chapter twenty-nine

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Charles POV

"God I feel terrible", Lando says.
"Yeah me too", I say.
"Well I feel fine", Amelia says.
She's laying next to me. She's sun bathing trying to get a 'better tan'.
"How can you feel fine after last night? You had more alcohol than us and we feel like shit."
"Well Pierre, I don't know."
We continue laying there and relax a little.
When you travel around the world you sometimes forget about the small things in life and forget to relax or enjoy. I think this holiday was a good idea. Especially for Amelia and me.
Since she kissed me at the grand prix we never had time for us.
There wer reporters following us around trying to get good photos and an interview.
Here it's different. Most of the people probably don't even know who we are.
This morning a little boy asked us for a picture but that's all.
Sometimes I wish to not be famous.
To just live a normal life.
"Hey wanna go out for dinner tonight?", Luisa asks.
"Yeah sure where?", I ask even though I don't feel like eating.
"I don't know. Maybe somewhere fancy."
"Yes that's a great idea.", Amelia says. Of course she likes the idea.
Even though she would never admit it, she loves to dress up and go out. Doesn't matter where.
We search for restaurants in the internet and also ask the receptionist for some suggestions.
We agree on a beach restaurant.
It's not very expensive and extraordinary fancy but still quite chic.
Amelia and I go to our room to get ready.
"Charles can we take a nap before leaving I'm tired.", she asks.
She's laying on the bed struggling to keep her eyes open.
"Of course we can love. Let me set an alarm first"
I set the alarm and get into bed with her.
She comes close and gives me a kiss before turning around.
I put my arms around her and we fall asleep.

Amelias POV

"Why do you have that sound for your alarm? It's so annoying."
I take my pillow and put it over my head.
"Otherwise we won't get up in the morning."
I feel him get up and hear him walking to the bathroom.
I stay in bed trying to sleep again.
"Noo, Charles. Pleaseee." He just pulled my blanket away.
Suddenly I feel something hit my body. I take the pillow away and see that he threw his pillow at me.
"I hate you",I say while getting up and walking to the bathroom to take a shower.
"You know you love me Amelia". I can hear that he's smiling.
I smile too. He's not wrong. I am in love with him.
We haven't said 'I love you' to eachother yet though.
Once I almost said it but stopped myself. The words 'I love you' have such a big meaning. Well for me at least. 
I brush it off and get out of the shower and brush my teeth. After I put makeup on and my new dress.
It's dark blue and has a lot of details.
I put on some yewelery and stand in front of the mirror to look at myself.
I see Charles coming from behind. He puts his hands around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder.
"You look beautiful Amelia". 
He starts placing little kisses on my neck that cause me to giggle.
Suddenly he turns me around and kisses me.
Obviously I kiss him back. The kiss starts slow but quickly turns into a lot of passionate kisses.
All of a sudden he pulls away. He cups my face in his hands and puts his forehead against mine.
"Amelia, as much as I want to continue this. We're going to be late for dinner. But we're not done yet"
He walks to the door and I follow him.
We walk outside and I take his hand.
In the lobby we sit on some of the chairs and wait for the others.
"Amelia you look stunning."
"Thank you Luisa. You too. Red suits you very good."
"Thank you"
We get into a taxi and drive to our destination for the evening.
The restaurant is located directly at the beach.
We get seated and take our orders.
"I have to take a photo guys. I'll be back in a minute", I say and walk down to the beach.
The sky is painted with all shades of red. It looks beautiful.
"It looks beautiful doesn't it?"
"Yes it does."
"Just like you". He takes me by my waist and pulls me closer.
He gives me a small kiss and makes eyecontact again.
"I love you Amelia"
I'm a little overwhelmed by what he just said.
"You don't have to say it back just now. Take your time I just thought-"
"I love you too Charles"
He looks relieved by my words.
I feel his lips on mine again.
He starts smiling mid into the kiss and lifts me up and spins me around.
We give eachother one last kiss before going inside again.
I look at my phone and see that Pierre sent me a photo.
It's a photo of Charles and me kissing down at the beach with the sunset in the background.
I mouth "Thank you" to him and he smiles at me.
Not much later our food arrives and we start eating.
"No this doesn't taste good", I say after I tried some of Charles' food.
"What you don't like fish?"
"Nobody normal likes fish Charles", says Lando.
"Oh do you want some?". Charles says as he puts some of the fish on his fork and holds it infront of Landos face.
"No god. I don't want it near me take it away"
We all laugh as he jumps up from his chair.
The night continues and we have a good time. We decide to take a walk at the beach before going back to the hotel.
The others talk but I don't. I'm concentrated on the boys hand I'm holding.
I'm still a little stunned that he said he loved me.
"Is everything alright?", he asks.
"Yes perfect".

Charles POV

The walk at the beach was really cool.
We're sitting in a taxi again when Pierre says: "Hey tomorrow's a boat party in the evening. What do you think?"
"Did you get invited?", I ask.
"Yes. There are a lot of celebrities I think."
"And who would invite you there?", Lando asks.
"Haha very funny Lando. And if you really need to know it's Mbappé"
"You know him?", I ask.
"Sort of. We met once at some charity event and he knows I'm here too with you guys so he invited me"
"Interesting", Amelia says
"Interesting?", Pierre asks.
We arrive back at the hotel at around 1am.
Amelia and I are very tired and get ready for bed. 
She's stil in the bathroom so I check my socials.
I see that she posted a story and click on her profile.
She posted a story of us at the beach earlier this night and a heart.
"Your story's very sweet. Who took the picture though?"
"Pierre did. It's amazing isn't it?", she says coming out of the bathroom and walking towards me.
"Yes it is and now let's go to sleep"
I open my arms for her to come cuddle with me.
Soon she's asleep on my chest.

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