chapter thirty-five

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Amelia POV

I'm speechless. After all these years she's calling me.
"Hi Amelia how are you?", she asks with a caring voice.
"Don't act like you care. You didn't care all these years and now you're calling me asking how I am? Pathetic if you ask me."
"I'm sorry Amelia"
"And you think that's going to make everything okay now?"
"No. I know it won't okay? I just wanted to talk to you. Your dad and I miss you a lot since you left and we were wondering if you want to meet us sometime?"
"Why should I?"
"Amelia you're still our child and we still love you. We just want to see you again"
"I'm going to think about it"
"Please Amelia I can't stand not seeing you anymore. I really miss my sweet little daughter"
"Well your sweet little daugther doesn't exsist anymore. She died the day you threw me out. But okay I'm willing to meet you"
"Awesome. Oh and please take that handsome guy with you that you're in a relationsship with we want to know everything about him"
"Alright. I'll call you again in the next few days so we can agree on a time, date and place"
"Okay Love you Amelia bye", she says and I just hand up the phone.
How can she have the audacity to call me after they threw me out and I finally got the life I always dreamt of.
I hear a knock at the door and someone comes in. I turn around and see Charles entering my room.
"Hey I was th-, what happend? Is everything okay?", he asks and rushes to sit down next to me.
"Yes I uhm-, my mom just called me"
"What?", he looks as surprised as I am.
"Yes she just called me and said she wants to meet up with me"
"And what did you say?"
"I said yes. And she wants to meet you too."
We sit in silence for a moment before he says: "Wow after all this time she calls you again?"
"Yeah it's crazy right"
"Yes", he says and pauses. "Maybe it's not that bad after all. Maybe she just wants to make things up with you and be in your life again. I mean after all she's still your mother."
"Are you on her side Charles?", I say looking at him angry.
"No I uhm-, please don't be mad I'm just trying to see things objective."
"I'm not mad at you don't worry. I'm mad at her. How can she do that to me. I'm finally happy and then she decides to ruin my day by calling me on a random sunday night trying to bond again."
"I know it's wierd but let's change your thoughts a little right? Let's go out tonight with the others and think about this thing tomorrow huh?"
"Sounds great", I say and smile at him.
We leave the appartment and go down to get a taxi.
Let's get this night started.

Charles POV

We're all sitting at a table laughing and celebrating the end of a great season.
Of course the season had ups and downs but when wasn't it like that?
Amelia has had a lot of alcohol until now. She's not able to walk straight anymore. I don't know if that's due to the great season or due to the fact that her mother called.
I don't know how to feel about that either. I mean she threw her out when she was about sixteen I belive and now call her five years later trying to bond again. It's a little wierd if you ask me.
"Come on Charles let's dance", Amelia says and starts walking to the dance floor.
Lando gives me a questioning look and mouths: "Is she okay?". I just nod and follow her. 
She takes my hand and leads me to the middle of the dance floor. She starts to move her hips with the rithm and puts her arms around my neck.
"You know I love you Charles", she says. 
I smile.
"Of course I know. And I love you too Amelia"
She starts smiling too. We continue looking at eachother for a second before we start dancing.
Sweat and loud screams fill the room. Amelia and I are also shouting the song lyrics from the top of our lungs. It's incredible. I feel like the time stops and it's just Amelia and me. She looks stunning in that black dress. 
"I have to go to the bathroom", I say to her.
"Okay", she says and continues dancing.
I laugh and put her over my shoulders.
"Hey, what are you doing?", she asks.
"You don't think I would leave you alone on the dancefloor right?"
She stays silent and I chuckle. We walk over to the table and I sit her down. She looks at me pouting and crosses her arms.
"Would you please watch her? I need to go to the toilet", I say and look at Lando and Carlos.
They nod.
"I don't need a babysitter you know? I turned 21 in August.", she says and I chuckle.
"I know and I trust you absolutely but I don't trust the guys around here alright? Just stay with Lando and Carlos until I'm back okay?", I say and lift her chin up with my right index finger.
"Okay", she says and smiles at me.
I give her a kiss before leaving to the bathroom.

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