chapter twenty

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Charles POV

I lift her up and carry her to her bed. I'm not breaking the kiss. I would never it just feels too good.
I lay her down before taking my shirt off and laying on top of her. I immediately start kissing her again. With every kiss my love for her grows more. I want to spend more time with her. I want to be with her.
I tug at her shirt as a gesture for her to take it off. God I want her so bad.
She hesitates for a second before taking off her shirt.
"Is everything okay? You don't need to take it foo if you don't want to.", I tell her backing away from her lips and leaving some space in between our faces.
"Yes it is Charles. Don't worry.", she says before kissing me again.
The corners of my mouth form into a smile.
We continue making out. Her lips feel so good. 
I take off her shorts and unclip her bra with a quick motion. 
Her breasts look perfect. I give her a kiss and take off my throusers.

Amelia POV

He just took off his trousers. He's now standing in front of me with only his throusers on waiting for my approval of what comes next.
I nod and he comes closer. He gets on top of me and I feel his hot skin burning into my skin. Just when I thought he would put his lips on mine again he stops. He looks deep into my eyes before trailing them down my body. I can feel the lust in his looks.
"God Amelia you are so beautiful", he says before he's all over me.
He starts placing kisses form my neck to my shoulder down to my breasts. 
He keeps placing kisses down my belly until he gets there where he wants to be. Not soon later my last piece of clothing is gone.
He looks at me one last time before his face dissapears between my legs.
I throw my head back in pleasure letting out a moan.
I grab hold of his hair trying to hold on to something.
"Amelia I can't do this anymore. I can't wait anymore.", he gets out between my legs and gives me a kiss before sitting up. He takes out a condom out of his wallet and quickly slips it on.
He gets on top of me again and kisses me again passionatly.
"Charles please-", I say as he's getting ready.
"Amelia don't worry. I'll treat you like you deserve it. I'm going slow okay? Just tell me if something is wrong alright?"
I nod and he glides inside.
I let out a small moan.
He starts slow. First it hurts a little but after some time it stops.
"Are you alright?",he asks.
"Yes", I say. He immediately starts to go faster.
My back arches and I bite my lip.
"You feel amazing Amelia", says Charles a little out of breath.
He goes faster and faster and I can't take it anymore. My moans are so loud that I'm sure everyone can hear but I don't care. I want to show him how he makes me feel.
He pounds in faster and faster.
We're both almost finished and out of breath.
I feel him tension up and after he stops.
He lays down next to me. Hot breaths and sweat are still in the air.
I'm a little overwhelmed right now.
You know everyone tells you how bad their first time was or about how it hurt but I felt pure pleasure.
Also they say they regret that they did it with that person. I always thought that I would do that too but that's not true.
I don't know if I will regret it sooner or later but right now it feels like one of my best decisions ever.

Charles POV

I turn around on my side and start looking at her. I never had such good sex but I don't care about that mainly. I had a few girlfriends before none of them gave me the feelings that I have for Amelia.
I love spending time with her.
I love being near her.
I love to talk to her.
I love to be her friend.
And I would love to be her boyfriend.

"I think I love you Amelia Thatcher"
She turns around and looks at me with a surprised look. I hope it wasn't wrong from me to tell her that yet.
"I think I love you too Charles Leclerc".
We continue smiling at eachother. For other people it must be wierd but in that short time that I met her, I know I will never forget her. Not even if I wanted to.

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