chapter fourty-six

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Amelia POV

I spent the last week with a lot of training. My hand hurts like hell but I'll have to do. I need to get the points. 
Also Charles called me a few times. He asked what I was up to and everything. I think we will be good friend again. 
"Yeah we're almost here. Your dad and I are so excited to see you racing in real life the first time", my mom says on the phone. I visited them once in January and since then she calls me once per week. She really tries to step in to my life again but I don't know if I'm ready for that just now.
"Yeah me too. Mom I'm sorry but I have to leave. We'll see eachother on saturday right?", I say and walk in to my hotelroom.
"Sure. Write me if anything happens or something like that", she says.
"I will don't worry. Bye mom"
"Bye Amelia", she says and hangs up. 
I put the bags down and let myself fall down onto the bed. I'm very tired because of all this flying around. It's almost the most annoying part of my job. I hate to always fly from place to place and not have a real place to stay. Traveling is sometimes also just very exhausting. 

Charles POV

I want to ask her out on a date again but I'm not sure if she's going to say yes. I mean I hope she does but I'm not sure. I have been thinking about this the past week and I'm pretty nervous about it. 
"Oh fuck it", I finally say and take my phone and call her. 
"Yes?", she answers.
"Uhm hi Amelia"
"What's up Charles?", she asks.
"Oh uhm I wanted to ask you something", I say.
"Sure ask"
I take a deep breath and respond: "Do you want to go out with me tonight?"
She remains still for a few seconds. I can't even hear her breathing.
"You don't have to if you don't want to", I say but can't hide the fact that I'm a little disappointed.
"No Charles. Of course I want to go on a date with you", she says and my face lights up.
"You for real?"
"Yes I am. It's just that my parents are coming to see me this weekend and it kind of freaks me out so I'm not sure if I'll be great company"
What her parents?
"Don't worry. Your accompany is always the best. If you want to we can talk about it tonight"
"That would be great. Thank you Charles. You're the best"
A wide grin crosses my face.
"I know right? Okay I'll come get you at six. Be ready"
She chuckles and says: "Okay I'll be ready"
"Well see you then", I say and smile to myself.
"See you Charlie", she says and hangs up the phone.
I let myself fall back onto the bed. I close my eyes and relax for a second.
I knew I shouldn't give up my hopes.

Amelia POV

A knock at my door. I open it to see Charles standing there in a suit. 
"Wow you look handsome", I say and look him up and down.
"Thank you. You look beautiful Amelia", he says and I blush a little. After all this time he doesn't fail to make me blush.
"Should we leave my lady?", he asks and holds out his arm.
"Sure", I say and give him a quick smile. I quickly grab my purse and close the door.

Charles POV

"Amelia", a women shouts with a suitcase in her hand. She has short blonde hair and thin lips. Next to her is standing a tall man. He has brown hair and wears a black pair of glasses. For a short moment I thought I could see a sign of a smile on his face but it's gone again.
"Mom", she says hesitating a bit. I see that she's not really comfortable with the situation. 
Her mom comes over and gives her a big hug. 
"Hi I'm Natalie. Amelias mom and this is Hunter", she says and points to the serious man behind her. 
"You must be Charles then", she says and holds out her hand.
"We've heard a lot about you", says she as she shakes my hand.
"Oh you did? But only good I hope?", I say and smile.
"Of course. She won't stop talking about you."
Her mom seems to be nice. She doesn't seem like that cruel person Amelia described to me. Her father is the total opposite though. He shakes my hand but nothing more.
"Where were you heading?", her mom asks us.
"We were going to go on a date", Amelia says and her moms eyes light up.
"Oh we're very sorry to interrupt then. Have fun", she says and takes her husband by his hand and pulls him away while she waves goodbye at us with the other.
Amelia awkwardly waves back before taking my hand and draging me out of the hotel too.
We walk to my car and get inside. 
"Your mom seems nice", I say and look at her.
"Yes she can be. But sometimes she's the total opposite. As long as I do what she wants from me she's nice to me but if I dont' then she's a beast.", Amelia says and looks at me with a kind of sad look.
"And your dad?"
"He's always been dissapointed in me and as you may noticed he's not speaking to me. He's still believing that I ruined my future with racing and everything"
"I'm sorry Amelia", I say and take her hand.
"Don't be. It's not your fault my parents are like that", she says and chuckles a little. I give her a slight smile before I start the car.

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