chapter sixteen

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Charles POV

"Shit Charles wake up. We overslept. The flight is in 10 minutes.", she says rushing around in the room.
"God Amelia It's a private jet they will wait for us", I say putting my head back onto the pillow.
"Charles get up. Now."
I grunt and get up. We quickly get our things together and call a taxi that drives us to the airport.
"I'm so sorry we're late", she tells the pilot.
"No problem miss Thatcher".
We get into the plane and it takes off. Mid into the flight the jet starts shaking. I put on my seatbelt and hold on tight to the armrests.
"Amelia why are you filming that", I ask her noticing her filming me.
"Because it's really funny."
"No it's not we could dye", I say.
"We're not going to die Charles. But just in case. Do you have some final words to your friends and family?"
"Yes uhm. Arthur I love you very much and also my other brother. Lando you're a really bad dj and Pierre you suck at driving thank you", I say laughing now.
Amelia starts laughing too and we have a really good time but I still have to think about what happend yesterday. I love our friendship and I'm afraid that when I confess my feelings to her it's going to ruin it. God she looked so good in that dress yesterday and the kiss felt so good. We need to do that again but I think we'll do it when the times ready. I don't want to ruin it with her.
I go and check my phone when I see that she tagged me in her story. It's the video from earlier. I will pay her back. Just wait Amelia Thatcher. Payback will be coming sooner or later.

Amelias POV

"Do you want to stay over at my place?", Charles askes me as we get out of the jet.
"No Charles, you've done enough for me.", I tell him.
"Amelia I really enjoy your presence and I like spending time with you together. I know you're afraid of going back to you appartment alone."
"So you really don't mind?", I ask a little shy
"No Amelia of course not. I love spending time with you."
"Okay I guess I'm coming over then. Thank you Charles you're the best.", I say hugging him now. 
He hugs me back and says: "I hope you don't mind but my brother will be over too. We want to spend some time together and before you can say anything, he's been burning to meet you"
We drive back to my place first to get some clothes. I quickly pack them and we head to his place.
"I'm very sorry if the appartment looks messy", he says opening up the door.
"Oh I don't mind. Dont worry."
We walk in and I shut the door behind me. There's a white piano in one corner and formula one helmets everywhere else. I chuckle.
"Hey I'm Arthur. Charles brother but don't worry I'm not as enoying as he is."
"Well hello to you too brother.", Charles says a little annoyed.
I laugh before greeting Arthur.
"Pleasure to meet you Arthur. My names Amelia."
"I know.", he says confidently.
I laugh and Charles showes me the guest room.
"Isn't she sleeping in your room?", Arthur asks but Charles just brushes it off.
I unpack my things before going into the living room. I switch on the TV and decide to play some fifa. Arthur decides to join me and we spend a hour playing fifa.
"You know. You're not so bad Arthur. Better than your brother", I say.
"I know right? He's so bad at fifa it's almost a shame to be his brother" We laugh.
"What are you two laughing at?", Charles asks from the kitchen.
"Oh nothing", I say and we look at eachother before laughing again. A few minutes later Charles calls us to the kitchen because dinner is finished.
"It smells really good Charles. I didn't know you were a good cook.", I say.
"Well I'm not as bad as you may think."
We chat a lot and have fun together. Arthur is very nice and we get along very well.
We plan our next day and decide to go onto Charles yacht. As I lay in bed this night I think about Charles and me. Do I want us to be more than friends? I really like him but I love the bond we have as friends and that he always understands me. I think I want more than friendship but I don't know how to tell him.

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