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Miranda buzzed around work giddy. She was truly excited about their trip and just spending time with her boyfriend. Every since his comment about making love to her. She had been fantasizing about him and them. She wondered what it will be like. How would it feel. Would it be as intense as she anticipated. He was so confident and she was for sure he could back up everything that he said. This was new for her, with Tucker she didn’t have sex with him until after they were engaged...and it just sorta happened. They were laying around one day and literally one thing lead to another. But with this, this feeling with Ben. She’d never dreamed about someone or lusted after an individual and she liked the feeling.

Everything was happening so fast but nothing short of amazing.

"What are you thinking about?" Callie asked walking up.

"Huh?" Miranda smiled at her.

"Why are you so happy?" Callie asked..."oh never mind, your trip."

"Yes my trip to NASA."

"You ready?" Callie countered willing her eyebrows and smirking.

"Yeah I'm excited." Miranda responded in a duh tone.

"Not for the trip for sex." Torres said seriously.

"Uh we are not having sex." Miranda said quickly.

"And why not? You've been dating for a while"

"Because we are not."

"You don't want to?"

"I do, but I told him we weren't." Miranda sighed.

"Well why in the hell did you do that?" Callie countered hitting her arm with the clipboard she was holding.

"I got nervous when he said we were going out of town, and getting a hotel room. I snapped a little and said we weren't having sex, but now I want sex. I want sex really bad. I want him really bad." Miranda whined.

"So why don't you initiate it. Wear some lingerie or a nice bra and panty set and seduce him."

"Seduce him?" She quaked.

"You don't know how." Callie laughed.

"I do but ugh this is all nerve racking."

"Just pretend your getting dressed for bed, go change into the lingerie and open the bathroom door. He will do the rest from there, I'm sure."

Miranda nodded at the idea. "I just need to go get some today when I'm get off then."

"You don't have any?"

"I have some, but I want something new. Not what I wore with Tucker."

"Get some sexy nightgowns while you're at it."

"Sexy night gowns. Got it. Anything else?”

"And prep the surgical field " Callie added.
"The Sur--OH TORRES." Miranda gasped.


"He is a grown man and I am a grown woman. If he is worried about me having something on the surgical field. He will not be going anywhere near my surgical field." Miranda snapped. "You actually wax for a man."

"Miranda I’m with a woman and I, we prefer to be bare."

"Ugh too much information."

"You asked."

"I didn't ask that and on that note I'm leaving. I have patients to tend to. Keep an eye on Grey, Yang, and Karev while I'm gone. They tend to screw up when I'm not around."

"Miranda they're residents and not your responsibility anymore."

"They're my ducks. They will always be my responsibility."

Miranda left work and went to go get her nails and toes done at the nail salon across the street. She didn't get anything spectacular just French tips for both.

Leaving there she drove to a lingerie boutique not that far from the hospital. She always rode pass the store in the shopping center when she would be out getting lunch, but never had a reason to go inside until today. After taking several deep breaths and calming her nerves she got out and walked inside.

Miranda looked at everything in the store and immediately got overwhelmed. There were so many options, leather, silk, lace, half a bra, whole bras, tassels, stockings, garters, belts, robes. Walking through the aisles she stumbled upon a set that consisted of a pink, lacey bra and a matching thong. Miranda twisted her lips, trying to decided whether to purchase them or not. Grabbing that set she moved on to a emerald green lace bra and thong set. She liked that the bra had underwire and that the thong wasn't tiny. It looked comfortable. She held it up to examine it, feeling the soft material.

"Dr. Bailey." She heard.

Miranda froze with the thong in her hand and moved the material behind her back before turning to look for who called her name.

"Dr. Bailey I thought that was you."

"Oh my god." Miranda mumbled face flushed with heat. "Sydney!? I thought you were in Africa."

"Oh I came back last year. My fiancé wanted to be back in the states."

"Fiancé, congratulations."

"Thank you Miranda. He's the reason I'm in here." She blushed. "His birthday is Saturday."

"Okay." Miranda nodded.

"Are you planning for a special occasion?"

"Uh my boyfriend and I are going out of town and I'm trying to find something to..." she started and then paused. Why in the hell was she telling miss positive thinker this, out of all people.

