Part 7

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Sonic POV:

The Emperor Egg-Ship landed in a grassy field in Green Hill Zone, Eggman and Metal Sonic disborded the airship first. Sonic disborded after them, Eggman was in his Eggmoblie while Metal Sonic and Sonic were on the ground. "How long should it take us to find your friend's house?" Metal Sonic asked his organic counterpart. "It shouldn't take too long, about 10-20 minutes." Sonic said, stretching his legs, "It feels good to be back home, I hope Tails didn't worry about me too much while I was gone." Sonic said, "Alright, the Eggmoblie is ready, let's move out." Eggman stated and the trio started to make their way through Green Hill Zone, following Sonic as their guide through the zone.

The trio made their way through Green Hill Zone for about 15 minutes before they arrived at Tails cottage, "Stay back you two, I'll take things from here." "I don't want you guys getting hurt." Sonic warned Eggman and Metal Sonic, Eggman and Metal Sonic listened to Sonic and stayed back, Sonic knew the most about his friends so it was wise to listen to him.

Sonic walked up to the door of the cottage, took a deep breath, and after a few seconds of hesitation he knocked on the door. There was the sound of footsteps from inside the house for a few seconds before the door opened, "Rouge I'm not letting you use my bathroom again-" Tails stopped midsentence as soon as he saw Sonic standing in the doorway, Tails took a good long look and the blue hedgehog, looking him over thoroughly. Sonic couldn't blame him, he was scarred to kingdom come, missing an arm and had dark bags under his eyes.

"Hey little bro...sorry I was gone for so long..." Sonic's voice and body was shaking as he extended his arm out in a hugging position, Tails body started to tremble as tears welled up in his eyes "Sonic?..." Tails asked shakily, tears streaming down his face, Sonic nodded with tears streaming down his face as well. Tails threw himself into Sonic, sobbing as he wrapped his arms around Sonic, Sonic hugged Tails tightly, he was so happy to have his little brother back and Tails was so happy to have his best friend back, both Sonic and Tails dropped to their knees and hugged right there on Tails porch.

After a few minutes, Tails released Sonic from the hug, "Hey Tails... there's something I need to tell you." "I-Uh...I didnt get better on my own, I had some help." "I can show you who helped me, but only if your okay with it." Sonic said "Yeah, you can show me." Tails said, Sonic motioned for Eggman and Metal Sonic to come out their hiding spots, Tails immediately got ready to fight upon seeing Eggman and Metal Sonic but Sonic immediately put himself in between Tails and the two villains.

"TAILS WAIT!" "They helped me get better, they aren't a threat!" Sonic shouted, Tails hesitated for a few seconds before relenting. "Okay..." The two tailed fox grumbled, "I'll call everybody and let them know your okay." Tails said to Sonic before turning his attention to Eggman and Metal Sonic, "You guys can come in if you want." "You did help Sonic after all..."

*10 minutes later*

Tails had called pretty much everybody he knew to let them know that Sonic was okay, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow and Rouge were all having a reunion at Tails cottage. Amy was hugging Sonic, crying happy tears into his chest as she hugged him, Knuckles was asking a million questions to Tails who could barely keep up with them all, while Shadow and Rouge were discussing a possible culprit for who would want Sonic to suffer so much. "Sonic I'm so happy your okay!" Amy cried out, "I'm happy to see you too Ames." "I missed you all so much!" Sonic said.

Shadow stepped forward, clearing his throat before speaking, a look of sadness and worry clear on his face. "Sonic, I can't imagine what you've gone through and I'm sure that all you want is to forget but if we have any chance of making sure the people who did this to you face justice, I need you to give us as much information as possible about your captors." "If that's okay with you." Shadow asked nervously, Sonic was surprised that Shadow was calling him by his name instead of "Faker", it showed that Shadow really did have a heart under his tough exterior. Sonic gulped nervously, he wanted to forget so badly but he also wanted to see the sickos who caused him so much pain brought to justice, so he took a deep breath and started to talk.

"Well, The President messaged me through his personal communication line and told me he needed me to meet up with a few agents of his, i figured it was legitimate and safe so I did what he said." "I met up outside of an office building late at night with two humans, the President was there with me and introduced me to them, he said they were special agents that worked for the government." " The agents had badges and everything, i had no reason to doubt them." "Me and the two agents got into a dark purple limousine and they started to drive with me in the backseat...after a few minutes I realized that we were going in the wrong direction, away from the White House."

"I asked them what was going on but all the windows blacked out and I couldn't get the doors unlocked, a weird smelling gas started to fill the backseat, I passed out after that and...woke up in a cell, in some kind of huge prison." "I stayed there for what felt like forever, only being dragged out by guards for food, showers or so they could... interrogate me and beat the shit out of me...they even made a fucked up game out of who could cause me the most pain..."

Sonic started to tear up, bad memories rushing over him like waves at a beach. Amy and Knuckles hugged him tightly, Shadow nodded solemnly before exchanging a worried gaze with Rouge, who was the next to speak. "Sonic, what did these humans agents who were in the car with you look like?" "We're there any sort of logos or symbols on their car or suits?" "Any bit of information helps hun, but don't force yourself if it's too painful..." Rouge asked in a gentle tone of voice, Sonic pushed down tears and cleared his throat to talk. He had to do this, he had to if he wanted to see his tormentors face punishment.

"Both humans were white and male, about late 20s early 30s, they were both wearing grey suits with a...a bright blue A logo with an X in front the A, it was printed into the top shoulder side of the suit, far left I think." "One of the humans was tall, about 6 foot with slicked back dirty blonde hair and a big lightning shaped scar on his right temple." "The second human was shorter then the first one, probably 5 foot with thick square glasses and jet black hair pulled into a long ponytail, the second guys nose looked like it had broken a long time ago and his hands were covered in Band-Aids, like he got into fights alot." Sonic explained, "Did they tell you there names hun?" Rouge asked, Sonic shook his head no, "They just called themselves Agents 1 and 2." Sonic said, fighting back tears once again from the painful memories.

Rouge nodded, she looked over to see Shadow taking notes on a notepad. He finished writing down the last of his notes before looking up at Sonic, "Thank you Sonic." "Your cooperation is appreciated and valued." "Good luck." Shadow said before he and Rouge left the room to go outside into the backyard of Tails cottage. "So what are your thoughts?" "Ether of those people ring a bell?" Shadow asked Rouge, Rouge rubbed her chin in thought, the black and red hedgehog could practically see the gears turning in the jewel loving bat's head.

"The logo Sonic described seems familiar but I can't put my finger on it." "I'll have to look through G.U.Ns files to see if the logo or the description of the two men pops up." Rouge said, "I'll get a general to put a search team together to look for a purple limousine or the two humans described." Shadow replied,

"Mind if I pitch in my two cents?"

A voice from the back door caught both Shadow and Rouges attention, both turned to see Eggman standing in the doorway with Metal Sonic looming behind him. "I'd be more than happy to assist in the search for these criminals, if it's fine by G.U.N and you two." "I might be a villain, but even I have standards and what happened to Sonic was too far." Eggman said, "And I can easily command an army of Swatbots to help with the search." Metal Sonic piped up from behind Eggman, "I'll have to run it by our supervisors but if everything checks out, I'm happy to have you on the team doctor." Rouge explained, Eggman and Metal Sonic nodded in understanding. Hopefully some answers will be revealed with the four of them working together.

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