Chapter 3 - Starting Over

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When you got home, you saw Eddie's van in the driveway. Wow, he actually rushed right over. You thought to yourself.

"You invited him over? Wow," Dustin said, looking at you in surprise.

"The only other place I could think of was the clearing in the woods. But it's early January, and I don't feel like spending my time in the cold for a conversation that might not even end well," You reasoned.

"Fair. Fair," Dustin said. With that, you both got out of the car. You went to walk past Eddie's van, and once he noticed you walking by, he quickly turned off the van and got out.

"There you are!" He said.
"I was honestly starting to think you weren't gonna show," He added.

"Oh, yeah. I'm totally just not going to come to my own house," You said sarcastically.

"Hey, you always leave whenever Dustin brings me over. So, is it really that hard to believe?" Eddie asked.

"Fair," You replied. You opened the door and let Dustin in, then turned to Eddie.
"You coming or what?" You asked. Eddie quickly walked over to the door, and you let him inside. You then walked inside, shutting the door behind you.

"I'll be in my room if you need me," Dustin said before running to his room.

"Okay," You replied. You and Eddie both took your shoes off, and then you led him to your room. Once you were both in your room, you shut the door.
"Uh, you can set your stuff down wherever," You said as you put your backpack on the back of your desk chair. Eddie set his backpack on the floor near your desk, but kept his metal lunchbox in his hand.

You sat down on your bed and gestured for Eddie to sit down next to you, in which he did. There was an awkward silence for a while, neither of you saying anything. You didn't even know what to say.

"So, uh, what made you want to talk to me?" Eddie asked, breaking the silence.

"Well, I... I guess it was what you said yesterday. About you not really hating me," You replied.
"Do... do you actually mean that?" You asked.

"Absolutely, Y/n. I don't hate you in the slightest. I never have," Eddie replied.

"Then why'd you say what you said last year?" You asked, looking at him in confusion.

"Because I was confused. You confused me a lot. You... you were just so nice to me, when everyone else hated me because I was the school freak. It was... it was like that didn't matter to you. It confused me so much. The way I felt because of that confused me. I didn't understand what I was feeling, and it overwhelmed me to the point of acting like an asshole. I mean,I'm an asshole anyway, but it made me a real douchebag," Eddie explained.
"I know that's no excuse for how I treated you or what I said to you, and neither was the fact that I was already having a bad day when that happened. But once I saw you run off like that, once you started avoiding going anywhere near me, I realized I fucked up the chance to have an amazing friendship," He said.
"And I am so, so sorry for how I've treated you. Even after that incident. I was pushy, and I'd eventually snap at you whenever you kept ignoring or avoiding me. I was so desperate to fix a mistake, and in trying to do so, I was just making it worse."

"You know, the reason why I kept following you around was because I looked up to you," You said. It was the truth. Your crush on him wasn't why you followed him around. You also idolized him. You loved his confidence, his ability to not care what other people think, how he wouldn't hesitate to stand up for people who were being bullied by the jocks. Three things that you severely lacked. Well, you had them, but not in a social environment. Fighting paranormal monsters and being confident with other people are two different types of confidence.

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