chapter eleven

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Amelia POV

"What are you doing here? You're not driving are you?", Charles asks me as I surprise him for the british grand prix.
"I wanted to surprise you and support you.", I say smiling.
"Oh really? Where's my hat then. I' can't see a ferrari hat on your head", he says.
"You know I'm not allowed to. I work for Redbull."
"Yes I know. Amelia can I get a hug from you?", Charles asks shyly.
"Yes of course.", I say walking into his direction and hugging him.
"You know you can really hug me my burns and imprints are almost healed. It doesn't really hurt anymore.", I say. He hugs me tighter. It hurts but it's worth it.
"Now go and win for me alright?", I say looking him into the eyes.
"Anything for you", he says.
I say goodbye and wish him good luck and leave the garage. I go to the Redbull garage.
"Hello? Where are you guys", I ask. Nobody's here. Strange.
"Welcome back Amelia", they all shout whilst getting out of their hiding spots.
"Aww thank you", I say.
Max hugs me and I wish him goodluck. The race goes by well. Max wins and Charles gets third. I congratulate Max and go searching for Charles.
"Charles. Congratulations. You've raced very well.", I say hugging him again.
"Thank you but I've had better races and I wanted to win for you", ohe says looking to the ground.
"For me you're always a winner Mr. Leclerc", I say smiling at him.
He smiles back at me and hugs me again.
"I'm sorry I have to leave because of Interviews but I will see you later. Call me", I say while walking away. I walk over to the media and when they see me they shout questions at me again.
"Amelia how are you?", one of them asks.
"I still have some wounds and imprints but it has gotten a lot better since the accident three weeks ago.", I say.
"When will you be racing again?", another one asks.
"Probably in Austria but we will see. I hope to be back on the track next weekend"
"What happend at your accident?", one of them asks.
"Well there was an issue with the car and before I could stop the car the steering wheel stopped working and I lost control."
"How was that experience like?", a small women asks. I'm a little catched off guard but still answer.
"Well I don't remember much. But I'm very greatful for gettin out of the car in time and also for my friends that stayed at my side and helped me recover.", I say smiling before walking away.
I don't want to talk about that day and not about the fear that I felt in that moment.
I go back to my hotelroom and decide to watch some TV. After a while I start to get sleepy and drift of to sleep.

Charles POV

Whilest driving home I can only think about her saying: For me you're always a winner Mr. Leclerc. In the last few weeks we got really close and I started to like her a lot. Even more than I should. I try to call her but she doesn't pick up. She must've fallen asleep. I drive to her hotel and knock on the door. She calls me inside and I open the door.
"I'm so sorry. I fell asleep.", she says still sleepy.
"It's okay but get ready. I invite you to dinner with me", I say.
"Okay ten minutes.", she gets into the bathroom and comes out about 20 minutes later. We head down and get into my car. Whilst driving me listen to some music and talk a little. 
The restaurant I picked out is a little romantic but I like her so it doesn't matter to me. We take a seat and start to have a good evening. The burn marks got better and the one in her face is almost gone. I don't care though. She looks as beautiful as ever with burns or without.
"What?", she says smiling. I must've been staring at her.
"Nothing. You look really beautiful you know?", I say smiling at her.
"Thank you", she says blushing.
We continue having a good night and head back to the hotel afterwards. We say goodbye to eachother and I leave. 

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