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Nia pulls away from a passionate kiss with Hoseok, biting her lip as she composes herself, "Okay, I'll see you later."

"You sure you can't stay with me for another day? I'll pay your sister double the amount." he tries to persuade her, trailing his eyes up and down her figure slowly.

Nia shakes her head, "As much as that sounds nice, I need to get back to work. Plus, I have a lot of cleaning to do in my apartment so I need to tackle that before going back to work."

Hoseok sighs, "Fine, but I better hear from you."

Nia opens the car door, "You will. See you later."

"Bye beautiful." he watches as she strides into her apartment complex before pulling off.

The first thing that Nia does when walking in is check her mailbox. Nicole sent her her paycheck, she has bills to pay, random coupons, and more gifts from her followers.

She should really open a P.O. box for her followers before someone pops up at her apartment like a weirdo. It'll be the safer thing to do.

She asks someone from the front desk to help her bring some of her boxes up, and she gives them a tip for doing so.

Nia sighs as she views the state of her apartment. Both opened and unopened boxes fill the space, even though she's been gone for a week, dust covers most of her surfaces, and there's a weird stench coming from her kitchen, indicating that she's got spoiled food to clean out.

Grabbing her speaker, she turns on a 2000's playlist and starts to deep clean her apartment.

Starting with her packages, she unpacks all of them and puts them away. They consist mostly of skimpy dresses and lingerie, so she starts a load in the washer for those.

The weird stuff that she gets sent, like used tissues and opened sex toys, she throws away. She also doesn't pay too much attention to the love notes that are sent to her.

The next thing she does is clean her kitchen. She had milk, meats, and leftovers that went bad in her refrigerator.

There was also a box of pizza in her oven that started to mold. Disgusted, Nia takes everything out of the fridge and disinfects each shelf, doing the same to her counters, microwave, and stove.

She also does the small amount of dishes in her sink before disinfecting that too.

She does the same format for the rest of her apartment before sweeping and mopping the floors.

Nia completely finishes after 3 hours, and she jumps in the shower to wash away the icky feeling you get after cleaning.

When done, she plops onto her couch in the living room and starts to make phone calls to pay her bills.

After paying her rent, she goes through her messages and replies to people.

What she didn't expect was a text message from Namjoon, dating back to the day they reconnected at the restaurant.

With so much going on between her, Yoongi, and Hoseok, she forgot that they even ran into each other. Which makes her remember that her rekindling with him was what started all the drama between her and the boys.

Hey, it's Joon.
It was nice seeing you again, sorry if I made things awkward with your...dates?

Omg, I'm just now seeing this🤦🏽‍♀️but it was nice seeing you again too.
No need to apologize, everything is good.

Okay that's a relief😅there seemed to be tension at the table

There was but it's handled now.
Back to you and me though, we should hang out soon. It's been so long since we last binged watched a show or had a movie marathon.

That sounds nice, as long as it's okay with your boyfriends. I wouldn't wanna overstep any boundaries.

Nia thinks hard after reading the message. Even though she and the guys expressed their interest for each other beyond sex, they still haven't made things official.

So, are they her boyfriends?

We're friends Joon, and I don't even know if they're my boyfriends💀
But, they can tag along if it'll make you feel more comfortable with the idea.

Okay, just let me know the details when everything's situated.


Nia puts her phone away as she yawns, a sudden wave of exhaustion hitting her.

She gets up from the couch and makes her way to the bedroom. It's not even late out, but she's already ready for bed.

Cleaning all day can do that to you. So, skipping dinner, Nia climbs into bed and falls asleep.

She'll talk to Hoseok and Yoongi about Namjoon tomorrow.

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