Chapter 23 - Not Scared

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⚠️TW! Mentions of drugs! Talk of past trauma and suicide! Fluff(if you can really call that a warning). So much angst! (Yes, the angst needs it's own warning)⚠️

Eddie's Pov

"I... I'm gonna go take a walk," Y/n said before grabbing here on bag and climbing out of the tree house.

"I should've said something sooner. We could've gotten all this figured out if I had just said something instead of waiting until it was too late," I said, slumping back against the wall.

"It was pretty stupid of you not to tell us. But I understand what your thought process was. I can assure you that Y/n and I will never be scared of you. We care about you way too much," Dustin assured me. "Steve on the other hand, he's a big baby. So he might run away," He added with a smirk. I chuckled at that, my smile quickly fading when I remembered the fear in Y/n's eyes.

"You're right. She wouldn't have been. But she definitely is now," I said.

"That's not true. She's just... shaken up. Give her some time. She'll be back in a few hours, I'm sure of it," Dustin said.

"I don't blame her. I mean, look at me. I might've been the school freak before all this, but now, I am an actual freak," I said, covering my face with my hands.

"Are you serious? You look metal as fuck!" Dustin said with a smile. "Come on! Imagine James Hetfield or Dio or Ozzy, but with bat wings! That'd look so cool!" He said. I looked at him, a smirk forming on my face.

"You are totally ridiculous," I said.

"Come on, then. Tell me I'm wrong," He challenged. I really couldn't tell him that though. It'd be awesome.

"Alright. Alright. You win. It looks really metal. But it doesn't change the fact that I was essentially draining the life from Y/n's body," I said, still doubting myself.

"Stop doing that," Dustin said.

"Doing what?" I asked, looking at him in confusion.

"Being so pessimistic. Give her time," He said.

"Okay. Okay. Jesus," I said. "I just... I don't wanna lose her. You know?" I asked.

"I get it. But I'm telling you, you're not losing her. She's been using-" Dustin stopped mid-sentence, putting me in a state of confusion.

"Excuse me?" I asked, looking at him skeptically.

"Never mind," He replied a little too quickly.

"No. No, no, no. Finish that sentence," I said. Dustin was quiet for a few moments, and then he sighed and spoke.

"S-She's, uh, she's been using Special K... to help her sleep. Because she couldn't sleep without you." He said. My eyes went wide in shock. Y/n was a strictly weed person, and she promised me that she'd never do the harder shit. Especially not Ketamine.

"You're shitting me. Please tell me you're shitting me right now," I pleaded. Dustin shook his head slowly, a frown on his face.

"I know where she keeps it," He said. "It's in her trundle, hidden behind some stuff."

"Jesus Christ," I whispered, scolding myself for acting so stupidly when it came to the bats. Y/n's mind had to have been in a really bad place for her to regularly use the Special K.

"Sorry," Dustin said.

"It's not your fault. I just... she promised me she wouldn't use that," I said.

"Oh," Dustin whispered.


After a while, Dustin and I went to the house. Thankfully, Claudia wasn't there, so that would be good to prevent anything from happening.

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