Part 6

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Shadow POV:

Shadow ran through the hillside, he was currently doing a favor for Rouge. Knuckles hadn't been himself lately, he hadn't left Angel Island ever since Sonic went missing, Knuckles had searched feverishly for Sonic in the first two weeks after his disappearance, but once the trail had gone cold Knuckles had isolated himself on Angel Island. Rouge was worried about him but too busy to see him herself so she had asked Shadow to go check up on the echidna for her. Shadow agreed, he too was worried about Knuckles as well, it wasn't healthy for someone to be alone for that long.

Shadow knew that first-hand.

Shadow approached Angel Island, using his Chaos Powers to teleport himself onto the floating island. Shadow ran around for a bit, looking for Knuckles, Shadow checked on The Master Emerald, it was unguarded which meant Knuckles was somewhere else on the island. The sound of loud repeated cracking and loud angry grunts coming from the west got Shadow's attention, Shadow rushed towards the noise, using the full power of his rocket shoes to search the area as quickly as possible in case Knuckles was in danger.

Shadow found Knuckles facing a mountainside, Knuckles was punching into the mountainside over and over again, occasionally letting out an angry grunt as he landed his punch. Knuckles had been punching the cliffside for so long that a large dent had formed in the mountainside with cracks spreading out all around the dent and Shadow could see small red marks, likely bruises on Knuckles hands from punching for so long.

"Knuckles." Shadow called out calmly Knuckles turned around, keeping one hand against the mountainside while letting the other hand drop to his side, Knuckles turned his head to look at eyes with Shadow, Ruby red eyes locking with amethyst purple ones. "You...what do you want Shadow?" Knuckles asked, his voice weak and feeble. "Rouge is concerned about you and so am I." "You haven't left the island in a while." Shadow said, "I'm fine, go away." Knuckles growled at the black and red hedgehog, turning his head back to the mountainside and started to punch the rock face again, this time with a lot more aggression than before. "Knuckles, you're clearly in intense emotional distress which is completely normal given the circumstances." Shadow got closer to Knuckles, putting a hand on the center of the red echidna's back. "Knuckles you did everything you could, it's not your-" Knuckles suddenly turned on Shadow, grabbed the ultimate lifeform by the arm and throwing him away, Shadow landed several yards away from where he was originally standing, landing harshly on his back.

Shadow groaned softly as he pulled himself to his feet, rubbing his back that was sore from the harsh landing to see Knuckles walking towards him, tears clouding his eyes and streaming down his face with his fights clenched into tight fists. "IT IS MY FAULT DAMMIT!!" Knuckles bellowed, his voice filled with rage and dispair, "I COULD'VE SAVED HIM BUT I COULDN'T AND THAT'S ON ME!!" Knuckles practically screamed, Shadow started to back away from Knuckles but wasn't fast enough as Knuckles grabbed Shadow by the throat and slammed the ultimate lifeform against a nearby tree, the tree cracking and splitting from the force of the slam. "Unless...what did you do?" "Did you rat Sonic out to your precious G.U.N?!" "Huh?!" "Are you the reason Sonic's gone?!" Knuckles was practically screaming into Shadow's face, his hand squeezing Shadows throat with enough force to easily choke him into unconsciousness. "TELL ME YOU STRIPPED BASTARD!!" Knuckles yelled, Shadow struggled to breathe, let alone form sentences but he knew that fighting Knuckles would only wind him up more, he had to try talking.

"Kn-Knuckles...I assure and G.U.N did nothing wrong...j-just because me and Sonic...didn't get along before d-doesnt mean I wanted this to happen..." "Stop this and come to your senses...please..." Shadow managed to croak out, desperately trying to wrench Knuckles hand away from his throat. Knuckles stopped for a few seconds, his eyes widening as he realized what he had done, Knuckles quickly released Shadow, his body shaking as he covered his mouth with his hands. Shadow slumped down to the ground, rubbing his sore and visibly red throat with his hands as he coughed and gasped for air, Knuckles backed away from Shadow, horrified by his actions.

Shadow slowly got to his feet, walking towards Shadow slowly, Knuckles was shaking and putting his hands out in an attempt to keep Shadow away from him. "S-s-s-Shadow I'm s-sorry..." "I didn't mean to, I just got mad..." "Please...please don't-" Knuckles was cut off by Shadow hugging him, Knuckles hugged Shadow back, softly crying into the ultimate lifeforms shoulder. "'s alright echidna." "It's alright..." Shadow whispered, rubbing Knuckles back in a gentle soothing motion. "Let's leave the island for a few hours and get your hands patched up." "You need the fresh air." Shadow muttered, Knuckles could only nod through sobs.

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