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Nia folds the last of the jeans before placing them neatly on a display table. She has 30 minutes before her shift ends and all she needs to do is sweep.

Nicole comes from the back of the store, holding the store phone up to her ear while she flips through some documents, "Yes ma'am, I understand." she says as she concludes the call, sighing deeply.

Nia quirks a brow, "What's wrong?"

"I guess I fucked up on some of my taxes last year and they're trying to say I did fraud or something. I don't know, I just need to figure this out before I lose the store and go to jail and die alone." Nicole rambles, clearly stressed about the situation.

Nia nods her head in understanding, "You should probably hire someone to do that for you from now on."

Nicole gives her a dead look, "I don't even wanna pay you half the time, why would I spend outta pocket for some nerd to do my shit? They might fuck up more than me."

The younger'a jaw drops, "Bitch, I was just trying to help. Since you wanna be ungrateful, you can sweep your own floors." Nia goes behind the counter to clock out before she leaves the store, stomping towards Hoseok's car that's parked in front of the store.

She enters and slams the car door behind her, prompting Hoseok to quirk a brow, "You okay?"

"No. My dumbass for a sister fucked up her taxes and she has a bitchatude about it. Fuck that bitch." Nia says, crossing her arms over her chest.

Of course she doesn't mean it, but lately Nicole has been blowing up on her for the smallest of reasons.

She can't even breathe without it being a problem. And she gets that it's hard to run a business on your own and whatnot, but that's the decision that she decided to make.

Nia shouldn't have to deal with any of it.

Hoseok starts the car, "I ordered some steaks and sides from a restaurant nearby, so we have to pick that up before joining the others." he changes the subject, hoping that the mention of food might brighten her mood.

"Okay." she says monotonously, clearly still upset.

He sighs and places a hand on her thigh as he drives, "I'm sure she's just stressed out baby. You shouldn't take whatever she says to heart."

Nia sighs, "I know, but it's becoming difficult to work with her everyday. I think I should quit and do OnlyFans full time or something. I just can't stand her right now."

"If that's what you want to do then do that, but I think you should sleep on it before making a decision." He advises, pulling up to a fancy looking restaurant.

"I'll be right back." Nia nods her head and watches as Hoseok leaves the car.

Nia likes the idea of doing OnlyFans full time. She can easily garner enough followers/subscribers to live comfortably, especially if she's consistent.

Right now, she only posts 1-2 days out of the week. If she stops working for Nicole then she'll be able to post regularly, at least every other day.

She doesn't even have to sleep on it, her decision has been made.

About a minute goes by and Hoseok comes back to the car, carrying two paper bags filled with their food. He places them into the backseat before taking his place in the driver's.

"You need anything before we go home?" he asks, starting the car back up. Nia shakes her head, "No, I'm good." he nods his head before pulling off down the road.

They ride in a comfortable silence with the radio lowly playing. Nia stares outside the window, watching as the scenes gradually change from tall city buildings to wooded areas.

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