chapter twenty five

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Charles POV

I open my eyes and see that she's not laying next to me anymore.
I hear noises from the bathroom. She then comes out with her redbull-outfit.
"You know red would suit you much better?", I say smirking at her.
"No red suits Carlos better. And now get ready we don't want to be late.
"Yes boss", I get up get ready quick putting on some clothes and brushing my teeth.
We leave and head to the dock where's everyone already working. We hug eachother goodbye (in a friends way) and go to seperate garages.
"Hey mate. You're ready?", Carlos asks.
"Carlos, Charles be ready in 30 we want to do some response exercises before starting fp3".
We nod as she walks away. We talk for about five minutes and then head to our driver rooms.
As I put on my racing suit a bad feeling overcomes me. I don't know why.

Fp3 starts and I have a really good first lap.
Suddenly something feels off.
I continue drving and try to brush it off.
I speed up in the straight starting a new lap as I drive over the finish line.
The first corners coming up and I try to brake but nothing happens.
"Shit guys"
"What's wro-"
I don't hear much more.
I oped my eyes to find myself in the barriers.
My head's pounding and I hear this annoying ringing in my ears.
All of a sudden I feel pair of hands grabbing me and pulling me out fo the car.

Amelia POV

"Red flag Amelia. Box."
"What? What happend?"
"Leclerc just drove straight in to the barriers."
"Shit. Is he okay?"
"We don't know"
I drive in to the box and take my helmet off and exit my car.
"What happend?", I ask Max who's now here too.
"I don't know."
"He drove straight into the barriers."
"Oh my god is he okay?", Max asks.
"They don't know."
"What do you mean by they don't know?", I ask worried.
"Well they got him out of the car but he isn't really responding yet".
"Shit. I've got to see if he's okay"
I run off to the ferrari garage and see Pierre, Lando and some other drivers there too.
"What happend?", I ask.
"Something with his breaks. It looks like they completly failed.", Carlos says.
"Wtf how can this happen?"
"We don't know"
We're all staring at the monitor to see if he's moving. He isn't but after a few minutes he stands up and comes walking in the direction of the box. I run outside in his direction.
I meet him half way and hug him.
"Thank god you're alive. Are you okay? What happend?"
"I don't know the breaks stopped working and before I was able to react I crashed into the barriers. But I'm okay."
"Are you really?"
"Yes just a little shaken but okay. My heads hurting a little but it's not that big of a problem."
I hug him again. 
"For a second I thought you we're dead". I start to cry.
"No Amelia everythings fine. Don't worry."
We hug eachother very tight and start walking up the pit lane.

"Hey mate are you alright? Take a seat.", Pierre says helping him to sit down as he almost faints.
"No I'm okay really".
No he isn't.
"Hey Charles. What happend there?", one of the engeneers asks.
"I don't now the brakes stopped working and I just, crashed."
"That's impossible. We just checked them before the race.", another engeneer says.
They walk away discussing what could have been the problem. The tractor already took the car out of the barriers.

"Does this hurt?", the paramedic asks.
"No just my head"
The paramedics continues asking him questions.
"No really I'm-"
Before we know what's wrong he's already running to the toilet.
"Shit. I'll go check on him", Carlos says.
A few minutes later they come back together.
"Well I think you have a concussion. You have to rest the next few days."
"No I can't there's a race I have to attend"
"No there's not".
George comes running in.
"They just canceled the race."
"What why?", I ask.
"It wasn't a malfunction. Soebody sabotaged his brakes.", he says.
"No way.", Lando says.
"Yes they just found out and there won't be race due to that"

Charles POV

"You want to tell me somebody wanted to kill me?", I ask in disbelieve.
"I don't know. The only thing that's clear is that we have to look after you. The person who did this knows what such a crash could mean for you", George adds.
"That's so fucked up", Amelia says.
We stay silent and stare at eachother in disbelive.
Why would somebody do that. I haven't done anything wrong and if I did then it can't be this bad for somebody to kill me.
I stay seated on the floor leaning against the wall until I feel a little better.
"Come on let's get you changed and back to the hotel", Pierre says helping me up again and walking me to my room.
I get dizzy while changing but hold on to the wall.
God my head hurts and- oh shit.
I vomit again and Pierre comes in.
"Man that was some wierd stalking shit. Who would do that to you? I mean he had to get inside here and sabotage the brakes when noone is watching."
I start saying something but immeadiatley start vomiting again.
"Hey is everything okay?"
"Amelia. Thank god you're here.", Pierre says.
I hear her coming closer and then feel her hand on my back.
"Do you want to go back?", she asks me.
I nod and they help me up. They each take a hand of mine and head me outside to the car.
On the way the media approaches us but Pierre gets rid of them.
In the car I vomit once again.
Amelia's sitting in the back of the car with me holding me in her arms.
"Come on let's get you to bed", says Pierre.
We walk up the stairs and get to my room.
They lay me down and I close my eyes.

Amelias POV

"Should we take him to the hospital? He doesn't look good at all." Pierre asks me.
"I don't know. The doctor's coming over in about an hour. I called him."
"Okay let's wait for him then."
"Pierre if you want you can go to your room I'll call you if I need any help"
"No way. He's one of my best friends I'm not leaving. And besides maybe you need some company after all. I mean I don't know ho you must've felt when you saw the car there."
"Okay maybe you can stay here after all", I say smiling at Pierre.
"Are you okay?". I can hear the worryness in his tone.
"Yes I think so. For a moment I thought something really bad happend.
I knew he wasn't dead but still. Finally I get a person that cares about me and loves me as I am and then he drives in to a barrier with 300km/h."
"It must be hard for you."
"Sometimes it is but isn't it the same for everybody?"
"Yes sure but that doesn't mean that it isn't worth to talk about. We should always talk about our problems and worries."
"I know"
We continue talking and keep an eye on Charles.
My phone rings.

"Hey Amelia how's my brother?". It's Arthur.
"We don't really know. The paramedic said it is a concussion and needs rest. He's constantly vomiting but he's sleeping now."
"Oh thank god"
"The doctor's coming over later to see if everythings alright or if we have to bring him to a hospital."
"Okay please call me when you know"
"Of course"
"Thank you. Bye", he says and hangs up the phone.

"Who was it?", Pierre asks.
"It was Arthur. He's worried but I told him he's okay and that I'll update him later."
I sit down next to him again. 
"Hey wanna watch a movie?"
"Sure why not?", I say.

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