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It was Saturday morning and Miranda had Tuck until noon. She was dropping him off to his father's house around that time. She attempted to make apple cinnamon muffins using her mom's recipe. She closed the oven, pressing the timer when her phone buzzed on the counter with an incoming text.

Ben: Good morning beautiful. Do you want to get breakfast this morning?

Excitement shot through and she smiled happily. Her heart was racing and hands suddenly sweaty. Her pajamas were covered in flour because Tuck "helped" her bake. She looked over at Tuck and herself and she was going to decline. Instead of typing out a long text, she hit the call button.

Miranda pressed the phone to her ear so he wouldn't hear the cartoons her son was watching.

"Hey." Ben's deep voice came through the line, tickling her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

"Hey, sorry it was too much to type out. I'm actually still in my pajamas and I have Tuck." She informed thinking that he was going to retract his offer.

"If it's okay with you how about instead of going out I can come over and cook." Ben said hopefully.

Her eyes darted around her neglected kitchen. The island covered in baking supplies, the pantry door open, dishes in the sink. She hadn't had a chance to clean up yet. Not only was her house a mess, but she was too.

Ben heard her deep breath and the long silence that followed behind it. He hoped he didn't rush it. "I figured breakfast would be a good option because I didn't know if you had to work today and if so we could have went before work since it's early." He explained.

"Oh I'm off of work today." Miranda informed.

"Me too."

"You're more than welcome to come over. That would be great."

"Anything specific that you both love to eat?"

"I actually just made some muffins and they are still in the oven, but I really want waffles and bacon. I have an waffle iron."

"Waffles are my favorite. Any allergies I should know about?"

"No. We don't have any."

"Text me your address and I can be there in 20 minutes."

Miranda quickly cataloged everything she could do in 20 minutes, concluding that the priority was getting dress, vacuuming her living room, putting toys away, and loading dishes into the dishwasher.


"See you both soon." He ended, sending her heart racing again. She had two gates up so Tuck couldn't leave the living room and she ran to her room, pulling off her clothes as she entered. She grabbed leggings, a bra, and a t-shirt. She wanted to look casual yet put together, whatever looked natural for a Saturday morning.

Brushing her hair, she pulled it back into a loose ponytail and looked at herself in the mirror.

"I look alright." She said softly. "Casual."

Ben got up and went to the store. He was already dressed in jeans and his college shirt. He bought everything for breakfast and this big toy truck that came with dinosaurs and two books that were for Tuck.

He put the address she sent to him in his GPS and drove to her apartment.

Miranda finished cleaning up as best she could before the doorbell rung. She hopped up and looked around the room making sure everything was in order. After pulling her shirt down she jogged over to the door.

"Hey." Miranda smiled opening the door seeing Ben with both hands full of bags. "Let me help." She said quickly taking some from him.

"Good morning." Ben smiled as she led him over to the kitchen and they sat the bags on the counter. "You look beautiful." He told her and she did her best to not blush as hard.

"Thank you for the compliment, but in this?" She questioned.

"Of course. You're a natural beauty." Ben responded taking things out of the bags. When he got to the Dino-truck. Ben grabbed it and walked over to the gate. He stepped across it carefully and Miranda awed the situation.

"Good morning Tuck." Ben greeted sitting on the floor.

"Hi Mr. Ben." Tuck said excitedly remembering him from two days ago.

"I got you something." Ben smiled showing him the Truck that was also in the shape of a dinosaur. It was a mix between a dump truck, with a crane and a dinosaur.

"Wow." Tuck marveled picking it up. Ben helped him take out the dinosaurs, trees, Dino eggs, and nest."

"A Triceratop." Tuck showed him and Ben eyes widened.

"And what's this one?" He pointed.

"Brachiosaurus and pterodactyl." He informed before naming the rest. Ben helped him set up a huge course in the living room where he would help the other dinosaurs protect the baby's from the T rex.

After completing it he walked back to the kitchen and Miranda's smile was 10 times brighter. His interaction with her son warmed her heart tremendously.

"That was really sweet of you, thank you."

"It's no problem. He's really smart. I never heard a 3 year old with a vocabulary as big as his. He knows the real names of the dinosaurs."

"Yeah his room is actually dinosaur themed and you just added to the collection. Great pick."

"Wow. I just saw something that I thought he might like. It also came with two books."

"Aww great. I think we're in need of something new."

Ben nodded and smiled at her and she licked her lips. This man was ridiculously good looking.

"Where are your pots and pans?" Ben questioned.

"The cabinet under the island. And the two drawers above that have the cooking utensils. Behind you on the left up in the first two cabinets are glasses and plates. Then still on the left beside the stove are eating utensils. If there is anything else that you need, I am happy to assist."

