chapter nine

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Charles POV

"So what's going on between you and Amelia", she asks. The question catchs me a little offgurad if I'm honest. I didn't think that the journalist would ask me that.
"We have photos of you and her eating lunch and dinner together almost everyday nd going to the gym together", she says.
"Uhm there's nothin going on between me and her. She's just a really good friend of mine and we just like to spend time together I-", I see her walking past us and she winks at me. Don't blush Charles. Don't blush. The journalist looks questionlingly before turning around and seeing Amelia walking away.
"So there's nothing going on", she asks pulling her eyebrows up.
"No there's nothing going on between us just really good friends.", I say.
"The rest of the interview goes by pretty fast. I walk around a little and see her doing a interview with Max. She laughs. I have to smile at my sight. She looks so happy.
"Next song", the person says. The weeknd starts playing.
"Blinding lights. Ha I got you Max. You loose", she says.
"How did you know that so fast?", Max asks.
"I'm the biggest the weeknd fan have you forgotten already. I always listen to him in the Car or whilst I'm working out. Charles is a big fan too", she says.
"No way Charles is a fan", he says.
"Yes he is. We always listen to him in the car together", she says.
"Okay let's continue".
They continue and I watch them. Afterwards I wait for her infornt of the Redbull garage. 
"Hey I heard you were talking about me", I say smiling at her.
"Of course always", she says.
"You were talkin about me too earlier right?", she asks smirking.
"Yes I was", I say.
"You know it's really cute how fast I can get you blushing.", she says.
"I- no you can not", I say.
"Okay if you say so. I have to leave now because free practise is about to start in an hour ad we have to discuss a few things before but see you later Charles.", she says walking away.

"Why are you so happy?", Carlos asks.
"What?", I ask.
"Looks like something makes you really happy in the last few days or should I say someone?"
"What do you mean?"
"Oh come on everyone knows you like Amelia. It's so obvious."
"No it's not"
"If you say so", he says shrugging his shoulders.
 We get into the car and start driving. I feel really good. Maybe I have a chance at sunday.

"Hey do you want to get dinner with me and the boys?", Carlos asks.
"Yes but I have to-"
"We already asked Amelia and she said she will come too."
I blush a little. Is it really that obvious?
At dinner we all have a great time. We laugh and have fun together. Amelia excuses herself and goes to the toilet.
"What's going on between you two?", Max asks.
"What there's nothing going on between us.", I say nervously.
"Of course there is we're not stupid you know.", Pierre says.
"Okay maybe I like her a little.", I say.
"Ha I knew.", Lando says.
"But I don' want to rush it you know. I want to go slow and get to know her a little better.", I say.
"Get to know who better?", she asks coming our way.
"Oh nobody", Carlos says.
After dinner I take Amelia to her hotel and say goodnight before leaving.
I know I should focus on my race but all I can think about is her.

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