Run as far as you can

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Panting, Jisung stumbled through the forest. He had no idea where he was going he just knew he needed to get as far away from his home as possible. Normally, he would be too scared to disobey his parents, let alone run away but he had finally snapped with the last push of his brother.

"Get out, go Jisung, leave while you can" Changbin yelled dragging Jisung out of his now unlocked room, downstairs to the door and towards the front path "you know Seungmin can't keep them talking for long before they smell you".
Jisung was spaced out staring at Changbin unable to speak remembering the events that happened just before this moment.

His parents were killers in a group of hybrids who would kill werewolves and vampires alike if they were paid good enough. Jisung had been sent on a mission to kill the son of one of the vampire clans but once his parents had found out he refused to kill his target and even felt sympathy and compassion they were not happy.
Dragged upstairs to his room they would beat him and yell at him to grow up and stop being a baby.
"You need to learn to do this Jisung, we cannot have a weak son especially one who feels sympathy for these weak creatures" his dad looked disgusted watching his son cough in pain clutching his stomach.
"I'm so-rry" Jisung stuttered avoiding their gaze.
"Tell us you won't disobey us again" his dad stood looming over him.
"I won't" Jisung whispered.
"What was that I couldn't hear you" his dad grabbed his hair and dragged Jisung's head to look him.
"I won't I promise" tears streamed down his face as he looked deep into the angered eyes of his father.
"Good, now think about what you have done and when we come back you better be ready" his dad let go off his hair and Jisung fell to the ground with a thud as his dad left.
"Jisung honey we don't want to do this, but you need to learn, we are the only ones who truly love you and are doing this for your own good" his mother let out a sweet tone and crouched down next to him stroking his face with her fingers. Jisung flinched before allowing it to happen. He could smell the faint blood of AB on her fingertips sending him straight into a calmness and want for the blood.
To hybrids AB blood was like their 'golden blood' and is very precious to them as the sweet taste was everything to them. Just the smell could make them want more and crave blood.
He looked up at his mother with pleading eyes. His mother slightly smirked making sure to move her fingers across his nose before retreating back and giving him a kiss on the forehead then standing up.
"If your good and do as your told when you come out I will give you a big hug and some AB blood, how does that sound?" Manipulated his mum in a quiet tone.
"Yes mum" Jisung kept his eyes on her and watched as she walked out and locked the door behind her.
He knew what was going to happen from here as it wasn't his first time. They would keep him in here unable to feed and wait until he was craving blood. Being a hybrid the crave for blood was lower than that of a vampire but he would still need it. It doesn't have to be human blood, it could just be uncooked animal meat like that of what werewolves eat which could keep them going for a while but without it his mental state would detoriate until it was all he could about it. A way to keep him under his parents control.

Jisung laid on the floor tapping his lip to reveal blood on his fingers before staring at the old claw marks on the floor from his previous encounters right in this spot. He zoned out retreating to the back of his mind and would of remained like that until he felt two arms around him dragging him up. He looked in front of him to find Changbins worried face clutch his hands and pull him out of his room and down the stairs.
"Changbin.." Jisung began.
"No you have to get out of here now" he had a sturdy expression on his face showing he was not going to change his mind.
"But my mum a—nd dad" Jisung said slowly a scared expression creeping up on his face.
"That doesn't matter. Get out, go Jisung, leave while you can" Changbin said again and pushed him further out the door urging him to go.
Jisung slowly walked backwards down the steps not taking his gaze off Changbin for one moment. He was about to say something when they heard a large crash and Changbin looked to see Seungmin fall from the steps into the middle of the ground floor.
"WHERE THE HELL IS JISUNG!" they all heard his dad yell from upstairs.
"Jisung leave NOW" Changbin now became more forceful and ran into the doorway crouching down and pulling Seungmin up.
"Changbin.." Jisung started coming back up the steps.
"GO" Changbins eyes had so much force Jisung turned around and began to run. He took one last look to see his dad step into view blocking him from seeing both Seungmin and Changbin then look outside. It was just a moment but his eyes bore into Jisung before he disappeared into the wilderness.

Those words kept playing repeat in Jisung mind as he ran and ran and ran. Before he knew it the sky had gone from dusk to dark and he was now running using only his heightened wolf and vampire senses to make his way. His energy had run out long ago and he was now running on fumes only his friends words keeping him going.
Where will I go?
The question finally appeared in Jisung head his brain unable to form an answer as his view began to blur before him. He stopped running and laid his hand on a nearby tree to keep him steady as he smelt the air. He felt as faint sense of danger but his body refused to cooperate as he kept heading forward. His feet were soon dragging in the mud as he hit branch after branch unable to focus. Suddenly he tripped over a stuck up root and fell back onto the floor by the base of a tree.
Crying the last few tears fell from his cheek as he comfortably accepted the darkness which was beckoning him. Just as he was about to go he heard a crunch and looked up with his last effort to see a group of shadows surrounding him muttering and looking towards each other. Jisung then promptly passed out.

"This is unusual" one said.
"I know" another said.
"Well what are you gonna do with this thing Chan" one said as they all looked concerned for the boy before looking towards the man stood closer to the boy.
"Well from his faint smell he seems to be a werewolf, but it's weird I can't tell if he's an alpha, omega or beta" Chan said crouching down to look closer at the poor boys face to see a split lip and bruises heading down his neck.
"Well clearly but what are you going to do?" they said again.
"Be quiet Hyunjin if your not going to be helpful" another boy said.
"Whatever Felix" Hyunjin sighed and stood back.
"From his smell he does not belong to a pack" a new boy came closer.
"Your right Minho and no one would dare come this far into out territory in a pack by himself" Chan said as he scooped the boy up in his arms "I think he is a rogue".
"So what are you going to do?" A small voice at the very back perked up.
"Jeonjin we are going to take him back with us" Chan said as everyone got a closer look at the boy to see him bruised black and blue.
"Your such a softie" Hyunjin said.
"Would you prefer I leave him here to die" Chan said harshly and Hyunjin nodded his head down stating his answer.
"Good let's get this boy somewhere safe" Chan said and they all headed back the way they came further into the forest.

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