"Thank you and for your hospitality."

"Of course. I'm an excellent host."

He started taking cooking things out and began mixing pancake ingredients together.
"You're making the mix from scratch?"

"Yeah how do you do yours?"

"Uh the premade box and add water."

"I like that for pancakes, but for waffles I perfer to make the mix, like my grandmother taught me."

"I was in a baking mood today and I made my mom's muffins...Here try this." Miranda smiled handing him a muffin.

Ben looked at it and grimaced inwardly, this did not look appealing at all. He bit into it and held the piece in his mouth. He stared at her forcing a tight lipped smile.

"Damn are you going to swallow?" Miranda asked analyzing him.

Ben shook his head no smiling.

"They can't be that bad. I followed the recipe to the T." She huffed.

He eyed her and she huffed handing him a paper towel. Ben spit it into the napkin and laughed. "I think those might be the definition of bad."

Miranda rolled her eyes and wiped her face, watching him. He walked over to the items he bought and handed her a container of blueberry and banana nut muffins.

"You're an ass." She stressed snatching the container.

"I think the important thing here is that you tried."


While the bacon and potatoes were finishing up, he began pouring the batter into the waffle iron and closed it.

"So I'm going to take a guess and say you're not much of a cook." Ben asked before slicing up fruit for a fruit salad.

"Baking and cooking are two different things Dr. Warren." Miranda sneered.

"That is true. I'm not much of a baker either."

"I can cook and a lot of different things."

"Now my next question is has anyone tasted this food other than you and Tuck here."

"Uh yes my husband ... former husband. My parents, my interns, the chief, and my best friend... is that enough people for you." She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah that's enough... how was work yesterday?" He questioned. They had texted back and forth during the day yesterday.

"Oh it was great. The surgeries went great. I did an exploratory laparotomy and a cholecystectomy.

"I would love to see that up close." Ben admitted. "We can't see much behind the curtain."

"You can come shadow me for a day, if you want." Miranda suggested.

"Really." Ben expressed excitedly.

"Yeah. Let me know your next day off and we can make it happen. Hopefully its a good case that day. If you give me a week or so I can schedule something specifically on that day."

"Okay. I will definitely let you know."

"Anything in particular you want to see?"

"A Whipple."

"A Whipple takes 6 hours and my job is standing."

"That was definitely a slick and unnecessary comment." He chuckled before raising an eyebrow at her.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean that." Miranda said quickly.

"You did and that’s okay. I’m an anesthesiologist yes."

"I really didn't mean it that way. I was trying to say that its a long procedure. You're not use to standing that long."

"Ok I believe you."

"You do?" Miranda questioned giving him the Bailey eyes and Ben had never seen anything more captivating in his life. This was a dangerous woman and she had the power to get anything she wanted.

"I do believe it and I don't even know what a Whipple is exactly. I heard the term and saw it written on an OR board, but it just sounded cool." He laughed and she laughed too.

"The Whipple removes the head of the pancreas, the first part of the small intestine, the gallbladder and the bile duct. Then I connect the remaining organs so they can still digest food properly. My shortest surgeries are appendectomies and cholecystectomies."

"Either is fine. You should come and shadow me as well." He suggested.


"Yes you." Ben nodded putting a glass of cranberry juice in front of her. "I think you should come and see what we actually do."

"You know what I will give it a try."

"How do you eat your eggs."

"Depends, since this is a big breakfast you can just scrambled them."

Ben nodded and he cracked some in a bowl and whipped it up. "I delivered my first baby yesterday." Ben said enthusiastically.

"How did that happened." Miranda asked curiously.

"I went into the patients room to see if she wanted an epidural because according to the chart she 4 cm dilated. When I got there she was breathing really hard and groaning in pain from the contractions. They looked intense. I asked if she wanted one and explained how long until her window closed and she couldn't. She answered me saying she would have loved one but she thinks it too late because she can feel her baby's head. I was immediately alarmed and my eyes widened, especially when she asked me to check between her legs."

Miranda chuckled at that. She could picture his face.

"I quickly told her that I wasn't an obgyn, but an anesthesiologist, you have the wrong person. She started crying and getting hysterical begging me to look down there and see because something was coming out of her. So I look down and sure enough the babies head was right there. I got up to page the OB and the nurses all ran in. When they saw the situation they all turn to look at me saying "you're a doctor."

"I tried to remember what I learned all those years ago in medical school before I picked anesthesia.  I safely helped her deliver a 7lb 8 oz baby. Who she named Benjamin Joshua."

