly with her walls.

"Damn Miranda." He grunted at the tightly constriction. Ben kept moving and Miranda met her per thrust. He hit her g spot once again and Miranda felt the tight coil in her stomach.

"I'm gonna cum baby." She whimpered trying to hold on.

"Good cum for me." He spoke gripping her ass.

Miranda tensed against him and she squealed at the force of her orgasm. She felt her juices wash their lower half as her stomach quivered.

"Jesus." She whined licking her lips and pushing her face in his neck.

Ben rubbed her back up and down and placed kisses against her skin.

"Can you take another one?" He questioned and Miranda nodded her head yes and before she could even fully catch her breath, Ben pulled out.

Miranda groaned in complaint and Ben grinned at her pouting.

"On all fours." Ben commanded gruffly. Despite her just having an orgasm she felt herself get even wetter at his demand.

Miranda moved into position, arching her back, she then turned to look back at Ben. She stared into his lust filled eyes and beckoned him to her.

Ben looked at this insanely sexy woman and licked his lips. Her center was wet and he could see her juices leaking and dripping on the bed as well as running down her thighs. He quickly leaned forward and stuck his tongue into her pussy licking her juices.

"Ben." Miranda moaned gripping the covers. Ben ate her from behind and she was starting to loose it. Ben flicked and sucked on her clit for a minute before dipping his tongue back in. When Miranda started moaning uncontrollably he pulled back and sat up some.

Ben placed his tip at her entrance and pushed in just to pull back out.

"Ben." Miranda moaned. "Please."

"You ready?" Ben questioned and she nodded.

"Yes." She replied fully prepared not to be able to walk tomorrow.

He positioned himself behind her and slowly pushed inside. A moan escaped her lips feeling him deep inside. He started off slow, before he grabbed her hips going faster, pounding into her. Miranda moans grew louder by each stroke and she dropped her upper body on the bed to allowed him an even deeper penetration.

Ben pushed into her harder at this angle and Miranda couldn't form any audible words.

"Shit Miranda you feel so fucking good." Ben moaned looking up at the ceiling as he continued thrusting his hips.

Miranda knew he was getting ready to cum by the way his breathing changed. She could hear his little grunts and the way he was trying to keep control. She pushed herself back on him forcefully causing his rhythm to get off. Throwing her self back she began picking up their pace. She loved the sound of her ass hitting his pelvis and thighs.

"Fuck Baby... damn." Ben groaned biting his lips and looking down at her.

Ben reached down and rubbed her clit before taking over the thrusting again. Miranda clinched around him cumming. She cried out and buried her face into the mattress, to muffle her screams.

Ben concentrated on the sensation of Miranda tightly around him, and finally released, gripping Miranda's shoulder, he leaned forward, going in a couple of times more as he rode the waves of his orgasm.

He pulled out, blowing out a breath as he collapsed on the bed beside her. Miranda laid on his chest and tried to regulate her breathing for a minute.

"Now the question is Ben Warren can you do one more." She asked slightly out of breath still. Ben opened his eyes and looked at her. He licked his lips and nodded his head. He honestly need some water but by the look in her eyes he knew that was not happening.

Miranda straddled his waist and wiggled against him. Then she leaned forward to kiss him. Ben's hand slid from her cheek to the back of her neck, holding her in place so he could slip his tongue into her mouth, but Miranda pulled back. "Unh-uh," she purred waving her finger in his face. "I'm in charge now." Then she wiggled again and watched in satisfaction as Ben closed his eyes and moaned. With a smile she rubbed her wet folds along his length as his dick swelled and grew hard once again.

Ben relaxed and let his future wife have her way with him. He loved when she would take charge.

Miranda took his shaft in her hand and lowered her mouth. Her tongue rolled around the head, tasting his salty pre-cum. She heard her him hiss as she continued to lick him. Then she slowly took the head into her mouth sucking it like a lollipop. She wasn't quite sure how to describe the noise that Ben made at that point, but it was definitely a noise of pure pleasure. She pulled it out of her mouth with a pop and licked his dick from the base to the head. When she glanced up at him, their eyes locked. Miranda smirked and took him into her mouth, this time taking the entire length while she maintained eye contact.

