chapter eight

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Charles POV

"Charles wake up", I hear someone saying.
"Charles wake uuup", the voice says shaking me slightly.
I open my eyes and see her standing there.
"I wanted to ask you if you maybe want to go jogging together.", she says.
"Yes of course. Can we go to my place quickly? Need my sports wear."
She says yes and we go to my place. I quickly change into a sport shirt and some shorts. As I walk out I see her standing in front of the piano.
"I didn't know you could play", she says now looking at me.
"Sometimes I play it to clear my mind.", I say
We don't talk for much longer and decide to go jogging now. She's very fast. I almost have problems keeping up with her.
"You're really fast. You know this is not a race right?", I say jokingly.
"Yes I know Charles. But I love to run. That's what I do to clear my mind. Sometimes I aslo go to the gym.", she says.
"We should go to the gym together this afternoon and afterwards go out for dinner. What do you think?", I ask her.
"Yes sure.", she says smiling.
We keep running until we're back at my place. 
"So see you at 3:00pm?", she asks.
"Yes se you then.", I say smiling before she goes down the street.
I can't stop looking forward to go to the gym with her. Spending time with her feels really good.

Amelias POV

After the run with Charles I feel much better. I get home and make some lunch. While hlding the plate I burn myself on the pan. It hurts. I go to the bathroom and get my bandage kit. It looks like I burnt myself pretty seriously. I lay down and watch TV. I try to enjoy my time at home before going to Azerbaijan. Tomorrow morning my flight starts. At two thirty I get up, dress myself and pack my things before heading outside to wait for my ride. It's just a short ride to the gym. We head inside and train together. 
"I'm going to the toilet real quick.", Charles says and I nod. I continue my set when I hear a familiar voice.
"Hey Amelia". It's Liam.
"Hey Liam. How are you.", I ask.
"Good. I wanted to ask if we maybe want to go for dinner together again.", he asks.
"I'm sorry but I already have plans. I'm really sorry but gladly another time." 
"Oh uh yes of course. With who when I can ask?", he says.
"With me", Charles says now standing behind me.
"Oh hey Charles I didn't know you and Amelia were friends.", he says.
"Yes we are."
They continue talking to eachother with sarcastic comments until Liam leaves.
"Wtf was that Charles.", I ask him.
"What?", he says still looking angry.
"Why were you so mean to him?",I ask him.
"Sorry I just-", he starts but stops midway sentence.
"You just what?", I ask.
"Nothing. Let's leave. I'm starving.", he says now smiling again. We get our things and go out for dinner. We have a lot of fun together. 
"Do you want to come to my place this time?", he asks.
"No sorry I have to catch my flight tomorrow early in the morning but we can meet there after practise and go eat together sometime if you want.", I say.
"I would love to.", he says.
We hug eachother and then go home. 
I lay in bed thinking about how rude he was to Liam. I just brush it off and think it's due to some problem at work or something. So I fall asleep another night thinking about Charles Leclerc.

Charles POV

I get out of the toilet when I see her talking to this guy again. I know I shouldn't get jealous or something but I just can't help it.
"I'm sorry but I already have plans. I'm really sorry but gladly another time.".
Yes she has plans. With me.
"Oh uh yes of course. With who when I can ask?", he says.
"With me", I say. God I hate when she speaks to him.
"Oh hey Charles I didn't know you and Amelia were friends.", he says.
"Yes we are.". Now leave. He continues talking to me and always makes sarcastic comments and looks at me like she's his.
"Wtf was that Charles.", she asks when he left.
"What?", I say still looking at him.
"Why were you so mean to him?",she asks.
"Sorry I just-", no I can't tell her she will think I'm some psycho or something. I know her since not even two weeks I can't tell her I'm jealous.
"You just what?"
"Nothing. Let's leave. I'm starving.", I say now smiling at her again. I hate seeing her talking to him but I can't keep her away from him. She's not my girlfriend so I can't say no to her.
We go for dinner and have a really good time.
"Do you want to come to my place this time?", I ask her.
"No sorry I have to catch my flight tomorrow early in the morning but we can meet there after practise and go eat together sometime if you want."
"I would love to.", I say a little disappointed but I still smile at her.
We hug eachother and say goodbye. As I open my door I'm stil thinking about her. Her smile, her body, her personality, everything about her is perfect. I go to bed once again thinking about her.

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