Chapter 21 - Reunited

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The month was the worst month of your life. The color was draining from Hawkins as the Upside Down was beginning to seep into the real world. On top of that, you were overwhelmed with grief. You couldn't take the heartbreak of losing Eddie. You'd always been afraid of anymore people dying because they got roped into helping you and your friends, and that's exactly what happened. It was your fault that he died, and you'd have to live with that.

You did volunteer work to try and keep your mind off of him, although that didn't seem to work. You wanted desperately to go back to the Upside Down to get his body back and at least give him a proper burial. He deserved that and so much more after he sacrificed himself to save you and your friends. You tried hard to convince your friends to help you go back and get his body, but they all refused. You weren't going to take no for an answer, though. So, on the third night, you tried to sneak out. Unfortunately, Dustin caught you, scolding you for trying to go back. You wouldn't give up, so you tried again, and again, and again. Dustin had Steve come over and watch you at night by the sixth night, to prevent you from sneaking out again.

Now, you had a plan. You slipped some sleeping pills into Steve's and Dustin's Coke's that night, and once they were asleep, you wrote a quick note for them to leave on your desk.

Just so you know where I am, I went back to the Upside Down to find Eddie's body. I wasn't gonna let any of you stop me, as I want to give my boyfriend the burial he deserves. If I'm not back by eight, send help.
P.S. Sorry for drugging your drinks.

With that out of the way, you grabbed your backpack that held your walkie-talkie, flashlight, first aid kit, hunter's knife, and a shit ton of ammunition. Then, you grabbed your russian makarov, slipped on your worn out converse, and snuck out your window, making your way to get your boyfriend's body from the desolate place that he was mauled in.

Eddie's Pov

My eyes jolted open, and I sat up, observing my surroundings. Memories flooded back to me, hitting me like a train. How the fuck am I alive? Am I actually alive? Is the Upside Down what Hell looks like? I asked myself as I slowly stood up. I heard footsteps, and my eyes jolted in the direction of the noise to see someone walking towards me. Their skin was shriveled, dessicated, and they were honestly frightening to look at.

"Do not be afraid, Kas." A low, male, voice growled. The figure approached me now, stopping in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Vecna," Vecna replied. "I want you to join me, Kas," He growled. I was shocked. He's got some nerve if he thinks I'm gonna join him. And my name isn't Kas.

"My name is Eddie, not Kas. Why the hell would I join you, anyway?!" I asked.

"Oh, you don't have much of a choice," Vecna replied.

"Yeah? Why is that, huh?" I asked.

"Because last time I checked, there's a certain girl that you care about who's under extreme guilt and trauma from your death," Vecna replied. I immediately realized what he meant.

"Don't you fucking dare!" I hissed.

"What'll it be then? Either you join me, or I kill Y/n," Vecna said. I don't have a choice. Shit, shit, shit. I was severely conflicted. I didn't want to join Vecna, but I couldn't let him kill Y/n. I cared about her way too much for that. I sighed, tears forming in my eyes as I slowly nodded.

"Fine. I'll join you. But if you even try to touch any of the people I care about, then I'll find a way to kill you," I warned. Vecna chuckled raspily and reached his hand out to my face.

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