Ben watched in fascination as he vanished between Miranda's luscious, full lips. He tried to maintain eye contact, but the things she was doing to him made it impossible. His head fell back and he gasped for air as he focused on the feel of her mouth and tongue.

Miranda released him from her mouth and swiftly straddled him while he was still blissfully helpless. She lined him up with her entrance and sank down on him until he was completely enveloped within her warmth.

"Oh God," Ben gasped and Miranda moaned at the feeling.

Miranda rolled her hips and he made another one of those indescribable noises deep in his throat. She set a deliberate pace, slowly moving up and down his penis. Ben grabbed her hips urging her to move faster, but she denied him, keeping her movements slow and steady.

Ben growled in frustration and, with a giggle Miranda slowly began to increase her speed. It wasn't long before Benn reached release and he slammed into her. He held her tightly, his fingers digging into her flesh as he ground up into her. She followed him over the edge screaming out her orgasm not long after.

She fell forward onto his chest, breathing like she had just run a marathon. Ben wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly against his body.

"I love you more than I can hold in my heart." Miranda mumbled.

"I love you too more than anything." He responded as she traced circles in his chest.

"How did you end up with her?"

"How did you end up with him?"



"I'm serious. You were going to marry her, so how did that come about?"

"I didn't even propose to her. She found your ring box in my nightstand and assumed that I was."

"Wait what?" Miranda asked sitting up and holding the sheet against her breast. "That woman was wearing my ring. This ring." She asked looking down at her hand.

"No I bought her, her own. Couldn't give her that one seeing as though its engraved."

"You were thinking about it?" She questioned hitting his chest.

"I wasn't. It never crossed my mind."

"Are you going to tell me or must I remain in suspense."

"It started on new years eve at the hospital's party. I went and she approached me. We talked for a while and then she kissed me at midnight. We ended up back at my place and.

"You had sex with her." Miranda filled in trying not to sound upset, but he knew she was.

"Yeah. The next day I tried to let her down by saying I wasn't interested in a fling and she got upset because I assumed she wanted that. We made it clear that we were looking for a long term relationship and then she asked me to the movies and dinner. From there we started a relationship."

Miranda rolled her eyes and gripped his arm that was around her tighter.

"One day I was in a rush and left my nightstand drawer open. She saw the ring box and was squealing. She literally turned to me and said yes ill marry you."

"She's insane." Miranda huffed and Ben chuckled.

"I was confused and when I saw the ring she was holding, it clicked. I didn't know how to say that its not for you and it was bought for someone else. So I just went with it. I figured that I wanted to get married eventually and my relationship with her was good, she's a good woman so why not. If I wasn't with you I knew that there was no one else out there who would make me that happy so I’ll take this happiness that I have."

Miranda pursed her lips and felt her eyes watering.

"Baby why are you crying?"

"Because of that. I messed us up."

"Miranda its ok we will be find."

"Benjamin I was never ready for a relationship. I was never ready. I had just gotten out of a marriage with a man I had been with since I was 17. I should have taken time for myself in the beginning before we even started a relationship."

"I get that now Miranda. I understand. At the time I didn't see all of that because I just wanted you. If you want to do a long engagement. That would be ok with me."

"No I don't want that. I want to marry you."


"Is two weeks good enough for you?" She asked looking down at him.

"Two weeks." He laughed.

"Yeah I figured it would give us enough time to plan a cocktail party and get my parents here."

"A cocktail party."

"Yes a cocktail party. We can go to the courthouse first then a cocktail party."

"Miranda I want a real wedding."

"Can we do one on our 1st anniversary."

"Deal. What day do you want to get married?"

"December the 18th."

"December the 18th." He agreed. "Now how did you end up with the nurse?

"I'm not telling you that." She laughed.

"And why not?"

"Because he's not important. You want to talk about him while we're naked. He was just no strings attached sex. And before you asked, no it wasn't all that and he wasn't better than you."

"Well I could have told you that." He responded in a duh tone.

"You are so cocky."

"With a lot of it."

"You need to go to sleep." She giggled.

"One more round." Ben grinned flipping her over.

"Mmmm." Miranda moaned happily.

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