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Erin pulls up to a large house placed in the middle of the suburbs.

Jungkook is in the passenger's seat next to her and Bella is in the backseat. He nervously bites at his lip ring as he views his family home.

He's supposed to be packing up his stuff today, but he can't seem to get out of the car.

Erin looks over at him with worry in her eyes, "Do you need me to go in with you?"

Jungkook's eyes widen, "Y-You can't. They'll definitely make a scene, or they won't let you in. I just don't want any drama but-" he cuts himself off, not sure of how he should word his thoughts.

To be frank, he's scared shitless.

His parents practically kicked him out a couple days ago, and he hasn't spoken to either of them since.

His brothers don't live at home anymore, either off to college or slowly starting families of their own. So they weren't home to witness the heated discussion he had with their parents.

Jungkook's almost certain that they know of what happened though.

He's almost certain that all of his relatives know as well.

"I can go in with you, or do they know what I look like too?" Bella suggests, seeing how Jungkook is on the brink of a panic attack.

He rubs the sweat from his palms off on his jeans, "What should I say?"

"Nothing. We'll just go in, get your shit, and dip." Bella shrugs, unbuckling her seatbelt and going to leave the car.

Erin stops her, "Wait B, give Kook some more time."

Jungkook shakes his head, "No it's alright, we can go in now." Erin nods her head, "Alright, let me know if I need to come in there."

She watches as Bella and Jungkook leave the vehicle, holding tightly onto each other's hands as they enter the house.

Inside, Jungkook cautiously looks around the downstairs area, sighing in relief when he doesn't see any of his parents.

He leads the way up the stairs, cringing at the sound of the wooden floorboards creaking as they ascend.

The two still as a women, Jungkook's mother, stands at the top of the steps. Her face grows a dark pink, presumably from anger.

"Jungkook, who's this?" she asks, looking between the two in disapproval.

Jungkook clears his throat, "She's my girlfriend." he says confidently, lowkey making Bella blush.

He sighs, "I'm only here to get my stuff." his mother's brows furrow, "For what? Are you leaving?"

"You basically kicked me out already, so yes. I won't be in your hair anymore." Jungkook pulls Bella up the stairs and past his mother who looks at him appalled.

He quickly pushes his bedroom door open and doesn't hesitate to pack his bags, shoving clothes into a large duffel bag.

Bella helps, grabbing his folded clothes out of his drawers and placing them on the bed for Jungkook to grab.

"Are there any valuables in here that you wanna take?" she questions, looking around at all the hand drawn posters littered across his walls.

Jungkook only shakes his head, "Everything I need is at home with Erin." Bella picks up a small cow plushie from his bed, "But this is so cute."

He looks at the toy for a moment before grabbing it from her hands, "This can come too."

Bella giggles, "What about those drawings?" Jungkook grabs his suitcase and starts filling it with clothes from his closet.

"I can just draw more." she hums, "Can I have them then? I mean, as your girlfriend and all I should be able to have it." she smiles cheekily.

Jungkook's cheeks flush a soft pink as he blushes, "U-Um sure."

They spend the next 30 minutes clearing his room of clothes, and whatever Bella deemed that she should have.

After, they haul the bags down the stairs, passing his parents who hold indescribable expressions on their faces.

They load the bags into Erin's trunk. Jungkook kisses his teeth, "Shoot, I forgot my shoes. I'll be right back."

He jogs back inside the house and up to his room, grabbing his tote bag filled with nothing but vans.

As he's about to leave out the front door, his dad steps in front of him.

"I'm so disappointed in you son. Not only are you letting yourself be controlled by a woman, but she's black."

Jungkook can feel his blood boil, "Whether they're black or not doesn't matter, and it's so fucked up for you to say or even think like that."

"Those women treat me better than you or mom ever has, and I feel like I can actually be myself around them. I'm so glad I won't have to see your face ever again." Jungkook says before storming out, slamming the door behind him.

When he enters the car, he aggressively buckles his seat belt and balls his fists up in his lap, "We can go."

Erin starts the car, not before sparing the younger a concerned glance, "Everything alright?"

"My parents are racist assholes and I want nothing to do with them." he says lowly, staring out the window as he tries to calm himself.

Erin looks back at Bella who also looks concerned. They're not sure of what to say, or how to properly comfort him. They've never seen him this upset before.

Erin decides to turn on the radio, figuring some music can calm him down.

'Baby' by Justin Bieber plays, and both Erin and Bella can't help but grin.

Jungkook's a sucker for this song.

"I know you love me, I know you care~" Erin sings.

"So shout whenever, and I'll be there~" Bella chimes in, leaning over the seat and Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook tries to hold back a smile as they teasingly sing the song to him.

"I know you wanna sing along, Kook!" Bella gives a sheepish grin, repeatedly poking him in his side.

He laughs as the sensation tickles, "Stopp, I'm not in the mood."

"Well get in the mood then." Bella continues to poke him, causing the other to giggle and laugh loudly.

Erin joins in, ruffling his hair and pinching his cheeks. "Awww, cute little babyyy~"

Jungkook playfully rolls his eyes, "Thank you guys."

Erin smiles warmly, "Of course, Bun. Let's go grab some lunch."

Jungkook nods then blushes after Bella leans over the seat to kiss him on the cheek.

didn't know how to end this...👀

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