chapter twenty-three

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Charles POV

"Hey how are you?"
"I'm good. Training is just very hard the last two days. When will you finally be here. I miss you a little bit", Amelia says speaking the last few words a little softer.
"Aw I miss you too. I'm about to leave. I'll cal you again when I'm so we can see eachother."
"I'm coming. Sorry I have to leave again. I see you later okay?"
"Yes of course"
We haven't had a lot of time for eachother the last few days. Since she already left she has been training non stop. I only facetime with her in the evening before she's getting dinner. Her time table is really full but who am I to complain. I can't tell her because it's her job and her dream and I don't want to ruin it for her. If she wants to do that she can and besides it was only for three days so it's alright.
I get to my car and start it. The drive there is about two hours long. Almost the whole time I listen to Amelias and my playlist. We once made it in a boring evening. 

"Hey Mate have you seen Amelia?"
"No I haven't seen her sorry", Max says.
"Okay. Thank you" 
Where is she. I already searched the whole place for her. Suddenly I hear her voice in the distance.
I arrive at the scene and see her there with a guy. I start walking faster.
"No Liam, I don't want to go out with you okay?", she sounds a bit scared.
"But why? He isn't better than me you know. I could be a much better friend to you. A much better boyfriend Amelia. Come on just one date."
"Mate I think she doesn't want to go on a date with you", I say now facing him standing in front of Amelia.
"I asked her and not you", he says.
"Do you want to go on a date with him then Amelia", I say not breaking eye contact with him.
"No, I don't", she says and grabs on to my right arm.
"See. She doesn't. Now fuck off alright."
"You'll regret this" he says and then storms off.
I immediately take her in for a tight hug. After some time she breaks away.
"Thank you Charles. He just won't let me alone. He's been following me around everywhere for the whole time I've been here. He even came to my hotel once and knocked on the door but I just pretended to not be there. I'm really scared Charles."
"Amelia why didn't you tell me earlier? I would've come and talk to Mattia.", I say softly.
"I'm sorry I thought it was just a coincidence that he's everywhere I am because he works here too but I'm not sure about this anymore.". Tears start falling down her face.
"Oh no don't cry baby. It's okay I'm here and I won't let him hurt you. I think he understood now that you don't want anything from him.". I cup her face between my hands and look her deep into the eyes.
"You don't have to be afraid okay? I'm going to tell Mattia and he'll be fired and you never have to see him again.
"Thanks. You're the best."
We hug eachother again. She's still shaking a little from the situation.
"I'm sorry but I have to leave we have one last training block before I'm finished. See you in about an hour?"
"I'll be there. Have fun."
We say goodbye and I walk around a little until I get really angry.
I can't let him get away like that.
"Hey Mate why so mad? Where are you going?", Carlos says stepping into my way.
"I'm going to beat up this guy Liam." He holds on to my shoulders.
"What happened?", he asks with a concerned voice.
"He was bothering her again and wouldn't let her leave. I have a bad feeling about him. Something is off about this guy. Oh and then he said 'You will regret this'."
"Okay you have to come down a little. It won't help her now if you beat him up and get suspended from the race or something. Calm down and after we're going to talk to Mattia about it.". I nod and we take a walk on the track. I update him about Amelia and me.
"Wow congrats mate. You two are perfect for eachother."
"Thanks Mate. Means a lot to me."
We continue our walk until I see Amelia coming my way. We say goodbye to Carlos and leave for dinner. We sit into the car and I kiss her.
"Charles. What uf someone's watching", she asks backing away.
"I checked if it's safe before I got in with you don't worry." I give her a kiss on the cheek and drive off.
"So what do you want to eat today?", I ask her.
"Can we go get pasta please?"
"Pasta coming right away".
I smile at her before focusing on driving again. I stop infront of a italian restaurant that I always visit when I'm here.
"Have you been here before?", she asks as we get out of the car.
"Yes. It's like a tradition to come here"
We walk in together and get seated at a table. The owner comes to greet us.
"Bonjour Charles. Ca va?"
"Bien et toi?"
"Merci aussi. Et qui est la belle dame à tes cotés?"
"Elle s'appelle Amelia. Mais elle parle pas de francaise."
"Oh excuse moi. My name is Léo."
"Pleasure to meet you my name is Amelia."
"Pleasure's all mine. Est la dame ta petit-ami?"
"No elle n'est pas. She's also a formula one driver."
"Oh oui oui. Une female driver then. Well it was great to meet you Amelia. I have to get back to work again. Bon appétit à tous."
He winks at me once and dissapears into the kitchen again.
"He was really nice", Amelia says.
"Yes he is. I met him I think five years ago when I came here to eat after my first french grand prix."
We update eachother about the past few days and order some food. She orders a pizza and I order some spaghetti. I tell her about my encounter with Lando, Pierre and my brother after I came home from our date.
"You told them?", she says almost spitting out her water.
"Yes. Shouldn't I have?"
"No god Charles. You know Lando can't keep a secret to himself."
"He promised he wouldn't tell anybody"
"Yeah but if he does I'm fucked." She's now angry. I can tell by the way she talks and by her tone.
"I'm sorry Amelia", I say looking to the ground now. I feel bad. I didn't know it was such a big deal if I tell our friends.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have overreacted Charles. It's okay. They are our friends and they would've found out on there own sooner or later." She takes my hand under the table and smiles at me. We continue having a very good evening. At about 9pm we decide to go to our hotel room. We're staying at the same hotel. All the drivers are.
After we changed into some comfy clothes we go to the play room because she wants to show me how to play pool.
There's noone in the hallway so I decide to kiss her one last time before going inside. We forget the time kissing and suddenly hear.
"What?" We immediately back away and look behind us.
It's George.
"Shit. George you-"
The door behind us opens and Pierre stands there
"What's going on here", he asks.
"I just caught them making out here", he says.
"Shhh, not so loud. Come on get in there", I say and push him inside.
Amelia looks terrified.

Amelias POV

Shit. Shit. Shit.
He can't tell anybody.
"Yo what happend?", Lando asks as he sees us coming inside.
"I caught them making out in the hallway in front of the door", George says.
"Mate. Be quite. It's a secret nobody knows except Lando, Pierre and Carlos. We don't want everybody to know. So shut your damn mouth.", Charles says.
"You knew?", he asks the others.
"Yes we do.", Lando says.
"George you can't tell anybody okay. I don't want to ruin Amelias reputation with that okay. So keep it a secret until we tell you it's okay to tell somebody. Alright?"
"Yes of course. I was just a little overwhelmed."
"It's alright. Just please keep it to yourself.", I say.
"I will. My lips are sealed don't worry."
We all keep quite for a moment. That was really close. Charles and I have to be more discrete.
"So you two were fully making out in the hallway?", Pierre asks.
We both blush and say "No" at the same time.
"Yes they were", George says.
We give him a jokingly warning look and he throws his hands in front of himself.
"Okay so can we continue playing pool now? Do you guys want to play as well?", Lando asks.
"Yes gladly.", I says taking Charles' hand and pulling him towards the pool table.
While the others finish their round, I explain the rules to him.
The others finish and we get on.
"How did she do that?", Lando asks.
"That was incredible", George adds.

Charles POV

"Thank you. It's actually quite simple. Look. You just have to ..." and she continues explaining.
I'm not really listening to her.
She looks really good in her sweatpants and blue longsleeve top. 
We continue playing and I only have eyes for her.
After some time we decide to go to bed.
We all say goodbye to eachother and go to seperate rooms. Well except Amelia and I.
I went to her room and we went to sleep. 
Well, not directly.  

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