"Wow she named her baby after you." Miranda smiled.

"Yeah later that day I came to see how they were doing and she told me his name and asked if I wanted to hold him."

"Was she a single parent?"

"She had a ring on, so I'm sure she probably wasn't. I don't know where her husband was." Ben told her. He pulled out his phone and showed her the picture of him holding the baby and she smiled. "He is so cute." Miranda acknowledged looking at him. He reminded her of Tuck when he was first born.

"Breakfast is ready." He announced taking the last waffle out.

"Everything looks so good." She complimented.

"Thanks. What do you both want on your plates."

"I can make the plates." Miranda said seriously sliding off the stool.

"I got it." Ben assured her.

"You cooked, this is the least I can do. Let me just grab Tuck."

Miranda walked over and grabbed Tuck before letting him got sit at the chair to her dinning table. She made everyone’s plate before bringing them over. Ben had already refilled their glasses and got Tuck a cup of apple juice.

Sitting down Miranda said her grace and she made Tuck repeat the toddlers grace. Ben smiled and said his own before the began eating and engaging in a lively conversation.

"You're a really good cook." Miranda gushed eating the skillet potatoes.

"Thanks." He grinned.

The three finished eating and Miranda stood up and reached to grab the empty plates.

"I got it." Ben picked up the plates and put them in the sink. "I'll wash them."

"The dishwasher is open and we will clean together. How is that?"

"That works for me."

The two move around the kitchen together, touching occasionally, making goosebumps appear. When they finished Miranda was kind of sad that it was the end. She like being around him. He made her feel good. She didn't feel like a doctor or a mother. She was just Miranda with him. Her conversation and feelings mattered. He listened to her talk and he could relate. It was refreshing.

"I guess I should get going."

Miranda pouted slightly and stood up with him.

"Thank you so much for breakfast."

"Thank you for having me."

"Bye Tuck." Ben waved and he waved back saying goodbye.

Ben grabbed Miranda by her waist and for a moment she thought he was going to kiss her, but instead he kissed her cheek.

"See you again soon."

"Have a good rest of your day."

"You too." She smiled before shutting the door behind him.

Ben paused for a minute and nothing could contain his smile. He wanted everything to go well today and it did, exceeding his expectations.

Miranda breathed heavily with her back against the door. That man made swarms of butterflies go crazy in her stomach. She was glad that she could actually talk around him today. He made her mind go blank, the texting back and forth had been the best thing recently.

Grabbing Tucks hand she took him to the bathroom and ran him a bath so he could get ready to go to his dads house. After scrubbing him clean and washing his hair she dried him off and sat him on her bed.

Hearing her phone ring, Miranda picked it up thinking it was Tucker, checking her time.

"Hello." She greeted holding the phone to her ear and lotioning Tuck down who was laughing as she rubbed his stomach.

"It feels like I haven't heard or seen you in forever." Ben spoke confidently in the phone.

"You just left." Miranda giggled.

"I know and now I can't stop thinking about you." He said smoothly and it was the truth.

Miranda's heart melted and her breathing changed. "You're so sweet." She finally managed to get out.

"Later do you want to do dinner and a movie or a movie and then dinner?" He asked. "Unless you're not free and I just assumed that you didn't have any other plans today. If not we can do it another--"

"A movie then dinner." Miranda interject cutting off his rambling. "I dont know when's the last time I've been to a movie."

"I haven't been in a while either."

"Do you want to meet there or..." she trailed off.

"I can pick you up. If you are comfortable with that."

"Thats fine."

"Ok. I can go early and see whats playing in theaters and get the tickets in advance so we can have good seats."

"Can we see the "Clash of the Titans". I seen the trailer for it on tv a couple of days ago. I think its out now."

"Will do. I will call you with the time in a little bit."


She let Tuck pick his own clothes and modified what he gave her because nothing matched.

"You ready to go to your dad house?" Miranda asked him excitedly and he nodded.

Later that evening after taking a shower and putting on her smell goods, she sat on her bed and tried to think of something to wear appropriately to the movies and dinner. She browsed through her closet pulling things out trying to pair something together. She finally decide on a black top, brown wide leg pants, and black heels. It was casual but dressy.

Miranda walked into her bathroom and did a simple makeup look, a little bit of eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. She pinned her hair back and checked herself in the full mirror. She looked good, exceptionally good. Her pants were a little tight, but that was to be expected she bought them a long while ago.

She looked at the time and as if on que her door bell rung. Miranda quickly grabbed her purse and a jacket. She cut the light off in her bedroom and ran out to the front door. After calming her racing her She opened the door and Ben was standing there with deep pink roses.