"That set you have behind you is nice, I think you should get it along with the pink one you have in your hand."

"Umm thank you."

No problem you look nervous. I'm glad you're getting back out there after Tucker."

"You know about my divorce?"

"You said boyfriend, not husband."

"Oh I did say that. Yeah um we're divorcing."

"How's your son? When I left it was a little after the accident."

"He's great thanks for asking and for standing outside the door that day with everyone else."

"No problem Bailey... if I were you I would buy more than one set of lingerie. You never know when you're going to need it." She laughed.

"I'm going to take your advice on that. Where do you work now? You didn't want to work at Seattle Grace anymore?"

"I don’t really fit in there. They don’t respect me."

"Sydney you're a great doctor and if you decide to come back let me know and I'll handle it." She smiled.

"Thanks Miranda." She smiled. "It was nice seeing you again."

"You too." Miranda nodded before going to browse more lingerie sets.

Eventually she grabbed new bras, panties, lingerie, nighties, babydolls, and regular nightgowns.

Satisfied with her purchase, Miranda drove to get something to eat before going home.

The next morning Ben packed his bags and headed over Miranda's apartment. He knocked on her door and a moment later, she tossed the door open.

"Oh, God, you're here already!" she exclaimed, her eyes widen.

"Yeah, I called…" he began, but she didn't wait for him to finish; she turned and started tossing multiple things into a really large suitcases.

Ben surveyed her apartment and was astounded by what he saw. Miranda was a very neat person. Tucks toys would be scattered around, but it was never messy until now.

The usually neat living room was littered with dresses, blouses, and other things haphazardly tossed about. The concentration of clothes and accessories got worse as his gaze scanned the doorway of her bedroom.

Quite frankly, it looked like the back stage of a fashion show.

He watched as she folded things and stuff things into the suitcase. Why did she need two? They were only going to be gone for 4 days.

"Maybe that…Oh, damn it!" she cried, jumping back from her suitcase. She shook her hand and winced.

Calmly, Ben approached her. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"That thing nicked me!" Miranda pushed her dark purple luggage hard. She sucked her French tip painted fingertip into her mouth.


"What?" she mumbled. She frowned at him, her pout evident even with her index finger in her lovely mouth. His thoughts shifted where they shouldn't as he watched her suck that finger. Damn, that woman had a beautiful mouth!

Shaking that thought off, he stepped closer to her and murmured, "Let me see it."

"No," she protested, even as he clasped her wrist and drew her hand away from her lips.

As he examined her finger, he stroked her wrist with his thumb, feeling her rapid pulse beat. She was so worked up. "I wasn't talking about that."

Her big brown eyes were cloudy and confused. "Hmm?"

"When I'd asked you what was wrong, it wasn't about the suitcase," he explained. Seeing that her finger was fine, he brought it to his mouth and kissed it softly. "All better."

"Thank you baby."

"Now why are clothes everywhere?"

"I don't know what to wear to meet Marjorie Kersey. Its Marjorie Kersey." She whined.

"And you're Miranda Bailey. Dr. Miranda Bailey."

"I know that, but I need something to wear."

"Here let me help you find something." He stated walking over to her clothes. He matched two outfits together and Miranda stood beside him.

"Here are two viable options."  Ben pointed at the teal blazer, white shirt and blue jeans with booties and then a red blouse, grey slacks and red flats.

"Yeah these look good thank you. Where are we getting dinner at tonight, so I can find a nice outfit and the next day."

"I figured we wouldn't go anywhere fancy tonight so a casual outfit, and the next day I got us reservations at Copper's Hawk Winery and restaurant."

Miranda nodded and walked to go grab a silver dinner dress and paired it with black stiletto heels.

"I think. I'm good. I have my toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, facial cleaner, face cloth, moisturizer, makeup, perfume, and jewelry." She listed out zipping the smaller bag.

"What's in that suitcase." Ben asked touching it."

"Uh personal items." She mumbled moving it out the way.

Miranda zipped her last suitcase up and sat it by the front door.

"Did you pack clothes for the drive to your parents and clothes for their house?"

"Yes. Its all in here."

"Ok let clean this up." He instructed grabbing a handful of clothes.

"Thank you honey." Miranda laughed grabbing some clothes.

