Chapter 4 - Snuck Out

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You walked into English, walked to your desk, and sat down. Eddie, who was already at his own desk, looked at you in concern when he saw your upset expression.

   "What's goin' on, princess?" He asked.

   "I'm not gonna be able to make it to Hellfire on Friday," You replied. Eddie's eyes went wide, and he looked at you in shock.

   "What?! Why?!" He asked.

   "Because my mom knew you were lying, and she grounded me," You replied.

   "Pfft- you think I'm worried about that?" Eddie asked.
   "I'll sneak you out no problem," He added.

   "W-what?" You asked.

   "Friday, before Hellfire, I'll pick Dustin up, and then you can sneak out and ride with us," Eddie replied.

"O-okay," You said.

   "What? Is Ms. Henderson scared of getting caught?" Eddie asked.
"Never expected that from you of all people, princess. If anything, I'd have thought you snuck out before," He added.

   "No! No, I have! It's just... I'm surprised you'd do that for me," You replied.

   "Well, we can't have you missing your first meeting, now, can we?" Eddie asked with a smirk.

   "You're right. That would be terribly rude of me," You replied.

   "Exactly," Eddie said.

   "Oh! Thanks for the grass," You commented.

   "So, you got my present," Eddie said with a smile.

   "Yep," You replied, also smiling.


You were sitting on your bed, reading The Fellowship of the Ring, when you heard a knock on your window. You looked over to see Eddie, waving at you through the window. You smiled, marked your page in your book, and shut it. You quickly grabbed your stuff, put your shoes on, and walked over to the window. You opened it, and Eddie smiled.

   "Hey, princess! Ready to go?" He asked.

   "Yep," You replied. Eddie held his hand out for you, and you took it. He helped you climb out, and then you both snuck around to the front of the house.

Time Skip

After the meeting ended, you looked around in confusion when no one got up.

   "As you are all aware, Y/n has decided to join Hellfire Club! And as we all know, there is one thing that every Hellfire Club member has," Eddie said.
   "So, there is one final step to mark her as an official Hellfire Club member," He said. He handed you a folded up shirt. You held it up, letting it unfold, and your eyes went wide when you realized that it was a Hellfire shirt.
   "Give her a hand, boys," Eddie said. Everyone started clapping, and you smiled.

After the excitement died down, you all headed home. Of course, you put your Hellfire top on over your shirt, and then you, Dustin, and Eddie headed to the van.

Dustin got into the back, and then you went to get into the front passenger seat. Before you could even reach the door, Eddie had opened it for you and gestured for you to get in.

   "M'lady," He said with a sly smile. You giggled and smiled at him.

   "Thank you, good sir," You replied before he helped you get into the van. Eddie shut the door, and as he jogged around the front, Dustin made a fake gagging noise.

   "Cringe alert," He said. You rolled your eyes, and then Eddie got into the van.

Time Skip

Dustin got out of the van and went inside, and then once again, Eddie helped you out of the van.

   "You don't have to do that, you know," You said.

   "Well, what kind of a gentleman would I be if I didn't?" Eddie asked. You giggled at that.

   "You are something else," You said.

   "Hm? And what would that be?" Eddie asked. You just smiled and began walking towards the edge of the house. You heard footsteps behind you, so you stopped and turned around. When you realized that it was Eddie who was following you, you looked at him in confusion.

   "Why're you following me?" You asked.

   "What? You think I'm just gonna let you walk alone in the dark?" Eddie asked with a smirk.

   "That's sweet and all, but I'll be fine. It's, like, less than a hundred feet," You said.

   "Can't make me change my mind, princess. Now, come on, before your mom catches you," Eddie said. You rolled your eyes and smiled, letting Eddie lead you to your window.

When you reached your room, you climbed through the window and took your shoes off. You heard a noise coming from behind you, so you turned around and spotted Eddie, climbing through the window.

   "What're you doing?!" You whisper yelled. Eddie made an 'I don't know' sound, and then sat down on the edge of your bed.
   "You can't just stay here," You said.

   "Sure, I can," Eddie replied with a smirk.

   "And if my mom catches me with someone in my room when I'm supposed to be grounded, she'll kill me," You said. Thank god you were grounded, otherwise you'd have to specifically tell him 'with a boy' in your room.

   "Oh, I know that's not the real issue, princess," Eddie said with a smirk.

   "What do you mean?" You asked, trying to play dumb.

   "Don't play dumb, princess," Eddie replied as he stood up. He walked over to you and leaned up to your ear. You could feel his soft breath on your skin, making you shudder.
   "You're afraid of your mom catching you with a boy in your room, right?" He whispered.

   "N-no," You half-lied.
   "I'm grounded, remember?" You asked.

   "Such a shame. I didn't think that you were a lair," Eddie said. He backed away from you, and you let out a sigh of relief.
   "I'll see you Monday," He said as he approached the window.

   "See you Monday," You replied. With that, Eddie climbed out of the window and ran off, leaving you breathless and in shock.

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