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Loud knocks could be heard at Yoongi's apartment door, startling both him and Nia out of their sleep.

Nia rubs the sleep from her eyes, "Who is that?" she asks with a raspy voice.

"I don't know." he checks his phone, seeing it's 7 am, "Whoever it is is going to get kicked for banging on my door this early in the morning."

He gets out of bed and Nia follows behind him, "Kick them? Why not punch?" she chuckles.

"Too much energy." he says simply, leading the way to the front door that is still being abused by whoever it is behind it.

Yoongi groans, "I'm coming! Damn." he swings the door open and stares at Hoseok, who stands with two bouquets of flowers and shopping bags in his arms.

"Who is it?" Nia questions, looking at Yoongi who's just standing still at the door.

"May I come in? I have a lot of explaining and apologizing to do." Hoseok asks, and Nia's heart beats rapidly at his voice.

Yoongi steps aside silently, letting Hoseok in. He closes and locks the door behind him before crossing his arms over his chest.

Hoseok looks down at the flowers, "I bought these for you." he gives red roses to each of them, "I also bought jewelry."

Nia inspects the flowers, "Do you actually think gifts will fix this?"

"No. I came here to talk, but I wanted to give you guys something nice as well." Hoseok says, looking back and forth between both of their blank expressions.

He sighs, "Pushing you guys away was stupid, I know that. I feel the same way, and it took a day for me to realize that. I'm just not used to this." Hoseok admits.

"My last relationship was in high school, and anything after that was strictly contractual. So, the thought of having a romantic relationship wasn't in my forefront."

"Why couldn't you tell us this at the time then? You were ready to kick us out and you shut down when I tried to get you to talk." Nia says with an aggravated tone.

Hoseok nods, "I know, and I feel like shit for doing that," he steps forward, grabbing both their hands, "but I want to make this work. I just need time to adjust."

"I'm sorry." he concludes with an apology, growing anxious at their unwavering expressions.

Yoongi shrugs, "Okay, as long as you try." he smells the roses in his hand, "I prefer carnations, but these are cool."

"Good to note." He chuckles, looking over at Nia who's silent. "How about you? Do you forgive me?"

Nia sighs, "I guess. I'm still mad at you though." she pulls away from him, putting the bouquet on the kitchen island, "I'm going back to sleep."

Hoseok and Yoongi watches as she walks back into the bedroom, closing the door behind her. "She's pissed."

"Yeah, you rejected her." Yoongi comments, going into the kitchen to look for a vase or pitcher to put the flowers in.

Hoseok leans against the counter, "How long do you think she's going to be upset with me?"

"I don't know, I'm still mad at you too so.." Yoongi shrugs his shoulders, "But she'll come around eventually."

Yoongi finds a cylinder glass vase that his mother gave him stored in a cupboard, filling it up with water and putting both bouquets inside.

He lets out a yawn, "Before you rudely pounded on my door, I was asleep, so I'm gonna get back to it." Yoongi walks out of the kitchen and towards his bedroom.

Hoseok blinks, "Can I come too?" Yoongi only shrugs, leaving Hoseok in the hallway.

Hours go by with Nia and Yoongi sleeping in, leaving Hoseok to patiently wait for them to wake up on the couch, not wanting to disturb them.

He channel surfs the television to pass time, sighing in relief when he hears the bedroom door open down the hall.

It's Nia crossing the hall and entering the bathroom, doing her business, then walking out into the living room.

They meet eyes. Hoseok offers her a smile and Nia tries her best to not be charmed, but the more she looks at him, the harder it is to resist.

Hoseok rakes his eyes up and down her body, licking his lips at the way her shorts are ridden up from walking, and her prominent cleavage from the tank top she's wearing.

The look alone makes Nia fold and she makes her way over to him, taking a seat on the couch next to him.

"What are you watching?" she asks casually, looking between him and the TV. Hoseok shrugs, "Some reality show."

They fall into a kind of awkward silence. Hoseok doesn't want to be straightforward like he usually is because she's still upset with him, and Nia doesn't want to jump on him too quickly because of her pride.

So they settle for watching the TV, stealing glances at each other in a way high school crushes would.

Yoongi eventually emerges from his bedroom, scratching the top of his head as he makes his way to the kitchen, opening up the fridge to fish out the carton of orange juice inside.

He pours himself a cup and walks into the living room, eyeing Hoseok and Nia with dead eyes, "Just fuck already. You guys look so uncomfortable."

Nia clears her throat after momentarily choking on her spit, and Hoseok's cheeks redden, shocked to be called out like that.

"What makes you think that I want to fuck him?" Nia questions with a raised brow. Yoongi shrugs, "It's what we do."

"Is that normal? You know, to fuck after an argument?" Hoseok asks, genuinely lost about what's right and wrong when it comes to relationships.

Yoongi sips his juice, "We can make anything our normal as long as everyone involved is cool with it."

Hoseok nods in understanding before turning to Nia, "Cool if I eat you out?"

She nods, "Sure." agreeing, quickly being pushed backwards on the couch harshly by the other.

Hoseok kisses her lips passionately, missing the plumpness of them. He teasingly bites her lower lip before trailing kisses down her neck and chest.

He impatiently pulls Nia's shorts off, licking his lips at the sight of her pretty pussy. He dives in, licking up and down her folds enthusiastically.

Yoongi watches from the side, casually drinking his orange juice as Nia moans loudly, arching her back off the cushion beneath her.

"R-Right there." she moans, gripping at his hair as she bites down on her lip.

Hoseok flicks his tongue in a fast motion over her clit before sucking on it, moaning lowly to send vibrations through her core.

It doesn't take long for Nia to cum, body convulsing as she grinds into his mouth. Hoseok licks it all up and more, leaning back when he's satisfied.

This is the tamest he's been in a long time when it comes to sex, and he's surprisingly okay with that.

It's nice to do something fully vanilla every once in a while.

Yoongi whistles, "That was hot." he comments, taking his now empty glass into the kitchen for a refill.

Nia pulls Hoseok down for a sloppy kiss, tasting herself on his lips and growing aroused again.

She briefly pulls away, "Put that glass down and get over here." she says to Yoongi, prompting him to oblige and join the fun that awaits him.

the angst was short lived😔

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