After they cleaned up Ben grabbed her suitcases and took them to put them in the car.  When he came back he watched as Miranda cut the lights off and walked to the door.

"You got everything?"

"Yes thank you."

"Alright." He smiled showing her his perfect white teeth.

"How was work last night?"

"It was good and long. You know I hate being in the OR with Dr. Nelson."

"I know you told me." She laughed. "How bad was the clicking?"

"He clicked the whole night." He laughed.

On the plane Miranda sat down and looked around. He upgrade their seats to first class. The leather seats were cushy and comfy, conforming around her body like a caress, and once they were airborne, she was able to lean back slightly and really relax.

She eyed her boyfriend in his navy blue shirt and his jeans sat around his muscular frame to perfection, showing just a hint of definition to make a woman want to peak under to see the whole thing. He'd freshly shaved, too; the skin on his jaw and his neck around his goatee looked positively touchable.

"What?" Ben questioned looking over at her.

"You look really good...Sexy." She added before reaching and rubbing his chin.

"You're sexy." He smiled.

"You really think so?" Miranda asked.

Ben looked at her curiously. He didn't know if she was joking or not.

"Miranda Bailey you are sexy, gorgeous, beautiful, and stunning." He said kissing her sweet lips between each adjective. "Your name is in the definition of every beautiful word in the dictionary."

"Aww thank you." Miranda gushed leaning over to kiss his lips.

After their 5 hour flight, Ben got a rental car and they drove to hotel. He stretched getting out before going to open the door for her. They checked into the hotel and made their way to the room.

Getting inside Ben sat the luggage in front of the two beds.

"This is beautiful." Miranda marveled, walking to the huge patio sliding door.

"One of the reasons. I picked this room." He responded coming to stand beside her.

Miranda turned to face him and smiled lightly when he grabbed her waist. What she didn't expect was for him to gripped her thighs and lift her up with ease. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her hands around his neck.

Ben moved her backwards and she gasped feeling her back touch the glass door and his hands close by her ass.

"Benjamin." Miranda said softly.

"Hmm?" He questioned staring into her eyes.

"Why did you pick me up?"

"Just wanted to. Do you want to just order room service so we don't have to go anywhere?"

"Um Yes that would be great."

"Ok." Ben responded caressing her bottom.

Miranda felt tingles in the bottom of her stomach and heat flush her body. She knew one thing for sure. She wasn't going back home to Seattle without having sex with this man.

Ben set her down on her feet and held her until she was steady. His eyes glanced across her repeatedly, taking her in. She was flushed.

"You ok?"

"I'm." Miranda breathed. "Good."

"Do you want to take a shower first or?"

"Um no you can go ahead. I'll order us something to eat."

"Alright thanks." Ben smiled pecking her lips.

He walked over and grabbed his bag, pulling out everything he needed. Miranda ordered herself a southwest salad and Ben a turkey club. She looked up when she heard the door to the bathroom open up. Ben stepped out with a white towel around his waist.

Good God Miranda thought as her eyes traveled up and down his body following the endless water droplets.

"Can you hand me that bag." Ben pointed to the bed.

Miranda nodded and walked to go grab it. She use this opportunity to look at his legs up to the towel he was wearing. Clearing her throat she handed him the bag.

"Thank you baby."

"You're welcome."  She responded before he shut the door and she fell back onto the bed and huffed.

Ben got dressed and then came out of the bathroom. They ate their food talking back and forth before Miranda went to go take a shower.

When the bathroom door opened Ben did a double take at her baby blue night gown. It had lace trimmings that went across the fullness of her breast and a split that went up her thigh, showing off her beautiful legs. His girlfriend was insanely sexy and a walking temptation. He closed his eyes and took a subtle breath.

Miranda looked at the bed that she was supposed to be in and then back at Ben who was laying on his side. She walked over slowly and crawled on the bed beside him, before lifting the covers. Ben looked shocked not expecting her to do that, but glad that she did. He knew that she was letting her guard down and letting him in fully.

She turned on her side and Ben scooted in closer, spooning her. He nuzzled his face in her neck and wrapped his arms around her, kissing the back of her head, then neck. Making goosebumps appear on her heated skin.

"Good night beautiful."

"Good night Benjamin."

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