"Hi, Miranda you look... wow." He stammered. She watched as his eyes traveled. She didn't miss them lingering on her thighs for a moment before quickly coming up to the top of her head before their eyes met.

"Thank you." She smiled politely before looking him over. He was wearing jeans and a nice button up shirt.

"These are for you." He handed her the bouquet and she awed them, speechless.

"These are beautiful. Thank you, Benjamin. Let me put them in some water and then we can go."

"Okay." He nodded and almost passed out when she turned around. "Damn." Ben mumbled lowly.

"What was that?" Miranda called over her shoulder, not hearing him.

"Nothing, you look beautiful." Ben said quickly.

"Thank you." She gushed glad that she was facing away from him. Miranda sat the roses in the vase and turned to look at him.

"You ready?"

"I am." She locked the door and they left. Ben opened the door for her and she shot him a thank you.

Walking into the theater Ben swiftly took Miranda's hand in his. She turned around and gave him a soft smile before turning her attention back ahead. They skipped the ticket line and walked straight to the concessions.

Miranda told Ben what she wanted and they both decided on a large bucket of popcorn to split between them, chocolate candy, and water. They didn't want to order a lot since they were getting dinner afterwards. Getting their tickets scanned they headed into the movie just as the trailers came on.

Ben held her hand as he walked up the stairs in search of their seats. Stopping at their row he looked at the illuminated numbers on the seats. He counted and saw a couple sitting in their seats unless he miss counted.

"Did you find them?" Miranda whispered in the dark theater.

"Yeah this is the row, but I think they're in our seats." Ben nodded.

Miranda used her finger and did a count and they were sitting in there seats.

"Its fine. We will just sit somewhere else." He told her.

"No we will not. Those are the seats you paid for so they will be moving."

"Miranda--" he started but she slid pass him and made her way through the row.

"Uh excuse me you can move down because these were the seats he bought." Miranda said with an attitude.

"We're waiting for two other people." The woman answered her.

"I don't care who you're waiting on, but you're gonna have to do that out of our seats. G9 and G10."

The woman rolled her eyes and moved down a few seats.

"Thank you." Miranda huffed sitting down and Ben chuckled.

During the movie, Miranda lifted the divider cupholder between them and lean into him. Ben smiled because he was getting ready to do the same thing, and she beat him to it.
Miranda felt bad for Medusa out of all the mythical characters. She got cursed simply because she was beautiful and had to live a miserable life. Hell she would be ruthless too because at that point that was all you could be.

Miranda took in the feel of Ben warmth as she leaned into him. It felt good to be close to someone again. She was comfortable with him.

The almost 2 hour movie came to and end and both Miranda and Been stood grabbing their things.

They dropped their bucket and trash in the cans as the approached the exit and Ben held the door open for Miranda to walk through. Then he gallantly took her hand in his as they walked back to the car.

"That movie was so good. I love greek mythology."

"I like greek mythology too. The movie had a little bit of errors though."

"I was going to say that too, but I think they did that for entertainment purposes."

"I hate when they take it way out context though. Like I understand it's to entertain but im sure there are correct ways to go about it."

Ben opened the car door for Miranda and she got inside buckling up.

"You can turn to whatever you like." Ben voiced

Miranda reached out and cut the R&B on. "Where are we eating?" She asked softly.

"I was thinking B-

"Noooo." Miranda whined hearing the familiar beeps of her pager. She reached into her purse and grabbed her black pager. Reading the code she sighed. "I have to go in."

"Um ok. Do you want me to drop you off."

"No you can take me home. I don't know how long I'm going to be. I dont want to hold you up."

"I would wait for you."

"Believe it or not that is the sweetest thing I have heard." Miranda smiled. "But I can't waste your time like that plus it could be hours."

"Okay...I enjoyed today and evening with you."

"I enjoyed today and night with you too."

Miranda felt the stab of disappointment at leaving before the date was over. She looked at Ben sadly as he pulled up next to her car.

"Miranda its ok. It's your job. I get called in too. I'm sure this wont be the first or the last between the both of us."

"Thank you for understanding, its refreshing."

"Always, Have a good night Miranda Bailey."

"Good night Ben Warren."

Miranda went into work and she had to do her best to drop the attitude she formed. Upset for the very first time that she was actually there. After the emergency surgery, she performed on a liver lac. She grabbed her things to leave.

"Dr. Bailey, this was left for you." The nurse said

Miranda smiled and grabbed the bag of food. She walked to the attending’s lounge and opened it. Miranda cheesed to herself looking at the pasta dish. "Ben." Miranda blushed, he was so thoughtful.

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