chapter thirty-four

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Amelias POV
I slept in my hotelroom
After I left yesterday I was crying histerically. 
I know I should let him explain but it still hurts because the picture shows that they kissed.
When I woke up this morning my eyes were puffy and red.
I came back yesterday at about 2am after I've been sitting on a bench in a park the whole night.
I know it's stupid but I was crying so bad that I couldn't even see the road so I drove to the side got out and sat on the next bench.
I'm now on my way to the race. I have no clue how to face the media and Charles.
I'm wearing an redbull hoodie and sunglasses. Not everyone needs to see that I've been crying the whole night.
"Amelia please give us a statement to Charles and Charlotte kissing"
I hear them shouting as soon as I get out of the car.
I just walk past them into my garage.
They're all surprised to see me.
"What?", I ask them.
They all look away and continue working except Max. He comes over to me and hugs me.
He whispers into my ear: "Amelia it's okay. Let's go to my drivers room"
I follow him and get inside. He closes the door and sits next to me.
"Have you talked to him yet?"
I shake my head.
"You know you have to"
"I know but I can't just now and I don't want to. I need some time to process because even if it was a misunderstanding he couldv'e told me you know."
"I know but-". Max gets interrupted by someone pounding on the door.
"Max I know she's in there let me talk to her."
It's Charles.
Max looks at me before he goes to open the door.
I shake my head gesturing that I don't want to talk to him just now.
He nods and goes outside leaving me by myself in his room.

Charles POV

"Mate what the fuck are you doing? Let me talk to her.", I say as he closes the door behind him.
"She doesn't want to talk to you just now. Give her some time"
"No she can't. She has to speak to me it was all a big misunderstanding."
"I know okay and I also told her that but she needs some time right now. She needs to process what she saw."
"I know I fucked up alright. Charlotte kissed me and she blackmailed me into breking up with Amelia and-"
Suddenly the door opens and Amelia stands there. There are some tears running down her cheeks.
"Come inside", she says.
I start walking but Max blocks me. He turns his head to look at Amelia and she nods.
He let's go of me and I get inside and close the door behind me.
I sit down next to her and we sit there in silence for a few minutes.
"She really blackmailed you?", she asks me.
"Yes she...", I start to tell her the whole story. Also why I was missing friday night.
After I finish my side of the story we sit there in silence again.
"I'm sorry. I'll leave", I say and get up but start when she grabs my hand.
She wraps her arms around me and starts crying.
It hurts to see her like that because of me.
"I'm so sorry Amelia I didn't mean to hurt you"
"I know you didn't Charles"
Now we're both crying.
"I love you Charles", she says looking into my eyes.
"I love you too Amelia"

Amelias POV

I'm so relived to hear that it really was a missunderstanding. I never doubted that but still.
We open the door and see Max, Pierre and Lando sitting there.
They look at us hopefull.
"Did he tell you?", Lando asks.
I nod.
"And are you two okay again?", Pierre asks.
I nod again.
They all sigh in relief and give me a hug.
"God we were so worried about you", Lando says.
"I know I'm sorry. I just needed some time for myself and to think but everythings fine now. Well not everything."
"What's wrong?", Charles asks.
"As soon as we get home I have to find that bitch and give her a lesson", I say.
"Okay calm down. Concentrate on the race now we don't want you to crash or anything and after that I'll drive you to her appartment personally.", Pierre says.
I laugh and hug him again.
"I guess we have to get ready for the race then", I say.
"No the race is postponed", Carlos says who's running our way.
"What?", Charles asks.
"Yes the police is here. They caught your stalker who was about to get into your drivers room. He's getting arrested right now. Come on". He starts running again.
We all follow him to the front of the redbull garage.
I can't belive my eyes.
There are two ploice man escorting Liam.
I look at the scene in shock.
"I loved you Amelia but you just wouldn't listen to me. I am the better choice and you know that. Charles should've been out of my way after France.", he says.
"That was you", I ask him.
"Amelia I love you so much. Why can't you see that? But don't worry I'll come back"
The police men put him inside the door and close the door.
Charles hugs me. I'm shocked.
I thought Liam was a nice guy and when I met him he really was but maybe I was wrong.
They all comfort me.

Charles POV

We're sitting in the redbull garage when the fia boss comes in.
"Amelia it depends on you and Charles. Can we let that race happen or not?"
All eyes on her.
We all look at her confused.
"Yes, let's race. A lot of people came here and payed a lot of money to see us. Some of us even have to win a championsship so let's do it"
"Okay that's great uhm, I'll tell the others. The race will be starting in two hours."
He walks out again.
"Are you sure?", I ask her.
"Yes I am"
"Get ready then", a engeneer says.
"I love you Amelia never forget that. And now go out and show them what you're made of.", I say taking her face in my hands.
"I love you too Charlie"
"Charlie?", I ask her smiling.
"Sounds sweet doesn't it?", she asks.
"Yes". I smile at her and kiss her.

The race goes by fine and I get third place. Normally I would be mad at myself right now but I'm happy. Not about the fact that I got third but about me and Amelia being on good terms. 
If she had stopped talking to me I would've never forgave myself. I never wanted to hurt her that way. But thankfully everythings fine again.
I love how understanding she is and how she didn't loose her faith in me, in us.
She belives in us and I really think she could be the one

Amelias POV 

We're now in Abu Dhabi. The past few months have been an upside down but were still the best ones of my life. 
Charles was a little down because Max won the championsship in Japan but still we had a lot of fun together.
Today I even got on the podium again and got third after Hamilton and Max.
"Surpriseee", I hear then shouting after I opened the door to my drivers room.
"For what?", I ask.
"For finishing your first formula one season", Lando shouts.
Charles comes my way and gives me a kiss and a big hug.
"I love you Amelia"
"I love you too"
"Can you two lovebirds stop? We have to celebrate the end of an amazing season", Pierre says.
"Let's go out then tonight", I say.
"Yes. Be there at nine. I'll send you the adress", Lando says.
We talk a little more about the season before everyone leaves to get to their hotels and get ready for tonight.
Charles just left too and I start packing my things.
I get interrupted by my phone ringing.
I look at it and see an unknown number.
"Hello dear", the voice says.

To be continued...

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