chapter twenty-four

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Amelias POV

Charles and I had the best week ever. We spent a lot of time together.
In the evening we would watch movies together and just enjoy each others presence.
Max says that I'm the happiest he's ever seen me. And he's definitely not wrong.
The past few months my life has changed from being a nobody with no future to one of the most popular female sportlers in the whole world.
I always thought I need nobody in my life but is it really a life without anybody?
This year I've learnt that just  breathing is not the same thing as living.
I've got friends now and a boyfriend.
They've shown me that life can be so much fun and much more interesting.
Someone knocks at my door.
I open up and see Charles standing there.
"Am I to early?", he asks smirking.
"You know the answer to that. You're ten minutes early."
"You know-",he starts as he places his hands on my hips pulling me closer, "I thought we could use the time before the others arrive".
I kiss him on the lips and pull him inside with one hand. With the other I close the door.
Placing my hands on his torso and pushing him to the bed not breaking the contact between our lips. He takes off my hoodie and I take off his shirt.
We're fully making out when someone knocks on the door
"Wait, one second", I shout.
We quickly get up and Charles throws my top at me. I put it on and open the door.
"Oh hi. Come in." It's Pierre and Lando.
"Are we interrupting something?", they ask when they see Charles with his tshirt in his hands.
"Yes sort of"
"No you're not." I say glancing at Charles. He just laughs and puts his shirt back on.
They sit onto my bed and we eat the Chips and gummybears they brought.
"So Amelia tell me something about you. Tell us a secret.", Lando says.
"What secret?"
"I don't know. Something you haven't told us yet or something you haven't told anyone yet"
"Mate Charles probably knows everything about her already.", Pierre says to him.
"Okay then tell us a secret you haven't told anyone but Charles"
They're all looking at me.
"Well I have an IQ from 170."
Their mouths fly open.
"170! That's a joke right", Pierre asks.
"No it's not.", I say continueing to eat my chips.
"So you're a genius?", Lando asks.
"Well sort of if you take a look at the IQ but no I don't think so."
"Okay so what's 189 multiplied with 1342.6?", Lando asks.
"No way.", Pierre says.
"How did you know that so quick?", asks Charles.
"Well I just calculated it in my head"
"That's so cool", Lando says.
"Not really. Going to college when you're fourteen isn't cool"
"You already went to college?", Pierre asks.
"Well I started but stopped after two years because I didn't want to."
"And what did your parents say about it?"
"They were really mad at me and wanted me to go back or get out of their house. Long story short, I got thrown out at sixteen and wanted to go back to racing since I wasn't allowed in my childhood and applied for a engeneer spot at Redbull but who would take a sixteen year old girl right? Not long after that I met Max who I basically owe my formula one seat."
"You know Amelia I thought you couldn't get cooler anymore but that, wow. Mate Your girlfriends so cool", Pierre says.
"I know right?", he says smiling.
"Have you talked to your parents ever since?", Lando suddenly asks. Charles looks at him and shakes his head showing him to not ask further.
"No, it's okay. No I haven't talked to them since four years. Almost five. Sometimes I miss them but let's be honest. They didn't really care about me. I never had the chance to be a normal kid and go play outside. I had to stay at home and read books about law or something.
I don't owe them anything so I never called them.
Sometimes I miss my parents but after everything I'm just not ready to forgive them.
You know my big dream was always being a formula one driver but I wasn't allowed to do it anymore because I was a 'fragile little girl' and formula one's for boys."
"What no. Formula one is for girls also and I think you just showed so many girls out there that it's possible.", Lando says.
"Well, it's a male dominated sport so everyone always thinks it's only for boys but it's clearly not. I mean You've got more points than me this season and you've been racing for what? Two months? Three?", Pierre adds.
"Well Pierre you're also shit", says Charles smiling.
Pierre gets on top of him and they start fighting at the floor. Not real fighting. Just fighting like brothers while Lando and I continue eating chips.
"Is your IQ also a reason why you always have such good statistics and overtake at the right time every race?", Lando asks.
"I don't know. Sometimes I help doing the statistics and do the math for them since I'm very fast. And while racing I sometimes calculate the chances for something or the right time to overtake or something. Sometimes I calculate in how many laps and at which turn I'm going to overtake people."
"No way."
"While racing I just get bored with my mind and so I do such things."
"That's the coolest thing I've ever heard"
"I don't know but thank you."
Pierre and Charles eventually stop fighting and we decide to watch a movie.
We watch a horror movie. Nightmare on Elm street.
Lando and Charles always get scared and me and Pierre laugh at them. At some point Lando looks like a five year old who's afraid that there's monster under his bed and Charles is laying on my lap hiding from whatever. 
"I'm never watching a horror movie ever again", Lando says as soon as the movie's finished.
"It wasn't even that scary guys", Pierre says.
"Yes it was", says Charles who's sitting up again now.
We continue discussing about it until we realise that it's late tomorrow's fp3 and qualifying.
We say goodbye to eachother and I close the door.
"Will you be sleeping here tonight or in your room?"
"I think you know the answer to that. Now hurry up I want to go to sleep." Charles lifts up the blanket a little signalising for me to lay next to him. 
I walk over and lay down next to him. 

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