Part 1

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Sonic sat in his cold, dark jail cell, he'd been stuck here for 4 weeks, or was it 5 weeks? He couldn't tell anymore. Sonic jumped at the sound of footsteps outside his cell, he shivered with a fear that had been rightfully instilled in him the past few weeks, he kept shaking until the footsteps passed and he couldn't hear them anymore.

Sonic had been lured to Earth some time ago, the humans, those fucking humans, they said they needed his help with something, he couldn't remember what, the next thing he knew he was trapped in a cold, dark cell, brought out only for food, showers and interrogation. The humans wanted to know all of his home planets secrets. The location of the Master Emerald, the secrets of Sonic's speed powers, yada yada yada. When Sonic refused to tell them anything, which was every time, they would beat him and throw him around the sound-proofed interrogation room until Sonic was black and blue with bruises and writhing around on the floor in pain.

Now Sonic's entire body was covered in scars, both old and new, Sonic scratched his left ear, minding the top chunk of his ear that was missing. Sonic then touched his face, tracing the long, thin, X shaped scar, tilted at a 90 degree angle that marked his lower right cheek. The sound of footsteps and the metal door slamming open made him jump once more, shielding his eye's from the light from the hallway he could make out two guards standing in the doorway of his cell.

"Hey blue freak, President wants you." One of them spat, "Yeah, and you better not cause trouble or we'll make you wish you were never born." The other one chimed in, Sonic got up off the bench he was sitting on and walked towards the guards, he was handcuffed like always and led out of the cell, each guard keeping one hand on each of Sonic's shoulders as they led him through the winding hallways of the prison, at first Sonic would resist, drag his feet and kick and scream, refusing to leave his cell, but over time he lost the energy and gave in.

Sonic was led out of the prison, into the outside and fresh air, Sonic blinked harshly against the sunlight, he hadn't seen sunlight in so long, Sonic took a deep breath in, finding a rare moment of tranquility in being able to breath fresh air in so long. But the moment didn't last long as Sonic was led towards the edge of a cliff over looking a large pond.

Sonic was un-cuffed and rubbed his sore wrists as the two guards fled, a squad of humans with lazer guns powerful enough to blow an arm or a leg off with one blow, appeared 60-70 feet behind him. Sonic's face twisted into a scowl as he saw the President, the one who got him trapped here in the first place, standing in the middle of the squad with a smug smirk on his face, Sonic looked around but there was nowhere to run except off the cliff. "Take aim!" The President called out and the squad readied their weapons. Sonic should have know better, this wasn't a nice trip outside, it was an execution. Sonic got ready to doge the lazers all the while looking for a way to escape his execution, but where would he go? What would he do when he got away? How would he-

Sonic was pulled out of his thoughts by a loud bang, Sonic looked over at the president, who was yelling at a member of the firing squad. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE GUN MALFUNCTIONED?!" "YOU RUINED MY MOMENT!!" The President screamed at the terrifed squad member, But Sonic could care less about those guys.

Sonic's right arm...below his shoulder...he couldn't feel anything beyond that point.

The Blue blur wasn't overwhelmed with pain, maybe he was in shock? He didn't know.

Sonic looked down at his right arm and gasped in horror and shock.

His arm...was gone. Completely gone.

His right shoulder was nothing more then a bloody stump, crimson dripping from the sudden amputation. Sonic's blood ran cold and his breathing became shaky, unable to properly process what just happened. His mind was spinning as he stumbled backwards, Sonic reached out with his other arm for his right arm but his fingers grasped at air, his arm really was gone. "FIRE!" "FIRE!" "SHOOT THE BLUE BASTARD ALREADY!!" the President screeched, causing the firing squad to once again ready their guns, Sonic stumbled back still in shock.

He didn't realize that he was running out of ledge to stand one until the ground gave out in front of him and Sonic lost his footing, sending him hurtling downwards.

A shrill, terrified scream escaped Sonic's throat as he fell, greengreybluegreygreengreybluegreengreyblue-the world became a blur of colors as he plummeted downwards, Sonic curled himself into a ball, squeezing his eye's shut as his body collided and he sank like a rock into the cold, dark waters, Sonic's right-arm stump stung like hell against the water. Sonic managed to flail his way to the surface of the water, swimming was hard enough for him but with one arm it was nearly impossible.





Sonics head burst through the surface of the water, his mouth agape as he gasped for air, Sonic was somehow able to tread water with his legs. He looked around and saw nothing but endless blue ocean for miles and miles, just a few seconds ago he was at the bottom of a canyon falling towards a lake, how did he end up in the ocean? Sonic slipped under the surface of the water, kicking and struggling his way back to the surface, doing a double take once he resurfaced, he was still in the endless blue ocean.

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