Part 3

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Sonic groaned softly, his eyes blinking open slowly, waking up in an unfamiliar place. His body was covered up by something big, long and soft. It took him a few seconds to register that he was laying down on a warm bed, covered up by a fuzzy blanket. His body felt sluggish and his mind was tired, Sonic tried to move his right arm but only a bandaged stump wiggled around aimlessly, he was still missing an arm. Sonic noticed that his left arm was hooked up to what looked like an IV drip, putting something into his body.

Being careful of the IV drip, Sonic managed to use his legs to push himself upwards until he was sitting in an upright position. The blue blur looked around, he was in a well lit, well kept bedroom that looked like the walls and floor were made out of high tech metal, even the bed itself seemed a little high-tech. Sonic tried to speak but only a strained whimper came out of his throat, his throat was sore and his tongue felt like it was disconnected from his brain, flopping around uselessly in his mouth. The only reason he was here and not somewhere at the bottom of the ocean was because of The Deadly Six...wait where were The Deadly Six? Where was he? Sonic didn't have a answer to either of this questions and the anxiety from that was starting to surface, gnawing away at the back of his mind. Master Zik said they wouldn't take him back to Earth and this place didn't look like a normal hospital or a prison, so where was he?

The sound of footsteps coming closer and closer to the door that separated his little bedroom and the rest of wherever he was made Sonic jump, he wasn't sure what this place was, but he couldn't assume it was friendly. The door opened to reveal Metal Sonic, the robotic copy visibly jumped and backed up a few feet in shock, not expecting Sonic to be awake, before slowly coming closer to inspect the hedgehog in his state.

"Heey...M-M-Metalllllheeead..." Sonic tried to speak but the words came out in a jumbled, slurred mess. Metal Sonic stood in confused silence for a few seconds before talking: "Hello Sonic." "Good to see your awake and alert, how do you feel?" Metal Sonic said, Sonic didn't want to risk another embarrassment so he just gave a "so-so" hand signal. Metal Sonic came closer to Sonic and gently took ahold of his left wrist, scanning the IV drip immbedded in his arm before letting go of his wrist and starting to fiddle with the IV bag dripping stuff into his arm. " there?" Sonic slurred again, Metal paused what he was doing for a second to answer. "Nutrients." "Water." "It'll help with your recovery process and will also help the sorry state you're in physically." "You've seen better days." Metal Sonic replied, before taking the IV bag down off the pole it was hanging from and then carefully took the IV drip out of Sonic's arm and put a band-aid over where the IV drip was once sticking into his arm. "This bags empty, I'll inform the doctor of your awakening and order some food for you." "Do you like curry?" The robot asked, Sonic nodded, curry was his second favorite food, second only to chilldogs, of course. Metal Sonic then swiftly left the room, leaving Sonic to his own devices.

"So...I'm in Eggman's base, but why would Eggman of all people help me?" "Maybe the Zeti's scared him into helping, wish I could've seen that." Sonic thought, The drowsiness in his mind and body still lingered but was slowly starting to fade away. But the sleepiness was being replaced by something new, something that had become all too familiar to him from the last 4-5 months. Hunger. Bottomless, insatiable hunger. As if on cue, Sonic's stomach let out a loud growl, demanding food. Out of curiosity, Sonic dragged a hand down his chest, To Sonic's suprise, he could feel all of his top ribs, Sonic knew he hadn't been eating the best ever since the humans captured him, but wow. "This explains the waves of pain in my stomach that make it hard to sleep." "I must look like even more then a burden then I thought..." Sonic thought gloomily, his thoughts suddenly cut off by the door to his room opening, Eggman and Metal Sonic entered the room, Metal Sonic was holding a tray with a bowl of curry and a spoon, a glass of water with a straw and an IV bag full of something.

Sonic's mouth started to water at just the sight of actual good food, when the humans took him hostage all Sonic would eat was the scraps and leftovers from the guards, when there was any. Eggman pressed a few buttons on the wall of the room, causing a table to appear in front of Sonic, Eggman then took the tray from Metal Sonic and put the tray on the table. The tray was only on the table for a few seconds before Sonic started to wolf down the food, using his remaining arm to feed himself, it worked out surprisingly well. Once Sonic was done with the food he practically inhaled the water. "Er, be careful Sonic, don't choke-" Eggman started to say before Sonic started to choke and sputter, coughing loudly as water went down the wrong way in his throat from drinking too much water too fast. Sonic felt a hand patting his back, "Keep coughing Sonic." "If you can cough, you can breathe." Eggman's voice rang out behind him, what he assumed was Eggman's hand kept patting his back until Sonic was able to stop coughing, "You couldn't have said that earlier?" Sonic grumbled sarcastically towards Eggman, the slur in his voice gone as his tongue and brain had finally recalibrated. "Well, I tried to but I was unfortunately too late." Eggman retorted in a snarky tone of voice.

Eggman put a hand on Sonic's shoulder for a few seconds before removing his hand, Sonic slightly squirmed in Eggman's gentle grip, he didn't like being touched all that much ever since being exposed to The Presidents "hospitality". "Okay hedgehog, I'm sure you have questions and I'll answer them as best I can." "If your wondering where you are, your on my Emperor Egg-Ship, you've been out for a couple of hours." Eggman said, Sonic nodded in understanding, absorbing the information he was being told. While Eggman was explaining Sonic's situation, Metal Sonic set up an IV bag, sticking the needle end in Sonic's wrist and hooking the bag end up to the stand. "The Deadly Six found you stranded in the middle of the ocean in The Lost Hex after they saw a bright light come out of the ocean, said you almost drowned." "They found you and brought you to me." "Said that if anybody would know how to fix you, I'd be me." Eggman explained, "Okay...I get it now." "Wait...The Deadly Six?" "Are they here right now?" Sonic asked, both Metal Sonic and Eggman becoming visibly nervous at the mention of The Deadly Six.

"Yeah, there here alright, they wanted to make sure we didn't try anything shady..." "Their in the lobby right now." Metal Sonic wearily answered, clearly uneasy with sharing a space with The Deadly Six, Sonic couldn't really blame Metal Sonic for being uncomfortable with The Deadly Six's presence, Zavok and his crew had no problem mind-controlling Metal Sonic and the other robots in the past. "If we're on an Egg-Ship, then where are we going Egghead?" Sonic asked, "We're going to Green Hill Zone, where all your friends are, it'll take at least two weeks to get there." "Lots of time for you to rest and recover." Eggman said, Sonic perked up at the mention of Green Hill and his friends, they must be so worried about him and Sonic couldn't wait to see his friends again, he missed them so much!

Sonic let out a long yawn, rubbing his eyes as he felt an invisible blanket of sleepiness fall over him. Eggman snickered softly, taking the tray and putting the table away, "I'll let you rest, hedgehog and I'll also inform The Deadly Six of your condition." Eggman said as he and Metal Sonic left the room, Metal Sonic turned off the light to the room and shutting the door on the way out, bathing the room in darkness. Sonic laid back down curled up in the bed, pulling the blanket over himself and fell into a dreamless sleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.

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